Deepin desktop environment Arch linux

I. Overview

Arch Linux is a lightweight Linux release version. In fact, Arch Linux provides many options to users, users can customize their own installation process, not x like many other Linux release, installation process is even one only " One step "fool operation, so I think Arch Linux is the latest Linux release version I have seen the installation process. However, we can learn a lot from the middle school, because many things are constructed by us. Arch Linux's package management tool is Pacman, followed by the Linux toolkit with Arch Linux mirror, and Pacman, from zero. Arch Linux.

The installation process includes the following three steps:

  1. Enter mirror disks, connect to the network
  2. Configure partition, install the underlying environment
  3. After installing, enter the local system, configure the system, install basic tools
  4. Install graphical interface

Second, prepare work

Select installation mode:
Select 1: Install a virtual machine software on your original operating system, install it with virtual machine
Select 2: In your physical computer, install a new ARCH Linux single system with a new hard drive
Select 2: In your physical computer, on the basis of the original Windows operating system, compress a space, install the dual system

Download installation mirror:
Official download address://


  1. When installing Arch Linux, you should connect to the Internet because we need to download custom content from the network, such as connecting WiFi, or connecting wired networks
  2. If it is installed in the entity machine, you need to enter the BIOS to turn the security boot [Secure Boot]
  3. The startup method is UEFI. If your physical computer does not turn on the UEFI boot mode, you need to enter the BIOS settings; the virtual machine needs to set in the virtual machine tool.

Making a boot disk:
If you are installed on your computer or a Windows installation dual system, it is simple to say that it is installed on a virtual machine, but is mounted on the body, then you need to use the system image to make a U disk starter. There are a lot of tools that make boot dishes, I recommend this tool for USBWRITER, the following is the download address://

If you are installed on the virtual machine, you can use the original image file directly.

Third, install the detailed process

1. Enter the mirror disk, connect the network

After launching the mirroring system, we will press Enter. It can be seen as shown below:

Arch Linux Installs Mirror Ossages Some commonly used tools, we can connect the network directly with your own tools. If you are installed using a virtual machine, then your computer is connected to the network, the system install the mirroring system will naturally automatically connect to the network. If you use a real machine installation, then you need to manually connect the network.

Show your computer network hardware device through this command

Because I am in a virtual machine environment, if you have a WLAN0 in the installation environment of your entity notebook

If the WiFi can't start, when the RFKILL error occurs, the following command is executed.

However, the above command will appear many times, you can set the ESSID [WiFi Name] filtering condition when performing the sweeping wifi command.

iwlist wlan0 scan | grep ESSID
    First use the WPA_PASSPHRASE command to generate a configuration file for WiFi connection
wpa_passphrass B17 wk12345 > internet.conf

In the above command, B17 represents the WiFi name, WK123456 represents the WiFi password, then use the corresponding configuration file to connect to WiFi in the background

wpa_supplicant -c internet.conf -i wlan0 &

The -c parameter specifies the WiFi profile, the -i parameter specifies the device used by the device, which is WLAN0, & symbol representation of the background.
After the network connection is successful, use the DHCPCD command to automatically obtain the ID address.

  • Detect whether the network is connected successfully
    Use the ping command to detect

2. Configure partition, install the underlying environment

Suppose the disk is empty, we need to create three partitions, which are EFI partitions [for storage system boot procedures], SWAP partition [for allowing system support virtual memory], primary partition [for installation system]

It can be seen as shown below:

We can see / dev / sda is our empty disk, the size is 16Gib, select the empty disk, will operate

The system will prompt you to perform the corresponding command. If you don't know the specific usage, you can use the input "M" directive to view the help, as shown below

  • Create EFI
    We use "N" to specify a new I partition, as shown below

At this point, you will be prompted to select the partition type, the "P" instruction represents the primary partition, "E" instruction represents the extension partition, and the default is "P" instruction, we will enter the bus directly. After the system prompts the system prompt to select the partition number, we choose the default serial number, then press the system prompt to select the start node after pressing the Enter, we will press Enter to choose the default, as shown below

It can be seen that the system prompts the end node of the partition. The default is the last node, so we need to manually enter, or choose the addition or minus [+/-] to choose, we choose "+ 512M", The result is as shown

At this point, the system has saved our creation information, but it is not effective before the "W" instruction is not entered, and then the SWAP partition will be created next.

