dharma là gì - Nghĩa của từ dharma

dharma có nghĩa là

This is not my definition, but a definition given to me by a bona fide spiritual guru:

"Dharma means the intrinsic nature of a thing. Just like the dharma of sugar is sweetness and the dharma of water is wetness. The dharma of the living being is to render service
to God. Therefore everyone serves God without fail, either directly or indirectly. The devotees serve Him directly and the non-devotees serve Him indirectly."

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The above definition came from a qualified source, therefore I trust that it is an accurate definition.

dharma có nghĩa là

Duty or moral law.

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The above definition came from a qualified source, therefore I trust that it is an accurate definition.

dharma có nghĩa là

Duty or moral law. Dharma is sometimes a generic term for religious thought and practice.

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The above definition came from a qualified source, therefore I trust that it is an accurate definition.

dharma có nghĩa là

Duty or moral law.

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The above definition came from a qualified source, therefore I trust that it is an accurate definition. Duty or moral law. Dharma is sometimes a generic term for religious thought and practice.

dharma có nghĩa là

based on the idea that everything in the universe is causally linked. All things are composite things, that is, they are composed of several elements. Because all things are composite, they are all transitory, for the elements come together and then fall apart. It is this transience that causes human beings to sorrow and to suffer. We live in a body, which is a composite thing, but that body decays, sickens, and eventually dies, though we wish it to do otherwise. Since everything is transient, that means that there can be no eternal soul either in the self or in the universe. This, then, is the eternal truth of the world: everything is transitory, sorrowful, and soulless–the three-fold character of the world.

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Dharma- and how do you spell that [lmao]

dharma có nghĩa là

i am cool, so i found dharma Dharma, with a capital "D" usually refers to a [spiritual] teaching, and more often to the teachings of the Buddha. dharma with a small "d" can loosely be translated from Sanskrit as: "the way things are" or "reality." Spiritual seekers meeting each other in India would ask, "Whose Dharma do you follow", as a way of asking whose teachings were followed.

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dude, i’m so lucky to have a dharma in my life.

dharma có nghĩa là

The dharma of a thing is simply the way it is in reality.

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She/He is one of the most loyal and trustworthy people you will meet, they are likely to be creative and can seem awkward but once you get to know them you will love to be around them. Dharma- and how do you spell that [lmao] A Dharma is someone you must hold onto. . he is the most lovable , loyal, talented, kind guy you could ever ask for as a friend, or a lover. he is someone you just want to run up to and hug, and never have him let go. everything about him is amazing. His smile can make your day instantaneously. ANYONE would be lucky to have a dharma in there life. if you are lucky enough to fall in love with one, you know you are protected. his endless amount of love is so amazing. he makes you feel like a princess [prince]. The moment you lay your eyes on a dharma, suddenly you’re in love.

dharma có nghĩa là

The name Dharma is usually for the most amazing people commonly a girls name one who’s is beyond beautiful and deserves the world if you ever find a girl named Dharma keep her in your life

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i love you dharmadude! kennedy dude, i’m so lucky to have a dharma in my life.

dharma có nghĩa là

The name dharma is given to someone that is nice and kind and very artsy she/ he usually has very many friends and she / he will always have your back.

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Guy 1 :Wow who is that she seems so nice

dharma có nghĩa là

Dharma is a very outgoing person, who loves to meet new people! She is always down to do literally anything and never hesitates to have fun. She is someone who will truly care for you and always be there when times get hard. Dharma is that one friend you don’t need to see for several months, and will still act like you saw each other yesterday, without things getting awkward. Her laugh will make you laugh, even though the joke was boring.

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Guy 2 :Oh yeah that’s dharma The name Dharma is usually for the most amazing people commonly a girls name one who’s is beyond beautiful and deserves the world if you ever find a girl named Dharma keep her in your life Guy 1: who is that she’s beautiful

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