emily là gì - Nghĩa của từ emily

emily có nghĩa là

The mos beautiful person in the world. Often referred to as a Goddess. Has eyes that one can easily get lost in. A great friend that cares about people and makes the world a better place. Easy to love too.


There is only one Emily in this world and its not you, or is it?

emily có nghĩa là

The most beautiful girl in the world. She completes me in every way possible and makes even the most horrible things tolerable just by being with me. She is a girl i can see myself with in 20 years and still having fun with and discovering new things with. When i look into her eyes i get lost but i dont mind the least bit. Her smile could stop a man right in his tracks and make him see the beauty in the world. Her laugh makes the worst of days seem so much better. I can talk to her for hours and never get the least bit bored. The greatest times I've ever had in my life involve her and i just cant imagine life without her. In short shes my soulmate and she doesent even know it.


Guy 1:Duuude i fucked Brittney last night!

Me: Oh yeah i talked with emily for 5 hours last night.

Guy 1: Dude i am so jealous.

emily có nghĩa là

An amazing girl who will tickle, punch, bite, cuddle, and kiss you all for fun. She has an amazing sense of humor with which she uses sarcasm for everything. She is beautiful, sexy, cute, adorable, and drop-dead-gorgeous. She is smart and will play witty games with you all night and day just to get a laugh. Her laugh is adorable and she is one hell of a singer. Greatest girl you could possibly meet and a 1 in a billion catch for any lucky guy. Rawr.


Dude that girl in the candy shop is an emily!
oooh you're right she is so hot!

emily có nghĩa là

A beautiful person with an awesome character and is super nice. She is smart but does not brag. She is a person anyone can love. Emily are very rare these days, so when you find one keep them close.


Emily you're an awesome person, nobody can compare

emily có nghĩa là

From the very first moment you meet Emily, the way she looks at you will make you feel as if you've been friends with her your whole life. Emily is the only girl of your dreams who will come true. She will show up in your life disguised as the muse Serendipity or, "happy accident" and as convincing as she may be, Emily herself is no accident. At times, she may not always know exactly what she is doing. Nevertheless, Emily's actions will always be intentional and deliberate. It's easy to be fooled. She has the power to tear ANY man apart if she so chooses to but if your love for Emily is true, you will be able to gaze deeply into her endless brown eyes and see underneath her clever camouflage to discover that deep down, Emily is a diamond. Perfect and flawless. Her soul is as free as a new born baby and feels just as soft and cool, but she is no push over. She'll always do as she pleases even though you may not approve. It is wise to never ask Emily "why?". Doing so will make you go insane. If you happen to be lucky enough to have a friend named Emily then you are blessed with infinite inspiration and endless imagination. It is because of Emily that mankind has dared venture into the world of imagination.


Hero: "Emily you have made me so angry that I want to murder innocent happy good looking children!!!" Emily: "Whoa!! Check it out dude!! Look what I made!" Hero: "Uh.. OH! WOW! That's awesome, Em!! How did you do that?!!" Emily: "I'm not telling!!"

emily có nghĩa là

That girl you just wanna spend every minute with. This gurl makes your day 10x better just hearing her name will bring you good luck. Holding her makes time stop and it becomes a moment you never wanna forget. This girl can easily be hurt so make sure you take extra care of her because shes the best thing that will ever come into your life


That girl is just emily

emily có nghĩa là

these girls dont get along with other emilys. their fun to be around. they are so nice they can never break anyones heart.


emily:oh i love you
hank:love you to

emily có nghĩa là

wow. emilys are perfect. all the emilys I know have beautiful brown eyes. emilys are hilarious. emilys are smart. emilys love long relationships. emilys are stubborn. emilys love unexpected moments. emilys have a hard time controlling what they say and are very outspoken. but once you get to know a emily. she's amazing and very sweet. emilys love adventures. and there's never a dull/ boring moment when you're with an emily. emilys are great huggers. amazing kissers. perfect in bed. usually "freaky" or , like unusual things [ i.e , hair pulling. back scratching. lip biting. being tied up. ] but once you meet an emily, keep her. she's a great friend and very loving and loyal. emilys usually don't think their beautiful or pretty. so if you love an emily. tell her randomly how beautiful she really is and she'll love you. emilys have a hard time falling for someone. but once they do... they fall hard. emilys are keepers. emilys have great,perfect ass / boobs. emilys are in love with blue/green eyes. love athletes. and loves funny people. but once you meet an emily and you think about letting her go, don't. because emilys love to argue just to see who sticks around. keep emilys in your life at all times. you're welcome


emily - wow. I look terrible today.
Andrew - are you kidding. you're perfect.
emily - thank you. you're so sweet
Andrew - [ falls in love with emily ]

emily có nghĩa là

the devil


hi i'm Emily welcome to hell i will be your guide today

emily có nghĩa là

A nice,funny,beautiful and friendly person that will be very caring every time you are emotional or which is just a name


Emily is so thoughtful

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