Afk arena SI tier list Reddit 2022

I can't seem to find anything that includes the new heros. I kept waffling on who I want to work on. Help appreciated!

Endgame Tierlist by Xapy from afkarena
Late/Endgame Campaign Tierlist [Updated] from afkarena
Endgame Campaign Tierlist from afkarena
Signature Item priority : anything particularly egregious here? from afkarena

Here's an update of tier list in Mar 2021. It has been just 2 months since my previous guide came out and the meta has changed quite abit. In end game, it is clear that infinite chain stunning becomes the dominant strategy to progress in end game. You can't lose if they can't hit you. 2 new meta comps have risen, namely with the core of [oden + pippa / oden + daimon + mehira + rowan - 6x combat deficit] and emerging ultra combo [skirath SI30 + queen = infinite team stun]


raised Skirath priority - hard requirement to get the combo going

raise oden SI30 priority - SI20 is enough to get going, but SI30 significantly raise his dps

raised grezhul SI30 priority

raise pippa SI30 above silas

lowered talene SI priority since no endgame teams use her as a core

lowered ferael as his SI30 takes too long to stack fully and the battle is over

lowered gwen as she falls off in chapter 35

lowered pippa SI priority due to mistaking her SI30 with her 9 furniture effect

Lowered skirath SI below daimon upon more feedback

This is for beginner players all the way to chapter 34, which includes 95% of the players asking nowadays who are f2p or small dolphins. Normal SI30 tier list only consider the strength of the SI which includes many celepogeans. Beginner players may not know the priority of which character to raise first and therefore the numerous posts daily on who to SI30 next. Follow this priority list and you won't be wrong. Important to note that this is only for SI30, if I did not mention probably they are good enough at SI20

Rowan [Must: Best SI in the game]

If you have Ainz & Albedo: Albedo first then Ainz, If not skip

Eironn or Daimon [Your main carry, depending on which team you run in the beginning. You can choose to raise over rowan if you are unlucky in getting rowan to mythic. If you are building Ainz then skip this because ainz will be your main carry till chapter 31]

Saurus [unless you have a very good friend who lends you every week, but everyone should have their own saurus for pushing TR scores]

If you have ascended Lucretia, SI30 her

If you wanna run Thoran cheese [highly efficient but if you are not a fan of high RNG battles then skip]

Raku - crazy stupid damage in his normal attacks once you hit SI30

Eironn for 5pull team [if you SI30 daimon earlier]

Daimon - required so your daimon team can catch up to the other teams

Oden [truly powerful - mainly because oden has been rising in the meta ever since both his SI and furniture are reworked]

Izold - Hard requirement SI30 and 3F, but end game you realise 3Furniture is not enough need 9F].

Skirath - infinite team chain stun with queen. SI 30 is hard requirement, if you don't have queen skip

Arthur [ideally, through the lab store]

This is for the 95% of new players who are asking. I've been playing for a year and I'm only at step 5. So congrats if you have completed all the above heroes SI30. Of course if you have ascended some Celepogean they will take priority over 4F characters above after Saurus.

Alna [enable invulnerability to trigger again, stupid strong] must SI30 if you ascended her

Mehira [found a new home paired with oden and rowan for infinite chain stun and charm]

Khazard [for the 7x combat power PVE Khazard wilders team]

Talene [Fantastic SI makes talene become a DPS. But given that people usually break up god team in late game. Her SI30 priority decreased]

By now you already at least reached chapter 34, other worthwhile SI30 characters with no priority and situational. Depending on what team you've decided to run and you are feeling rich. I won't mention celepogeans because if you can afford to ascend them probably you can afford to take them to SI30 as well.

Grezhul [If you want top 50 guilds to recruit you during AE, remember your grezhul must come with 9 furniture too. Late game Grezhul is rising as a good pairing in daimon comp.]

Silas [for team wide amplify damage]

Tidus [makes the eironn 5 pull team able to win stages with over 4 times combat power]

Ferael [SI30 is awesome but not wont suddenly be game changing]

Skreg [for people who wants to show off their mauler tower rank, or for multistages using the skreg invade team]

Additional Section for [+25 is enough]

Gwen [25 is fine and sadly she drops off in chapter 35]

Tasi [for somone who loves faries]


If I missed out any important heroes please let me know and I'll add it in. But this priority list should be enough for 95% of players. Just send them this link if any of them ask in forums again.

New Predictive Campaign SI Tierlist by Linker from afkarena


It has been a while since I last saw a SI tier list circulate around, with a lot of new heroes released in the meanwhile. And so I thought I would give it a shot and make my own. My very first one. You are more than welcome to give your two cents' on anything you might agree or disagree on. I also hope that this will push other, more experienced players, to post one of their own tier list [as some have done in the past].


This is solely taking into consideration the +30 level Signature Item of heroes. The heroes that belong in the same bracket are NOT raked in any order, other than their faction. I am currently on chapter 38 and do not have all the heroes built, so some of the information used while making the tier list is from looking up videos and other posts on the specific heroes, formations and what those heroes bring to the team and just general public consensus. The list is targeted towards the "very late" to "end game" part of the campaign while also considering PVP and different boss modes.

Thank you for your time and I hope this somewhat helps those in need.

Sig Items Tier list from afkarena

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