Can i put the microwave on top of the fridge

I'm very short of kitchen space and ideally would like to put the microwave on the fridge. There's plenty of room on the top, so no worries about blocking air vents or anything like's mainly the weight of the microwave I'm concerned about, and whether there's any reason why it might be dangerous? The fridge seems pretty sturdy so I'm thinking it can take it...but I don't want to do anything hazardous.

Obviously I know I'd have to be careful getting things out of the microwave, but we don't use it that often really [mainly for porridge!]

and my husband is tall enough to do the honours!
so it's not like we're constantly getting hot liquids out.

Also, I wondered if there would be any problem having both appliances plugged into the same socket. It's a newish house [8 years old] with decent wiring so no old electrics to worry about.

A large kitchen is a luxury that not every one of us have; we have to make do with what we have for most of the time. To save some kitchen counter top space, some people put their microwave on top of their refrigerator. While technically you can do so, it is not ideal so we generally don’t recommend doing it at all. Here are the reasons why you shouldn’t:

1. Respect the refrigerator’s ventilation space

As we’ve stated before in our Refrigerator 101 series, you should put 50mm of ventilation space at the sides and the rear and 100mm at the top. This is to ensure that the heat generated during the refrigeration cycle can be dissipated away from the fridge.

If you put a microwave on top of your refrigerator, it effectively closes the ventilation space at the top.

Your microwave will end up catching and reflecting the heat back to the body of the fridge. This will throw the fridge’s thermostat out of whack, and you’ll end up with a harder working compressor, a higher electricity bill, and a fridge with a shorter lifespan.

FURTHER READING: Refrigerator 101: How Does A Refrigerator Work?

2. The microwave may not be able to reach the power outlet

“Oh, big deal. I can always use an extension cord, right?” Well, no.

Refrigerators pull in around 100W – 300W [sometimes more if it is a really big no frost model] depending on the make and model; microwaves pull in around 1,200W or more. This is more than most extension cords can take.

The both your refrigerator and microwave should have their own dedicated grounded electrical sockets. Using an extension cord for it can be a fire hazard.

3. It can spill hot food all over you

Refrigerators past 8.0 cu.ft. are built tall. It may not be ergonomic to place your microwave on top of that.

Not only will putting food in the microwave be an unintentional shoulder workout, pulling out the food will put you at severe risk of burns and scalding if you accidentally spill the hot food or liquid all over yourself.


We’ve given you reasons why you shouldn’t put a microwave on top of your refrigerator, but that didn’t solve your kitchen space woes.

Instead of leaving you hanging, we will propose some alternatives that may be ideal to your situation.

Microwave rack

You can buy a microwave rack so that you’ll have an additional level of space in the countertop to place your microwave and other kitchen stuff on to.

Kitchen Rack

If you’re lacking counter space but still have a lot of free floor space available, you should consider adding a kitchen rack to an additional storage space.

You can place your microwave here especially if it has an electrical outlet nearby.


To conclude, putting a microwave on top of the fridge is less than ideal. It is also adds another layer of risk in the house as it can burn the user, especially for the children and the elderly who have trouble reaching the microwave. Remember, safety before convenience!

Miguel Mores worked for 5 years as a member of the product management team for a home appliance company in the Philippines. He started 101appliance to answer the most common customer questions that he has encountered during his time in the industry. He now works in the digital marketing field and manages a small online bookstore on the side.

You can put a microwave on a fridge first consider the height of your fridge, microwave wattage, power connection and weight of the microwave is important. Large, heavy microwaves can cause a dent in the soft flexible metal top of the fridge and height can be a problem.

This article will explore what you should consider before putting your microwave on top of your fridge.

What to know before you find a home for your microwave.

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What to know before putting a microwave on a fridge

Here are the top things to consider before placing a microwave on top of your fridge.

1. Consider the height of your fridge

The most important consideration before you decide to put your microwave on your fridge is how high it will be. Placing your microwave so you have to lift hot bowls of food above your head is a bad idea.

It can be very difficult to safely move hot bowls of food above your eye level. Even using a small step can be a problem as you will need to carefully maneuver yourself up and down holding the food. Both are a bad idea so a lower option for your microwave certainly better.

