How do i reduce br space in html?

UPDATED Sep. 13, 2019:

I use
to make an oversized line break, when I need one. Until today, I styled it like this:

br.big {line-height:190%;vertical-align:top}

[The vertical-align:top was only needed for IE and Edge.]

That worked in all the major browsers that I tried: Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Brave, PaleMoon, Edge, and IE11.

However, it recently stopped working in Chrome-based browsers: my "big" line breaks turned into normal-sized line breaks.

[I don't know exactly when they broke it. As of Sep 12, 2019 it still works in my out-of-date Chromium Portable 55.0.2883.11, but it's broken in Opera 63.0.3368.71 and Chrome 76.0.3809.132 [both Windows and Android].]

After some trial and error, I ended up with the following substitute, which works in the current versions of all those browsers:

br.big {display:block; content:""; margin-top:0.5em; line-height:190%; vertical-align:top;}


line-height:190% works in everything except recent versions of Chrome-based browsers.

vertical-align:top is needed for IE and Edge [in combination with line-height:190%], to get the extra space to come after the preceding line, where it belongs, rather than partially before and partially after.

display:block;content:"";margin-top:0.5em works in Chrome, Opera & Firefox, but not Edge & IE.

An alternative [simpler] way of adding a bit of extra vertical space after a
tag, if you don't mind editing the HTML, is with something like this. It works fine in all browsers:


[You can, of course, adjust the "-37%" as needed, for a larger or smaller gap.] Here's a demo page which includes some other variations on the theme:


May 28, 2020:

I've updated the demo page; it now demonstrates all of the above techniques:


Line break, or forced new line, is written
and works exactly like when you press enter on the keyboard. A new line in the source code, i.e. pressing enter in the HTML code, is only used to ad line numbers to the code, for when you look for errors. The line breaks cannot be seen in text when shown in a browser, for this purpose only
can be used. The only property a line break has, is a height. In a text, it will have the same height as the text in which it is written.

Sometimes you can get a visually better expression on your page by having another distance on breaks than the distance inherent in the line height, e.g. 1.5 times the line distance as space between two paragraphs, instead of line height or two times the line height, equivalent to one or two times
. For this there is a couple of solution to be used, depending on the situation.

You can insert a line break in a SPAN or DIV and define a font size, e.g.
or margin/padding, e.g.

. It is not an elegant solution, but in the absence of other options, it is an excellent backup solution. Most importantly, it works in all browsers!

If you are working in a test section e.g.


, it is far easier to adjust the distance to the next section of text using one of the stylings padding-bottom or margin-bottom. Be aware that some tags have an integrated line break, so the padding/margin along with a
may give a bit more effect than anticipated.

The easiest solution is to use STYLE and margin on the BR-tag. Here you should be aware that margin goes all the way around the tag, so a 100px margin will give 200px height, because you have both top and bottom. The smarter alternative here, is to use margin-top or margin-bottom. A line break with the height 100px will look like this:
. Only downside to this otherwise easy solution is that not all browsers follow the instruction and make a normal size page break. Therefore, if you use this solution, you have to check that is does not produce any undesirable effects on the page.

Because its not HTML, it is only an instruction that establishes a line break, and changing the height of a tag is not an option. There is no need for br in a web page. By using multiple br tags, you can increase the amount of line break between lines.

Table of contents

  • What Is The Height Of Br?
  • Can You Style A Br In Css?
  • How Do I Reduce Br Space?
  • How Do You Give Br In Css?
  • What Is Br In Css?
  • Is Br A Line Break?
  • How Do You Make A Big Break In Html?
  • Can You Give A Br A Class?
  • Can You Put A Class On A Break?
  • How Do You Replace Br In Css?
  • Can I Remove Br Tag In Css?
  • How Do I Reduce Space In Css?
  • How Do I Reduce Line Spacing In Html?

What Is The Height Of Br?

A line break occurs when one or more lines are drawn. Because it does not have a height, it simply breaks the line.

Can You Style A Br In Css?

Using CSS for styling The element serves a single purpose: to break up a block of text into smaller sections. As a result, it is devoid of dimensions or visual output, making styling difficult.

How Do I Reduce Br Space?

In this case, the br element’s body size is 14x48x18x4 and its font size is 14x48x18x4; therefore, the extra size is below the text line. As a result of the result, there is 4px more space between br and n. If you only use vertical alignment, the br tag appears to work perfectly.

How Do You Give Br In Css?

If you only want to use CSS, you can add a line break using the pseudo-class after or after. We use these pseudo-classes as part of the stylesheet before or after the HTML class or id where we want to insert a line-break. In myClass::after, set the content property to *a [the new-line character].

What Is Br In Css?

The tag has a single line break. The tag can be used to write addresses or poems.

Is Br A Line Break?

The line break element is represented by the letter. A line break occurs when the HTML element returns a line to the text. It can be used to write a poem or address where line division is significant.

How Do You Make A Big Break In Html?

When necessary, a html line break is added to the HTML body. There is no information in the tags. This HTML element should not be used to set the margins between paragraphs. You could use CSS instead of *p.

Can You Give A Br A Class?

It is possible to include a class attribute in an element.

Can You Put A Class On A Break?

In fact, you can add a class to break a tag just like you do any other element.

How Do You Replace Br In Css?

If you use too many, you should switch to css to get more spacing. A tag can be used to specify the type of address to which a specific message will be addressed. If you need more than a single line break in css, you can use margin or padding, but not for presentation. Positive reinforcement for the best examples.

Can I Remove Br Tag In Css?

Unfortunately, just removing the *p> tags does not remove them from the content.

How Do I Reduce Space In Css?

In CSS, you can do this by using the line-height property. To ensure that the text appears clear, browsers typically provide a certain amount of space between lines. A browser, for example, will place about a point of vertical space between lines for 12-point types.

How Do I Reduce Line Spacing In Html?

  • The following is a method for spacing between paragraphs: 0: This method will eliminate space between paragraphs.
  • A text field of padding: 0 will be used to remove space between the border and the text.
  • The spacing between different lines in each paragraph will be reduced by 20 rows in line height.
  • Watch How To Change Br Height In Css Video

    How do I change the spacing in HTML?

    Add space below a line or paragraph of text To add extra space below a line or paragraph of text, or push text down lower on the page once, you can use the
    . Below is an example of how this technique can be applied.

    Can I style a BR tag?

    br tag should not be used for styling.

    What is br /> in HTML?

    : The Line Break element. The
    HTML element produces a line break in text [carriage-return]. It is useful for writing a poem or an address, where the division of lines is significant.

    How do you break without br?

    Use block-level elements to break the line without using
    . There are many ways to break the line without using
    tag. The used properties are listed below: white-space: pre; It is used to make elements acts like

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