Ajax popup view add and update data using php mysql

So I have been trying to fix this for hours. any help would be appreciated Homepage- index.php



     CRUD Server 

Responsive CRUD

Customer Order Management

Product Name Product Weight Product Quantity Product Price Edit View Details
" class="btn btn-info edit_data" /> " class="btn btn-success view_data" />



' . $message . '';  
$select_query = "SELECT * FROM orders ORDER BY id DESC";  
$result = mysqli_query($connect, $select_query);  
$output .= '  
while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result))  
$output .= '  
$output .= '
Customer Name Customer Address Customer Mobile Payment Method Order Status Edit View
'; } echo $output; } ?>


while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result)) {
$output .= '  
$output .= '  
' . $row["pname"] . '
' . $row["pweight"] . '
' . $row["pqty"] . '
' . $row["pprice"] . '
'; echo $output; } ?>

There are two tables named orders and ordersdata and both have oid as common column. Both are in same database called www. When I click on Edit button ajax popup should show but it isn't. Now i am taking oid from edit and id from view. Insert page is called for edit_data which i have passed order_oid and for view_data i have passed order_id. Help would highly appreciated Thank you.