Có thể chuyển đổi mã C++ thành python không?

 It depends to what degree… - Yes and No…

First of all - both languages are very different. So translation would not be an easy task, also when your C++ code would [for example] do something Python by design can’t [like executing Assembler], its pretty much over [except if you provide a library - written in C++, which then would provide Python with those abilities] - but then its getting really hacky…

Now, how could it be done:

When you are able to abstract all instructions - and provide an equivalent to any, you can basically translate it - even with a different syntax… - Programming languages always follow their Syntax, which makes translation possible [without the use of AI].

Now this might become a rather long example, but just to demonstrate you, how difficult it would be, even with a rather easy snippet of code - i’ll mostly be using Java throughout that demo:

Original C++ snippet:

int n = 3; 
if [n > 0] { 

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