ammonia là gì - Nghĩa của từ ammonia

ammonia có nghĩa là

a chemical used by farmers especially in the American midwest as a fertlizer do to its high nitrogen content, it is also a precursor in the manufacture of methamphetamine

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Anhydrous ammonia is a very dangerous chemical, it absorbs water and will literally suck the moisture out of someones body causing severe burns to skin and eyes. Inhalation of anhydrous ammonia vapors can be lethal. I heard about someone running a meth lab that spilled anhydrous ammonia on their crotch and ended up losing their dick!

ammonia có nghĩa là

A liquid used in cleaning products.

Glass cleaner is an example.

Ví dụ

Anhydrous ammonia is a very dangerous chemical, it absorbs water and will literally suck the moisture out of someones body causing severe burns to skin and eyes. Inhalation of anhydrous ammonia vapors can be lethal. I heard about someone running a meth lab that spilled anhydrous ammonia on their crotch and ended up losing their dick!

ammonia có nghĩa là

A liquid used in cleaning products.

Ví dụ

Anhydrous ammonia is a very dangerous chemical, it absorbs water and will literally suck the moisture out of someones body causing severe burns to skin and eyes. Inhalation of anhydrous ammonia vapors can be lethal. I heard about someone running a meth lab that spilled anhydrous ammonia on their crotch and ended up losing their dick!

ammonia có nghĩa là

A liquid used in cleaning products.

Ví dụ

Anhydrous ammonia is a very dangerous chemical, it absorbs water and will literally suck the moisture out of someones body causing severe burns to skin and eyes. Inhalation of anhydrous ammonia vapors can be lethal. I heard about someone running a meth lab that spilled anhydrous ammonia on their crotch and ended up losing their dick!

ammonia có nghĩa là

A liquid used in cleaning products.

Glass cleaner is an example.

Ví dụ

The ammonia hurt my eyes after the Windex was sprayed.

ammonia có nghĩa là

weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! lol gjd ammonia smells cool!!!!!!!!!11 Simply, the disease pneumonia as some people call it. {Dave}: Hey didjya hear? Carl didn't make it to school today because he's got the ammonia! A primary component in Marijuana.

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Also a cleaning product with a very low pH level and strong odor. When combined with a base and neutralized, creates Ammonia gas which has similar effects to Marijuana and Nitrous Oxide. I was cleaning up some puke with some ammonia.

ammonia có nghĩa là

1. Fast stream of urine.

Ví dụ

I was going to eat her out, but she had some serious begonia ammonia.

ammonia có nghĩa là

2. Wild stream of piss.

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3.The act of pissing on someone for humor or discipline. " 'My bitch is out of line!'

ammonia có nghĩa là

When your shit comes out of your ass as a liquid and saturated hot gas. The burning of above said shit is so bad it feels like someone just released ammonia into your butthole.

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'Dude, give her the Ammonia Blast'"

ammonia có nghĩa là

The stench of an unwashed vagina.

Ví dụ

I was going to eat her out, but she had some serious begonia ammonia.

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