  • Create a SWAP partition
    The SWAP partition is used to do virtual memory partitions, which can be set according to your system's hardware, but in general, it is usually available to actual memory. We continue to implement the above processes, just choose "+ 1G" when selecting the partition size.
  • Create a system main partition
    Creating a partition instruction is consistent, just when selecting partition size, you have to pay attention if you have other systems [such as windows], you need to reserve a space, otherwise you can press Enter to enter, system Will choose the remaining space.
  • Save partition
    After the partition is created, enter the "W" instruction to save, otherwise it will be invalid. Finally, we use the fdisk -l command to view the disk, you can see that three partitions of / dev / sda1, / dev / sda2, / dev / sda3, respectively, as shown

  • Formatting partition
    Format / dev / sda1 into start-boot partition

Format / dev / sda2 into a SWAP partition

Open SWAP partition

Format / dev / sda3 into Linux primary partition

  • install the system
    Edit the software library mirror sources, we cut all the lines that contain Chinese mirroring to the top of the file.
vim /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist

First mount the local disk into the mirror system, mount the hard disk main partition into the mirror system

Mount the EFI partition into the mirror system

mkdir /mnt/boot mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/boot

Perform installation operations with PACSTRAP

pacstrap /mnt base linux linux-firmware

In the above code, Base Linux Linux-firmware is a system base environment. Base-weve is Linux tool collection, Net-Tools is a network kit, after installation is complete, according to file directory generating area table file

genfstab -U /mnt >> /mnt/etc/fstab

At this point, the base environment is already installed to the local disk, and we need related configuration below

3. Enter the local system, configure the system, install basic tools

Enter the local system

We first install the VIM tool, we will use the VIM tool to edit the system configuration file

  • Change time zone
    Change time zone
ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/Asia/Shanghai /etc/localtime

synchronised time

  • Configure localization
    First edit localized character set profile

Find the following two lines and remove "#" to perform cancellation, as follows

#en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8 #zh_CN.UTF-8 UTF-8

Generate local configuration

  • Set the system language first

Add the following

  • Modify the name of the local system, modify the hosts file
    Edit this name

Add the following, I call my Arch system PAN-PC

Modify the Hosts file

Add the following localhost pan-PC ::1 localhost
  • Modify the root password of the local system
    Use the passwd command to change your password
pacman -S grub efibootmgr amd-ucode os-prober

Among them, grub is the archlinux launch boot program, that is, the interface you see after booting, EfitBootmgr is an EFI boot management tool, AMD-UCode is used to provide processor level driver updates [if it is an Intel processor to install intel-ucode] OS-prober is used to look for other bootstraps in your computer. Next to create a boot profile

mkdir /boot/grub grub-mkconfig > /boot/grub/grub.cfg

Install GRUB, first view the system type

Can see display

So we have to install the corresponding EFI

grub-install --target=x86_64-efi --efi-directory=/boot
pacman -S wireless_tools wpa_supplicant dhcpcd
  • Install common development tools collection

At this time, the installation has been completed, and the local system is launched using the EXIT instruction to complete the installation. Shut down, remove the mirroring system, start again to boot from GRUB into Archlinux, as shown below

  • Follow-up
    Under normal circumstances, the personal computer should set a user account with a lower permission, I set the user name "PAN" and set the password for the PAN.
useradd -m -g wheel pan passwd pan

4. Install the graphical interface

  • Install Chinese font [ ]
    After installing the desktop environment, you should use it to switch into Chinese system, so we installed Chinese fonts.
pacman -S wqy-bitmapfont wqy-microhei wqy-microhei-lite wqy-zenhei
  • Install xorg
    Simply put, xorg has a desktop environment
  • Install the Deepin desktop and basic programs
pacman -S deepin deepin-extra file-roller firefox

Deepin-extra is the application of Deepin, such as the depth terminal, file-roller is the file extracting tool comes with Deepin, otherwise, the right click, Firefox is Firefox Browser

  • Install Chinese input method
    Install FCITX first
pacman -S fcitx fcitx-im fcitx-configtool

Install Google Pinyin input method, Google Pinyin input method relictx

pacman -S fcitx-googlepinyin

Configure environment variables related to input method

Add the following on the end of the file

export XIM=fcitx export XIM_PROGRAM=fcitx export GTK_IM_MODULE=fcitx export QT_IM_MODULE=fcitx export XMODIFIERS="@im=fcitx"
  • Set the self-enamel interface
vim /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf

Find the Greter-session cancel notes and set the value

greeter-session = lightdm-deepin-greeter

Setlightdm boot self-start

At this point, the installation ends, automatically opens the Deepin login interface after reboot.

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