Chinese Simplified vs Traditional là gì

Đâu là sự khác biệt giữa  Simplified Chinese?vàTraditional Chinese? vàmy in laws speak Cantonese but also can speak Mandarin so I want to learn Cantonese but don't know which is right simplified or traditional. ?Hãy thoải mái đưa ra các câu ví dụ nhé.

Traditional Chinese is used in places like Hong Kong and Taiwan, and is exactly what it sounds like: the traditional way of writing characters, and is a lot more complicated than simplified Chinese as there tend to be more strokes. If you are learning Cantonese, then techically, you would use traditional. However, most people who write traditional can also easily read simplified Chinese as well, so I would suggest you learn simplified Chinese as it is a lot easier! However, if you wish, you can of course learn Tradiitonal. Both are fine, as they have the same meaning.

People from Mainland China/Singapore/Malaysia :
Speak: Mandarin
Use: Simplified Chinese  

People from Hong Kong/Macao :
Speak: Cantonese
Use: Traditional Chinese  

People from Taiwan:
Speak: Mandarin [a little different from the first mandarin]
Use: Traditional Chinese  

I strongly suggest you learn mandarin and use simplified Chinese cause it is easier to learn.

Cantonese is the language of Canton [Mandarin: Guangdong, Hong Kong was a part of Guangdong before 1840. ] So people in Hong Kong speak in Cantonese. But in the other part of China, the Government asks all people speak in Beijing Accent, the Mardarin.
And when KMT moved to Taiwan in 1949, They asked people in Taiwan speak in Beijing Accent, Mandarin.
That's the difference between Mandarin and Cantonese. That's two accents of Chinese.
But the difference between Simplified version and Traditional version is how you write the characters. People used to write in Tradtional Chinese before 1954, but the CPC [the gov of Mainland China] think Tradtional Chinese is to difficult, so they simplied the Characters, people start to write more simple characters. But the gov of Taiwan and Hong Kong don't simplify the characters, so they still write in Traditional Chinese.
To be honest, it's very easy for native Chinese speaker to read all kind of Chinese.
So I suggested you learn Mardarin and write in Simplified Chinese. There're much more people use it that others.

The spoken language is the same. It's just that simplified Chinese is simpler to write. There's less strokes, and it's easier to learn and remember. Cantonese - isn't affected by simplified or traditional Chinese. Whichever you learn, you still read them the same way in Cantonese or Chinese. Though, if you want to read and write the same as your in laws, you should just find out and learn the same one.

@Besttz srsly? Once I typed traditional Chinese to a group of Mainlanders and they only understand about 70% of my sentences... Lol

to speak you need to meet a native speaker

@CarlosChanYoung as I see in Malaysian chinese songs they use traditional characters. Maybe on streets are simplified, but I can't say that.

From the words of my Chinese teacher: It is easier to transition from Traditional to Simplified than the other way around.

So I chose to learn traditional first

Hello Liza

Its like American and UK English. UK is traditional and American is simplified

@Jose_Line very nice question!

@Jack_Jackson what a stunning for answer. really you rule the world with such advanced thinking! Only Germans your brothers can give you lessons. Such us Austrian German & German of Germany the tradinional is the Austrian southern accent!

@Jose_Line characters are main China they use simplified characters in Taiwan and Hong Kong they use traditional characters...if you want learn Cantonese you have to learn the traditional Characters because Cantonese is what is spoken in Hong Kong

the biggest difference is the pronunciation. As a simplified Chinese user, i can also read traditional Chinese, but cannot understand Cantonese.

@ANing3 absolutely no....the characters are different but they are read in the same way....the way that you read them depend on what kind of Chinese you are speaking...traditional characters [in Taiwan] and simplified Characters in main Chiana are read in the same way because both countries speak Mandarin...they are read in different way in Honk Kong because there they speak Cantonese

@Yebikish traditional or simplified isnt related to speaking but writing

I highly suggest that you should start with Traditional Chinese.


@SweetRose07 ??

Bạn có biết cách cải thiện kỹ năng ngôn ngữ của mình không Tất cả những gì bạn cần làm là nhờ người bản ngữ sửa bài viết của mình!
Với HiNative, bạn có thể nhờ người bản ngữ sửa bài viết của mình miễn phí ️.

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