Advantages of analytical listening

Analytical listening and critical listening are both crucial to a musician's development and growth. Without them, you can lag behind in composing your lyrics and creating your tracks. Therefore, as a musician or artist, you're encouraged to acquire these skills, so you can apply them in producing songs.

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What is analytical listening?

Analytical listening is the process of listening to a song and deriving the meaning of the sounds, the lyrics, the message of the song, the mood in which the song is projected, and the delivery of the song.

How did the song make you feel? What emotions did the song elicit from you? Did you feel sad or happy? Were you drawn to tears or did the song bring a smile to your lips? These are questions you can ask yourself, after listening closely to the song.

You may want to use an earphone to listen, so you can catch even the softest of sounds.

Observe the different lyrics and mood the song projected. You can now use this knowledge to create your own songs, considering the mood or emotions you want to draw out from your listeners.

You could also use this information when singing and performing on stage or off stage too. With this method, you can properly convey the meaning of your song.

What can you do to improve your Analytical Listening?

Some people are born with the knack of picking up the little details of songs/music even while paying little attention. However, if you are not one of those people, there are certain things that you can do to improve your analytical listening.

Exercise 1:

Take your smartphone or laptop, sit down at a noise-free place and open up your favourite song on YouTube. It can be any song, from a Beatles hit to an emotional Ed Sheeran song. Listen to that song and write down everything that you feel. Moreover, it should be everything, from the emotions to the flow of the songs to the beat to the ambience on the drums if they are played in a small room or a big hall. Notice if the bass player is playing with their fingers or a pick. Try to figure out how many guitar parts are included. Listen to the lyrics and try to imagine what the singer is trying to convey. Feel their vocal performance. Believe what the artist is singing about and imagine yourself in their shoes.

There are several details that you can look for, but here were some details to get you going. The crux of the matter is to try and listen everything going on with the song. One of the most effective ways to listen down to the song would be to concentrate on one particular instrument, such as only listening to the drums or the bass part throughout the song. Try to get into the groove and vibe. Do this for every instrument and every part that you hear.

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Exercise 2:

Here is another great exercise that encompasses a lot from the previous exercise except it takes a bit more time. When was the last time you listened to an entire playlist or an album of a specific artist on YouTube or spotify or any other similar platform? 10-15 years back, when YouTube wasn't a mainstream platform, CDs were the biggest sources of music and entertainment. You had an album of your favourite artist and all of their songs would be on one CD. But with the rise in technology and all the artists distributing their music online, there are too many choices. So your YouTube experience can be like one song of Michael Jackson, then the next song gets played to Nirvana, then the next could be Coldplay. This way, you don't get the proper feel of one specific genre.

However, you can change all that by listening to a specific artist's album and it wouldn't take you more than an hour or two for this exercise.

The key to this exercise would be to listen to their album from the beginning to the end. When an artist or a band puts together an album, they think long and hard about the vibes, the flow, and how each song relates to other songs. Think of this activity as watching a movie but you cannot see the movie. Find a quiet place, sit back, put in your earphones and listen to their album from the 1st track to the last. Write down how you feel during and after the exercise. Did you feel like you were on a journey? Mention your favourite songs of that album and everything that you liked about those songs.

What is Critical Listening?

On the other hand, critical listening zeroes in on the recording, physical details, dynamic range, and the blending of the various instruments played in the song. It deals more with the technical aspect of the sounds.

In this type of listening process, you have to analyze how the sound frequencies of another instrument blend in with another. This is because you can properly adjust each the musical frequency of all the instruments, or of one instrument.

An example is to know when to play the bass guitar and the lead guitar in frequencies that don't clash with each other. Thus, the sounds would synchronize with each other. You can play the bass guitar from 60 to 250 Hz, and the guitar from 80 Hz to 1,200 Hz.

Also, observe the sounds produced by each instrument. How does each sound contribute to the meaning and overall impression of the song? There must be a crucial reason why that musical instrument is included. You should also learn how the instruments are played and how they come in, during the musical piece.

Through analytical listening, you could learn what musical instruments can complement each other, what tones of musical instruments can blend harmoniously, and the importance of acoustic designing.

Having this information before you, would enhance your audio making and music producing skills. You will soon acquire the expertise to listen once to a song and know what goes on with it.

What can you do to improve your Critical Listening?

While analytical listening was more concerned with the vibes, feel, and the meaning behind the song, critical listening deals with the physical details of the song. Here is a great exercise to help you improve your critical listening skills.

