Differentiate between linear multimedia and Non linear multimedia 2 marks
The linear multimedia will go from the start all the way through to the finish without variation. Non-linear media is the opposite; it doesn't follow that one-way structure and instead allows free movement around all aspects of the multimedia in any order. Show
Multimedia from Christian Macatangay Linear and non-linear multimedia are two different categories that are applicable to the world of multimedia. The main difference is that linear multimedia does not feature any sort of navigational abilities. Differences between linear and non-linear multimedia are: Linear MultimediaNon-Linear Multimedia1. The linear multimedia will go from the start all the way through the end point without any variation.1. Non-linear multimedia does not follow the one-way structure and allow free movement around all aspects of the multimedia in any order.2. The user has no control over the sequence of events.2. The user can control the progress and sequence of multimedia.3. It is not interactive. It is interactive.e.g. A movie, Documentary3. It is interactive. e.g. Game, E-Book. In linear multi-media, information is read or viewed in a continuous sequence. Usually, these presentations begin at a predetermined starting point and end at a predetermined end point. In this type of media, We do not have to interact with the Media file in playing mode. Means It will be automatically present the visuals after a fixed time Interval. Example:PowerPoint presentation is one of the most common examples of linear multi-media. Some Other Example are: Cinema, Movies, TV Shows etc. What is Non Linear Multimedia?Non-linear multi-media information is not presented in sequential or chronological manner. Non linear multimedia programs are usually interactive and require user interaction. Example of Non Linear Multimedia are: #Gaming, #WebSites, #Hypermedia etc. We have also explained the graphs in the previous video! ——————Content of the Video———————00:00 – Start 00:25 – Intro 00:45 – Linear Multi media 01:00 – Example of Linear Multi media 01:55 – Non Linear Multi media 02:30 – Example of Non Linear Multi media 03:00 – Interactive and Non Interactive Multi media 03:50 – Graphs of Linear and Non Linear 05:00 – Other Example Link of Multimedia Related Videos:Hypermedia : https://youtu.be/zJEnRh3gAuI Multimedia: https://youtu.be/NIHBxqgwumo Interactive and Non Interactive Media : https://youtu.be/cvMUEvYFgFI Characteristics of Hypertext: https://youtu.be/90K1NkEDxtw Note:Interactive Media can be Non Linear Multi media and Non Interactive Multi media will be Linear Multi media. Differences Between Linear and Non Linear Multimedia 0 ratings0% found this document useful (0 votes) 4K views1 pageDocument Informationclick to expand document information
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Home Books Audiobooks Documents What is nonlinear multimedia?Non-linear media is a form of audiovisual media that can be interacted with by the viewer, such as by selecting television shows to watch through a video on demand type service, by playing a video game, by clicking through a website, or by interacting through social media.
What is linear type of multimedia?Linear Multimedia is a type of a multimedia that is designed to be presented in a sequential manner. It has a distinct beginning and end. It goes on a logical flow from a starting point to a conclusion. It is usually intended for display purposes with not much interaction or distraction from the audience.
Is YouTube a linear multimedia?Nowadays, the non-linear multimedia services, such as Netflix and YouTube, have become increasingly popular.
What is non multimedia systems?This category is defined as any student created, computer-generated project that uses desktop publishing or general productivity software.