Convert date format to datetime python

In this article, we will discuss how to convert a date to a datetime object in python.

We use the combine method from the datetime module to combine a date and time object to create a datetime object.


The syntax of combine() method is as follows.



  • date is a date object.
  • time is a time object.

This method returns a datetime object which is the combination of the above two objects(date,time).

Converting a date object to datetime object

If we have a date object and don't have a time object, then you initialize the time object to a minimum using the datetime object (Minimum means at midnight i.e 00:00:00).


In the below example code, we combine a date object is retrieved by using the today() method and we initialized the time object to minimum time(00:00:00) using the min.time() method. And combined these two objects by applying the datetime.combine() method.

from datetime import date from datetime import datetime my_date = print("The date object:",my_date) my_time = datetime.min.time() print("The time object:",my_time) my_datetime = datetime.combine(my_date, my_time) print("The combined datetime object:",my_datetime)


The output of the above code is as follows.

The date object: 2022-05-19
The time object: 00:00:00
The combined datetime object: 2022-05-19 00:00:00

When both date and time objects are given

Here, we initialize both date and time objects. And combine these into a datetime object using the combine method.


In this example, we will convert a datetime object when both date and time objects are given.

import datetime my_date = datetime.datetime(2012, 2, 12) print("The date object:",my_date) my_time = datetime.time(1, 30) print("The time object:",my_time) combined_datetime = my_date.combine(my_date, my_time) print("The combined datetime object:",combined_datetime)


The output of the above code is as follows;

The date object: 2012-02-12 00:00:00
The time object: 01:30:00
The combined datetime object: 2012-02-12 01:30:00

Using the datetime()

The datetime() constructor in python accepts year, month and date values as parameters and create a datetime object.

Pass the year, month and day values of the desired date object (as my_date.year, my_date.month, to this constructor to convert a date object to datetime object.


from datetime import date from datetime import datetime my_date = my_datetime = datetime(my_date.year, my_date.month, print(my_datetime)


2022-09-05 00:00:00

Convert date format to datetime python

Updated on 08-Sep-2022 06:58:03

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How do I convert a date to datetime?

We can convert the Date into Datetime in two ways. Using CONVERT() function: Convert means to change the form or value of something. The CONVERT() function in the SQL server is used to convert a value of one type to another type. Convert() function is used to convert a value of any type to another datatype.

How do I change date format in Python?

from datetime import datetime..
date_time_str = '18/09/19 01:55:19'.
date_time_obj = datetime. strptime(date_time_str, '%d/%m/%y %H:%M:%S').
print ("The type of the date is now", type(date_time_obj)).

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Sample Solution:-.
Python Code: import re def change_date_format(dt): return re.sub(r'(\d{4})-(\d{1,2})-(\d{1,2})', '\\3-\\2-\\1', dt) dt1 = "2026-01-02" print("Original date in YYY-MM-DD Format: ",dt1) print("New date in DD-MM-YYYY Format: ",change_date_format(dt1)).