Can we write for loop in html?

I have an html template which I use in marionette view . I pass a parameter in the template when I call it inside the render function . I want to add multiple div elements depending on the value of the parameter .How can I add for loop inside html template??

/* I have passed a variable here named allWidgets. I want to add the number of divs[
] equal to the length of allWidgets array. How do I do that*/


3,59013 silver badges29 bronze badges

asked Dec 5, 2014 at 11:11



answered Dec 8, 2014 at 6:49

Mayur LunawatMayur Lunawat

871 gold badge1 silver badge12 bronze badges


If you talking about[I am not sure that understand the question exactly],Could you try this;

// Here, you can add parameters about widget objects in allWidgets

You must also define the top of your jsp file below code,

answered Dec 5, 2014 at 14:29

Semih EkerSemih Eker

2,3591 gold badge19 silver badges29 bronze badges


If you are in Angular use *ngFor where w is now each element in allWidgets array and will create a div for each element. You may need binding around the [data-role].


5,0044 gold badges21 silver badges55 bronze badges

answered Oct 17, 2019 at 14:53


Loops can execute a block of code a number of times.

JavaScript Loops

Loops are handy, if you want to run the same code over and over again, each time with a different value.

Often this is the case when working with arrays:

Instead of writing:

text += cars[0] + "
text += cars[1] + "
text += cars[2] + "
text += cars[3] + "
text += cars[4] + "
text += cars[5] + "

You can write:

for [let i = 0; i < cars.length; i++] {
  text += cars[i] + "

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Different Kinds of Loops

JavaScript supports different kinds of loops:

  • for - loops through a block of code a number of times
  • for/in - loops through the properties of an object
  • for/of - loops through the values of an iterable object
  • while - loops through a block of code while a specified condition is true
  • do/while - also loops through a block of code while a specified condition is true

The For Loop

The for statement creates a loop with 3 optional expressions:

for [expression 1; expression 2; expression 3] {
  // code block to be executed

Expression 1 is executed [one time] before the execution of the code block.

Expression 2 defines the condition for executing the code block.

Expression 3 is executed [every time] after the code block has been executed.


for [let i = 0; i < 5; i++] {
  text += "The number is " + i + "

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From the example above, you can read:

Expression 1 sets a variable before the loop starts [let i = 0].

Expression 2 defines the condition for the loop to run [i must be less than 5].

Expression 3 increases a value [i++] each time the code block in the loop has been executed.

Expression 1

Normally you will use expression 1 to initialize the variable used in the loop [let i = 0].

This is not always the case. JavaScript doesn't care. Expression 1 is optional.

You can initiate many values in expression 1 [separated by comma]:


for [let i = 0, len = cars.length, text = ""; i < len; i++] {
  text += cars[i] + "

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And you can omit expression 1 [like when your values are set before the loop starts]:


let i = 2;
let len = cars.length;
let text = "";
for [; i < len; i++] {
  text += cars[i] + "

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Expression 2

Often expression 2 is used to evaluate the condition of the initial variable.

This is not always the case. JavaScript doesn't care. Expression 2 is also optional.

If expression 2 returns true, the loop will start over again. If it returns false, the loop will end.

If you omit expression 2, you must provide a break inside the loop. Otherwise the loop will never end. This will crash your browser. Read about breaks in a later chapter of this tutorial.

Expression 3

Often expression 3 increments the value of the initial variable.

This is not always the case. JavaScript doesn't care. Expression 3 is optional.

Expression 3 can do anything like negative increment [i--], positive increment [i = i + 15], or anything else.

Expression 3 can also be omitted [like when you increment your values inside the loop]:


let i = 0;
let len = cars.length;
let text = "";
for [; i < len; ] {
  text += cars[i] + "

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Loop Scope

Using var in a loop:


var i = 5;

for [var i = 0; i < 10; i++] {
  // some code

// Here i is 10

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Using let in a loop:


let i = 5;

for [let i = 0; i < 10; i++] {
  // some code

// Here i is 5

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In the first example, using var, the variable declared in the loop redeclares the variable outside the loop.

In the second example, using let, the variable declared in the loop does not redeclare the variable outside the loop.

When let is used to declare the i variable in a loop, the i variable will only be visible within the loop.

For/Of and For/In Loops

The for/in loop and the for/of loop are explained in the next chapter.

While Loops

The while loop and the do/while are explained in the next chapters.

How do you loop through HTML?

There are 3 methods that can be used to properly loop through an HTMLCollection..
Method 1: Using the for/of loop: The for/of loop is used to loop over values of an iterable object. ... .
Method 2: Using the Array.from[] method to convert the HTMLCollection to an Array. ... .
Method 3: Using a normal for loop..

How do you print a loop in HTML?

$[document]. ready[function [] { var tit = ["Text 1", "Text 2", "Text 3", "Text 4", "Text 5"]; for [var i in tit] { var element = document. createElement["h2"]; element. innerHTML = tit[i]; $["#tit"].

Can we use for loop in CSS?

For loops can run for any number of repetitions, not just the length of an object. You might use this to create a grid layout [ for columns from 1 through 12 ], loop through the color wheel [ for hue from 1 through 360 ], or number your divs with nth-child and generated content.

What is looping statement in HTML?

Loops are a way of repeating the same block of code over and over. They're incredibly useful, and are used, for example, to carry out an action on every item in an array [we will come to arrays later] or in searching.

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