BL3 tier list 2021

Looking through this thread, I feel Roland has got to be the most underrated class in the series. I feel like lots of people just take him at face value, or dont understand how the BL1 damage formula works. He is the proto-Jack - the most versatile class in BL1, with the tools to make any weapon work while being completely self-sufficient.

Roland has:

  • The best ammo regen in the franchise - and completely non-dependent on COMs. Supply Drop is insanely strong - and it regenerates EVERYTHING - bullets, rockets and grenades. And many of the strongest weapons in BL1 are really ammo hungry.
  • Greatest versatility in BL1 - only class that can make launchers, grenades and every gun type work and mitigate their weaknesses.
  • Heavy Gunner is the best COM in BL1, no contest. Commando is unmatched in terms of passive bossing DPS.
  • Top tier mobbing capability. Roland is probably the 2nd easiest class to mob with. Between Stat and Quick Charge, he is almost impossible to kill. Mordy and Brick are stronger DPS wise, but are much more squishy.
  • Top tier bossing capability. Rolands theoretical DPS may be much lower than Brick and Mordy - but his passive DPS is top tier - and that is far more important for the 2 bosses that actually matter - Knoxx and Craw. There is good reason why his Knoxx kill is the fastest among all the classes. And his Craw kill is as fast as anyone [except Brick, who is generally the poorest bossing class despite his DPS potential]

Alot of people call Roland bad Axton - but I feel thats an incorrect analysis. Roland is a great example of the class balance in BL1 - and how theoretical DPS isnt everything. Without the Fastball, Axton is easily outclassed by the other 5 classes. Roland can take Lilith on using a Double Anarchy [her best gun] and actually have competitive DPS.

Wish I would have read this list BEFORE playing BL2. I enjoyed playing Axton, but he seemed a bit difficult. Didnt know if it was just BL2 being much harder than TPS/BL3 or if it was my choice of VH. Or some combination of the above. I went back and actually played my Maya a bit. I started a zer0, but that VH bored me.

TPS - Jack is probably the most fun. A one point motivation skill that does nothing but motivates and scorns you. Whats not to love. Im going to say probably the most powerful. I you told me tomorrow I had to kill Eclipse and EOS or puppies would die, I would pick Jack.

Nisha - Pretty strong. I found her week to begin. Not as much fun as Jack, but almost as powerful.

Athena - Not as powerful as Nisha? a lot more diverse and fun than Nisha. Almost as fun as Jack. Making enemies bleed then finishing them off with Xiphos. One of my favorite things.

Claptrap - Cant stand him. Abandoned at level 9. Weird skills and the jokes get stale.

Aurelia - Pretty powerful. If you love sniping and cyro, and I do. Have her around level 54. Shes fun, but TPS is losing its appeal. Might finish Claptastic Voyage one more time with her. If youre a solo player one of her trees is a complete waste.

The VH with pets, boring. Didnt get past level 3.

BL3 In order of power and fun.

  1. Moze
  2. Amara
  3. Zane

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