How do i show the file path in html?

A file path describes the location of a file in a web site's folder structure.

File Path Examples

How do i show the file path in html?
The "picture.jpg" file is located in the same folder as the current page
How do i show the file path in html?
The "picture.jpg" file is located in the images folder in the current folder
How do i show the file path in html?
The "picture.jpg" file is located in the images folder at the root of the current web
How do i show the file path in html?
The "picture.jpg" file is located in the folder one level up from the current folder

HTML File Paths

A file path describes the location of a file in a web site's folder structure.

File paths are used when linking to external files, like:

  • Web pages
  • Images
  • Style sheets
  • JavaScripts

Absolute File Paths

An absolute file path is the full URL to a file:


How do i show the file path in html?

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How do i show the file path in html?
It specifies that picture.jpg is located in the same folder as the current page.
  • How do i show the file path in html?
    It specifies that picture.jpg is located in the images folder in the current folder.
  • How do i show the file path in html?
    It specifies that picture.jpg is located in the images folder at the root of the current web.
  • How do i show the file path in html?
    It specifies that picture.jpg is located in the folder one level up from the current folder.
  • File paths are used on webpages to link external files like:

    1. Web pages
    2. Images
    3. Style sheets
    4. JavaScript

    There are two types of File Paths:

    1. Absolute File Paths
    2. Relative File Paths

    Absolute File Paths

    Absolute file path specifies full URL address.


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    Relative File Paths

    The relative file path specifies to a file which is related to the location of current page.


    Let's take an example to see how the file path points to a file in the images folder located at the root of the current web.

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    This is how a file path points to a file in the images folder located in the current folder.

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    When the images folder located in the folder one level above the current folder.

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    Important Points for File path:

    • Always remember to use proper URL, file name, image name, else it will not display on the webpage.
    • Try to use relative file paths, so that your code will be independent of URL.

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    A file path specifies the location of a file inside a web folder structure. Its like an address of a file which helps the web browser to access the files. File paths are used to link external resources such as images, videos, style sheets, JavaScript, displaying other web pages etc.
    To insert a file in a web page its source must be known. For example, the syntax (

    How do i show the file path in html?

    Relative File Path: It describes the path of the file relative to the location of the current web page file. 
    Example 1: It shows the path of the file present in the same folder of the current web page file. 




            <title>Relative file pathtitle>



            <h2>File present in the same folderh2>

            <img src="images/geeks.jpg" alt="My Image" style="width:400px">




    How do i show the file path in html?

    Example 2: It shows the path of the file present in a folder above the folder of the current web page file. The image file present in a folder called images and current web page file exists inside a sub folder, then the code will be as follows: 




            <title>Relative file pathtitle>



            <h2>File present in a folder above the current folderh2>

            <img src="../images/geeks.jpg" alt="My Image" style="width:400px">




    How do i show the file path in html?

    Example 3: It shows the path of the file present in a folder which is located at the root of the current sub directories. 




            <title>Relative file pathtitle>



            <h2>File present in a folder which is located at<br>

            the root of the current subdirectoriesh2>

            <img src="/images/picture.jpg" alt="My Image" style="width:400px">




    How do i show the file path in html?

    Supported Browser:

    • Google Chrome
    • Microsoft Edge
    • Firefox
    • Opera
    • Safari

    CSS is the foundation of webpages, is used for webpage development by styling websites and web apps.You can learn CSS from the ground up by following this CSS Tutorial and CSS Examples.

    How do I show path in HTML?

    A file path describes the location of a file in a web site's folder structure. ... File Path Examples..

    How do I show the file path?

    To view the full path of an individual file:.
    Click the Start button and then click Computer, click to open the location of the desired file, hold down the Shift key and right-click the file..
    On the menu, there are two options to choose from that will allow you to either copy or view the entire file path:.
    html in your directories, you can make links to these pages by just linking to the directory name. Your browser will always pick up index as the main page for that folder. This means you can condense href="folder/index. html" into href="folder/" .

    How do I find a file in HTML?

    HTML: Viewing HTML-files.
    start your browser..
    under the "File" menu click on "Open Page" ... .
    in this new box, click on "Choose File" (if you cannot fill-in the file's location directly).
    once the file is found (in the "File Browser" window), click "OK".