Custom list view in Lightning Web Component

LWC Stack is Lightning Web Component tutorial series by Salesforce MVP Kapil Batra. In this series you will find LWC tutorials from beginner to intermediate level.

So if you are working on it or planning to learn LWC then this video series is for you. Let's learn and grow together !

Please check complete code below from LWC Stack EP-27


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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19import { LightningElement, wire } from "lwc"; import { getListUi } from "lightning/uiListApi"; import CONTACT_OBJECT from "@salesforce/schema/Contact"; import NAME_FIELD from "@salesforce/schema/Contact.Name"; export default class WireListview extends LightningElement { @wire[getListUi, { objectApiName: CONTACT_OBJECT, listViewApiName: "Contact_test_view", sortBy: NAME_FIELD, pageSize: 10 }] listView; get contacts[] { return; } }


Checkout complete tutorial below

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Happy Coding :]

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