Check out this video for some different microwave location options.

This can work if you are placing your microwave on top of a bar fridge. The fridge is lower so you won’t be lifting the bowl of hot food dangerously above your head. but a regular sized fridge can be around 6 foot and therefore above most people’s eye level.

Make it easier to reach your microwave by using a microwave cart.

Check out the range on Amazon below

2. Make sure you have enough plugs

Connecting a fridge and a microwave together in the same power outlet can be a problem as they will have to share the outlet. If they have their own outlet this can be fine because they won’t fight for wattage. Fridges turn on and off and microwaves draw a lot of power so sharing a point can cause problems.

3. Think about the weight of the microwave

Huge, heavy microwaves can be a problem when placed on the top of fridges. Fridges can have a thin metal top which can be pushed down when a heavy microwave is placed on top.

Microwaves of the 80’s and 90’s were made tough but were also large, heavy machines. These will be difficult to lift on top of the fridge in the first place because they are large and awkward but might cause a dent in the top of your fridge on the long run.

4. Consider ventilation

Ventilation around the microwave and the fridge is really important. If you have a fridge that is tightly packed into a small space adding a microwave on top can reduce the air circulation.

Both the fridge and the microwave perform best when there is room for air ventilation around them. The fridge will release heat which relies on air movement to disperse and remove it from the area. Placing a microwave on top of the fridge can stop the air from moving well and can stop the fridge from cooling as well.

5. Make sure you can see the controls

The other problem with placing a microwave on top of the fridge is your ability to clearly see the controls, time and checking the food. Peeking in and looking at the top of the food is a good way to see if it looks hot enough, if stem is coming off or if it is making a mess in your microwave.

To make it easy for everyone to use, a microwave lower down will make it easier to figure out what you are pressing.

6. Microwaves will be more difficult to clean

Microwaves that are placed up high are also more difficult to clean. Looking inside to see where food has escaped and splashed all over your microwave is an important step to keep it food safe.

Food that has splashed around can bake on even hotter as the microwave is used again. A microwave that is easy to look into will make it easier to regularly clean and reach all of the areas where food can get stuck.

Getting a microwave without a turntable is a great way to make it easier for you to clean. Our last microwave does not have a turntable and can be cleaned by simply wiping with a warm damp cloth.

For more on the benefits of microwaves that don’t spin: check out my previous article here.

Other places to put a microwave

While placing a microwave in a perfectly designed ‘microwave spot’ is the ideal this is not always possible. I have lived in many houses where the microwave had to sit on a bench so I can reach it. While not all houses have the space to fit a microwave on the bench there are some other options.

1. A moveable cart

A movable kitchen cart is a handy addition and can also be a great home for your microwave. Move it out of the way and plug it in when you need it. You can also fill it with other kitchen ‘stuff’ like cook books or plates.

Check them out on Amazon below.

2. On top of a mini fridge

You can take a leaf out of the motel playbook and place your microwave on a minifridge. If they can connect to their own power outlet this will be even better.

While you can put a microwave on a fridge it can end up quite high and really difficult to see into. Placing it lower down or on a mini fridge will work. Make sure you can safely see inside the microwave and you are not lifting hot food above eye level.

A movable cart might be a great option if you don’t use your microwave too often or have other kitchen stuff to store.

I am an accredited practicing dietitian, experienced gardener and a dedicated cook. I love writing and sharing my experience so you can learn from my successes and mistakes.

Can you put things on top of the fridge?

“In order to maintain proper ventilation, Whirlpool Corporation does not recommend placing food or other items on top of a refrigerator,” Parks says.

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Never Place a Microwave Too Close to the Window. Any experienced kitchen designer can tell you that placing a microwave oven at a window's frame is a bad idea. ... .

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Can I put a small microwave on top of a small refrigerator?

Generally, there shouldn't be a problem with putting a microwave on top of a mini fridge but check both appliances' clearance requirements in their manuals.

Is it OK to put oven on top of fridge?

It is generally not recommended to place an oven above a refrigerator. There are several reasons for this. First, the heat and moisture produced by the oven can damage the refrigerator, potentially causing it to malfunction.

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