Get day of month php

Today's date is 27-01-2014 so I got day name using following function:

$day = strtolower[date["D",strtotime[$t]]];

So now the day name is mon.

How to find that this Monday is the forth Monday of current month? In other words, I am trying to find the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th of a particular day [eg. Monday] of a month?

asked Jan 27, 2014 at 9:58


2,8734 gold badges49 silver badges100 bronze badges


Credit for the Math part goes to Jon [above]

In combination with your code, full solution can be implemented as follows

$dayName = strtolower[date["D",strtotime[$t]]];
$dayNum = strtolower[date["d",strtotime[$t]]];
echo floor[[$dayNum - 1] / 7] + 1

or else as a function with optional date

PHP Fiddle here

This just return the number you are requesting.

function dayNumber[$date='']{
    } else {

    $dayName = strtolower[date["D",strtotime[$t]]];
    $dayNum = strtolower[date["d",strtotime[$t]]];
    $return = floor[[$dayNum - 1] / 7] + 1;
    return $return;

echo dayNumber['2014-01-27'];

answered Jan 27, 2014 at 10:36

Oliver M GrechOliver M Grech

2,9251 gold badge19 silver badges34 bronze badges


$date = mktime[0, 0, 0, 1, 27, 2014];
$dayNumber = date["d", $date];
$dayOfWeek = date["l", $date];
$dayPosition = [floor[[$dayNumber - 1] / 7] + 1];

switch [$dayPosition] {
    case 1:
        $suffix = 'st';
    case 2:
        $suffix = 'nd';
    case 3:
        $suffix = 'rd';
        $suffix = 'th';

echo "Today is the " . $dayPosition . $suffix . " " . $dayOfWeek . " of the month.";
// Will echo: Today is the 4th Monday of the month.

Thanks to @Jon for the maths.

answered Jan 27, 2014 at 10:36


20.8k12 gold badges69 silver badges125 bronze badges


Some improvements over the existing answers.

Current day of the week, simply:

echo date["N", time[]];

Day of the week for a given date:

//$date in d-m-Y, modify for your needs
function dayNumber[$date = null]     
    $date = $date ?? date['d-m-Y'];
    $date = DateTime::createFromFormat['d-m-Y', $date];
    return $date->format["N"];

echo dayNumber['24-12-2020'];

I'm using null coalescing operator [PHP 7.0 and up] and DateTime class and function [PHP 5.3.0 and up].

I would avoid using strtotime[] because of the potential time zone issues.

answered Dec 14, 2020 at 14:02

[PHP 4 >= 4.1.0, PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8]

cal_days_in_monthReturn the number of days in a month for a given year and calendar


cal_days_in_month[int $calendar, int $month, int $year]: int



Calendar to use for calculation


Month in the selected calendar


Year in the selected calendar

Return Values

The length in days of the selected month in the given calendar


Example #1 cal_days_in_month[] example

brian at b5media dot com

14 years ago

Remember if you just want the days in the current month, use the date function:
$days = date["t"];

dbindel at austin dot rr dot com

18 years ago

Here's a one-line function I just wrote to find the numbers of days in a month that doesn't depend on any other functions.

The reason I made this is because I just found out I forgot to compile PHP with support for calendars, and a class I'm writing for my website's open source section was broken. So rather than recompiling PHP [which I will get around to tomorrow I guess], I just wrote this function which should work just as well, and will always work without the requirement of PHP's calendar extension or any other PHP functions for that matter.

I learned the days of the month using the old knuckle & inbetween knuckle method, so that should explain the mod 7 part. :]

David Bindel

datlx at yahoo dot com

21 days ago

function lastDayOfMonth[string $time, int $deltaMonth, string $format = 'Y-m-d']
    try {
        $year = date['Y', strtotime[$time]];
        $month = date['m', strtotime[$time]];

        $increaYear = floor[[$deltaMonth + $month - 1] / 12];

        $year += $increaYear;
        $month = [[$deltaMonth + $month] % 12] ?: 12;
        $day = cal_days_in_month[CAL_GREGORIAN, $month, $year];

        return $time . ' + ' . $deltaMonth . ' => ' . date[$format, strtotime[$year . '-' . $month . '-' . $day]] . "\n";
    } catch [Exception $e] {
        throw $e;

jeffbeall at comcast dot net

18 years ago

This will work great in future dates but will give the wrong answer for dates before 1550 [approx] when leap year was introduced and the calendar lost a year or two.
Sorry now to be more specific it has been a while sine I had to account for those later dates and had to take that into account but just a heads up for others to watch out.

geko45pj at yahoo dot com

15 years ago

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