Cleaning data in python datacamp answers

From DataCamp.

1. Common data Problems

Common data types

  • Numeric data types
  • Text
  • Dates

Data type constrains

Manipulating and analyzing data with incorrect data types could lead to compromised analysis as you go along the data science workflow.

When working with new data, we could use the .dtypes attribute or the .info[] method. Often times, you’ll run into columns that should be converted to different data types before starting any analysis.

To describe data and check data types:

The bicycle ride sharing data in San Francisco, ride_sharing, contains information on the start and end stations, the trip duration, and some user information for a bike sharing service.

The excise will

  • Print the information of ride_sharing. Use .describe[] to print the summary statistics of the user_type column from ride_sharing.

# Print the information of ride_sharing

# Print summary statistics of user_type column

Summing strings and concatenating numbers

Another common data type problem is importing what should be numerical values as strings, as mathematical operations such as summing and multiplication lead to string concatenation, not numerical outputs.

This exercise will convert the string column duration to the type int. First, strip "minutes" from the column in order to make sure pandas reads it as numerical. The pandas package has been imported as pd.

  • Use the .strip[] method to strip duration of "minutes" and store it in the duration_trim column.
  • Convert duration_trim to int and store it in the duration_time column.
  • Write an assert statement that checks if duration_time’s data type is now an int.
  • Print the average ride duration.

# Strip duration of minutes
ride_sharing['duration_trim'] = ride_sharing['duration'].str.strip['minutes']

# Convert duration to integer
ride_sharing['duration_time'] = ride_sharing['duration_trim'].astype['int']

# Write an assert statement making sure of conversion
assert ride_sharing['duration_time'].dtype == 'int'

# Print formed columns and calculate average ride duration 

Data range constrains

Sometimes there might show up values that is out of the data range. For example, a future time included in the time point; or six stars in a five-star-system.

Ways to deal with it:

  • Drop values using filtering: movies = movies[movies['avg_rating'] 5].index, inplace = True]
  • Assert results: assert movies['avg_rating'].max[]

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