Can i convert python code to matlab?

See this, or withsystem['python'];

This was the top result for my Google search:link

I have a Python can I convert it into matlab code or is there any option of executing the same using matlab

import cv2

from PIL import Image

import numpy as np

from glob import glob

import os

def main[]:

# path of the folder containing the raw images

inPath =["Z://Randomimages"]

# path of the folder that will contain the modified image

outPath =["Z:/normaltogray"]

for files in os.walk[inPath]:

for imagePath in os.listdir[inPath]:

if not imagePath.endswith[".jpg"]:

print["{} file is not an expected file".format[imagePath]]


inputPath = os.path.join[inPath, imagePath]

img = np.array[[inputPath]]

if imagePath.startswith['T1_E1']:

roi = img[1360:1470,850:2700]

elif imagePath.startswith['T1_E2']:

roi= img[1370:1450,920:2770]


fullOutPath = os.path.join[outPath,imagePath]





# Driver Function

if __name__ == '__main__':



This may help you. There are a number of ducoments and videos related to using MATLAB with Python.

def Lagrange[x, y, n, xx]:

sum = 0

for i in range[0, n + 1]:

product = y[i]

for j in range[0, n + 1]:

if [i != j]:

product = product * [xx - x[j]] / [x[i] - x[j]]

sum += product

return sum

def Trapezoidal[h, n, f]:

sum = f[0]

for i in range [1, n]:

sum = sum + 2 * f[i]

sum = sum + f[n]

ans = h * sum / 2

return ans

Is there way to convert this python code to matlab code?

it's too hard to me :[

how to convert python to matlab???

this is code what I want to convert.

from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split

import keras

from keras.models import Sequential

from keras.layers import Dense

import numpy as np


# number of wine classes

classifications = 3

# load dataset

dataset = np.loadtxt['wine.csv', delimiter=","]

# split dataset into sets for testing and training

X = dataset[:,1:14]

Y = dataset[:,0:1]

x_train, x_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split[X, Y, test_size=0.66, random_state=5]

# convert output values to one-hot

y_train = keras.utils.to_categorical[y_train-1, classifications]

y_test = keras.utils.to_categorical[y_test-1, classifications]

# creating model

model = Sequential[]

model.add[Dense[10, input_dim=13, activation='relu']]

model.add[Dense[8, activation='relu']]

model.add[Dense[6, activation='relu']]

model.add[Dense[6, activation='relu']]

model.add[Dense[4, activation='relu']]

model.add[Dense[2, activation='relu']]

model.add[Dense[classifications, activation='softmax']]

# compile and fit model

model.compile[loss="categorical_crossentropy", optimizer="adam", metrics=['accuracy']][x_train, y_train, batch_size=15, epochs=2500, validation_data=[x_test, y_test]]


Answers [2]

# Metamodel regression

X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = \

train_test_split[LDB1.iloc[:,:-1], LDB1["d"], test_size=0.4, random_state=42]

clf = make_pipeline[SplineTransformer[],

MLPRegressor[alpha=0.0001, hidden_layer_sizes = [20, 10], max_iter = 500000,

activation = 'relu', verbose = 'True', learning_rate_init=0.01]]

a =[X_train, y_train]

y_pred = clf.predict[X_test]


# plt.scatter[X_train[P]]

plt.scatter[X_test["P"], y_test.tolist[], label="Test values"]

plt.scatter[X_test["P"], y_pred, label="Predicted values"] # plot network output

plt.title["P vs d [Predicted and test values"]


For Deep Learning there are a few ways to import and export networks into MATLAB.

MATLAB has a direct Tensorflow Importer you could use to import the network:


For other frameworks, you can import and export via ONNX:


Deep Learning Product Manager, MathWorks

See Also


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How do I transfer data from Python to MATLAB?

Python data can be converted back into a MATLAB data type through type-conversion, e.g. char[myPyStr]. This function automates the identification of the Python data type and convert it to the appropriate MATLAB data type and vice versa.

Can MATLAB read Python?

Access to Python Variables prefix, MATLAB imports the entire module and can access all functions and classes of the Python code. However, when you execute Python code using the pyrun or pyrunfile functions, if you want to access Python data you must explicitly return Python objects to MATLAB using the outvars argument.

Can you use Python libraries in MATLAB?

You can access all standard Python® library content from MATLAB®. Likewise, you can use functionality in third-party or user-created modules. To call Python functionality directly from MATLAB, add the py. prefix to the name of the Python function that you want to call.

How do I connect Python to MATLAB?

Connect Python to Running MATLAB Session.
matlab.engine.shareEngine. Start Python at the operating system prompt. To connect to the shared MATLAB session, call matlab. engine. ... .
2.0. You can connect to a shared session by name. To find the name of a shared session, call matlab. engine. ... .
['MATLAB_13232',] matlab. engine..

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