The song that you're going to use in this exercise is the superhit Michael Jackson song, Billie Jean. It is available on YouTube, Spotify, Soundcloud, and almost every major similar platform. Sit down at a quiet, noise-free place, put on your earphones and start listening to Billie Jean.

Step 1: Listen for balance

Try to pick out the different instruments that are being used and take notes of what those instruments are doing individually. This shouldn't be difficult in most songs. Point out which instruments do you notice the most. Point out the instruments that you can only notice when listening carefully. In Billie Jean, the percussion and bass are very prominent while the vocals are clear and the focal point of the song.

Step 2: Pay attention to the frequency range in use

Listen carefully for low, high, low-mid, and high-mid frequencies. How much portion of the song is in that range? Is there too much portion in a particular range?

In Billie Jean, the synth fills the mids subtly in the verse while thickening along with some additional vocals and guitars in the chorus. The highs have backing vocals, some percussion, and the higher overtones of the synth.

Step 3: Check for Panorama

Picture where each instrument seems to be coming from, left to right. To do so efficiently and easily, take a piece of paper and draw a line. Make a tick for where each instrument you think seems to be. In Billie Jean's tune, the synths, the percussion, and backing vocals take full advantage of the stereo field.

Step 4: Listen for dimensions

This is probably the hardest part of this exercise. Close your eyes and image yourself watching this song being performed on stage. Which instruments do you feel closer and which feel farther away?

In Billie Jean, you can feel the bass and kick feel up front while the snare and other percussions are farther back.

Step 5: Observe the dynamic changes, if any

Take note of all the changes in the song. The most obvious changes in Billie Jean are the energetic choruses that contrast nicely with the reserved verses.

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Step 6: Take note of the portion where your interest goes

Pay close attention to the portion that is holding your interest. Taking notes would help a lot. In Billie Jean, the interest is garnered by the exciting interplay between the guitar, the synth, and the additional vocal tracks that each take their turn as the focal point of the song.

In summary, here are the benefits of analytical and critical listening in music.

Benefits of Analytical and Critical Listening

  1. It would develop your skills in audio music production.
  2. You would learn what musical instruments to include in a song.
  3. You can arrange songs based on the emotion that you want to evoke from the audience.
  4. You grow in your audio listening skills and become a better all-around musician.
  5. If you're a performer, you would learn how to temper your voice and tone to transmit to your audience the message of your song. It would also improve your performance of the song because you will learn how to deliver the song smoothly.
  6. Helps you develop keen attention to detail.
  7. Improves your accuracy and precision when you're in the midst of producing the song.
  8. Improves your critical thinking and helps you come up with thoughtful decisions to come out of tricky situations.
  9. Helps you in the decision-making process as you can efficiently choose the right path towards a catchy song.
  10. You get a better understanding of what is trending and what people want to hear. This way you can alter your genre to meet the current music trends.

Tips on Analytical and Critical Listening

  • Listen to the song as many times as you want. Most probably, you won't be able to listen to all of the specific sounds the first time you do. So, you can listen to the musical piece as many times as you can until you can analyze the song properly.
  • Do critical listening first before analytical. The order in which you do them doesn't really matter, but listening to the musical instruments first is preferred by many musicians. By doing this, you know what goes on in the background track before you listen to the vocals. But you can follow whatever preferences you have.
  • Listen to one song at a time. Do one song first and listen to it carefully. Focus on that song only. There's no use listening to several songs and not being able to do it properly.
  • Feel free to experiment with a variety of digital sounds to enhance your music. Avoid using the same instrument - over and over - unless necessary. Explore other classical instruments or alternative ensembles to bring out your creativity.
  • Make use of online apps to optimize your song. There are thousands of digital instruments online that you can use to improve your background track and audio quality.
  • Share your output with a colleague and find out his/her output too. Do you agree on certain points? Naturally, individual preferences would exist, but as musicians, there would surely be some points in which you agree on. Compare your notes and learn from each other.
  • Practice your audio listening skills every day. As the cliché goes: "Practice makes perfect". Hence, you have to practice daily to improve your over-all musical skills. Your diligence would lead you to success. At first, you may not be able to do it easily, but with practice, you can quickly perform the procedure.

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If you haven't tried analytical and critical listening, try it now, and be exposed to a whole new world of music and magical edits. You might be wondering how you were able to go through music without knowing how to listen and analyze your songs.

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However, you may have been listening previously, only, you were not aware of it. This time, make a conscious effort to do both analytical and critical listening.

It's not too late. Enrich your musical skills and know-how by learning about these basic facts about musical instruments, song arrangement, vocals, lyrics and acoustic designs, and you're well on your way of being at par with the most-skilled musicians in your field.

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