Create text file in folder python

How do you tell Python where to save a text file?

For example, my computer is running the Python file off my desktop. I want it to save all the text file in my documents folder, not on my desktop. How do I do that in a script like this?

name_of_file = raw_input["What is the name of the file: "]
completeName = name_of_file + ".txt"
#Alter this line in any shape or form it is up to you.
file1 = open[completeName , "w"]

toFile = raw_input["Write what you want into the field"]



asked Nov 6, 2011 at 0:01

Just use an absolute path when opening the filehandle for writing.

import os.path

save_path = 'C:/example/'

name_of_file = raw_input["What is the name of the file: "]

completeName = os.path.join[save_path, name_of_file+".txt"]         

file1 = open[completeName, "w"]

toFile = raw_input["Write what you want into the field"]



You could optionally combine this with os.path.abspath[] as described in Bryan's answer to automatically get the path of a user's Documents folder. Cheers!

Mehdi Nellen

7,8664 gold badges32 silver badges48 bronze badges

answered Nov 6, 2011 at 0:02


47.4k26 gold badges128 silver badges171 bronze badges


Use os.path.join to combine the path to the Documents directory with the completeName [filename?] supplied by the user.

import os
with open[os.path.join['/path/to/Documents',completeName], "w"] as file1:
    toFile = raw_input["Write what you want into the field"]

If you want the Documents directory to be relative to the user's home directory, you could use something like:


Others have proposed using os.path.abspath. Note that os.path.abspath does not resolve '~' to the user's home directory:

In [10]: cd /tmp

In [11]: os.path.abspath["~"]
Out[11]: '/tmp/~'

answered Nov 6, 2011 at 0:04


797k170 gold badges1720 silver badges1622 bronze badges

A small update to this. raw_input[] is renamed as input[] in Python 3.

Python 3 release note


3,63020 silver badges41 bronze badges

answered Sep 20, 2018 at 12:26


5074 silver badges15 bronze badges

Another simple way without using import OS is,

outFile=open[outFileName, "w"]
outFile.write["""Hello my name is ABCD"""]

answered Dec 30, 2018 at 1:48

Paul ThomasPaul Thomas

4677 silver badges15 bronze badges

If you want to save a file to a particular DIRECTORY and FILENAME here is some simple example. It also checks to see if the directory has or has not been created.

import os.path
directory = './html/'
filename = "file.html"
file_path = os.path.join[directory, filename]
if not os.path.isdir[directory]:
file = open[file_path, "w"]

Hope this helps you!

answered Dec 3, 2019 at 3:45


2,5086 gold badges26 silver badges39 bronze badges

Using an absolute or relative string as the filename.

name_of_file = input["What is the name of the file: "]
completeName = '/home/user/Documents'+ name_of_file + ".txt"
file1 = open[completeName , "w"]
toFile = input["Write what you want into the field"]

answered Oct 11, 2018 at 10:20


Just give your desired path if file does not exist earlier;

        from os.path import abspath
        with open ['C:\\Users\\Admin\\Desktop\\results.txt', mode = 'w'] as final1:
            print[final1.write['This is my new file.']]

        print[f'Text has been processed and saved at {abspath[]}']

Output will be:

Text has been processed and saved at C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\results.txt

answered Jun 30, 2020 at 4:03

If you want save file or another some in folder you can use shutil module from base python library.

import shutil

path_to_file = f'home/user/My_Project/media/{my_file_name}'
path_to_folder = 'home/user/my_folder/'
shutil.copy[path_to_file, path_to_folder]

You can do it ever for some file's list or in Django querysets:

from images.models import Image
import shutil

images = Image.objects.all[]
for image in images:
    image_path = image.file.path
    shutil.copy[image_path, path_to folder]

All your choised files will put in directed folder.

answered Mar 17, 2021 at 15:52

How do you create a txt file in Python?

Summary. Use the function open[“filename”,”w+”] for Python create text file. The + tells the python interpreter for Python open text file with read and write permissions. Use the readlines function to read the content of the file one by one.

How do I create a text file in a directory?

Another way to create a text file is to right-click an empty area on the desktop, and in the pop-up menu, select New, and then select Text Document. Creating a text file this way opens your default text editor with a blank text file on your desktop. You can change the name of the file to anything you want.

How do you save and create a text file in Python?

Python File Write.
❮ Previous Next ❯.
Example. Open the file "demofile2.txt" and append content to the file: f = open["demofile2.txt", "a"] f.write["Now the file has more content!"] f.close[] ... .
Example. Open the file "demofile3.txt" and overwrite the content: f = open["demofile3.txt", "w"] f.write["Woops! ... .
❮ Previous Next ❯.

How do I save a file in a specific directory in Python?

How to write a file to a specific directory in Python.
save_path = '/home'.
file_name = "test.txt".
completeName = os. path. join[save_path, file_name].
file1 = open[completeName, "w"].
file1. write["file information"].
file1. close[].

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