How do I unmute autoplay on YouTube?

Support » Plugin: Video Gallery - YouTube Gallery » Unmute


  • Resolved pathosbill


    2 years, 4 months ago

    When I click on a video in the gallery, it is automatically muted and I have to unmute to listen to it. Is it possible to have the sound available as soon as it starts playing?

    Thanks for your help.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

Viewing 6 replies - 1 through 6 [of 6 total]
  • Thread Starter pathosbill


    2 years, 4 months ago

    Interesting I switched to Space Gallery 2 on the page I referenced, and now the sound plays automatically. However, on the page where I used Elastic Gallery 1 I still have the mute issue. The page I am speaking about is here:


    Thanks for your help.

    Plugin Author totalsoft


    2 years, 4 months ago

    Hello, dear pathosbill.

    To solve your problem, please, edit the TS-VG-WEF.php plugin file. Please find this code: it is located on line 1762

    a = ? autoplay = 1 & mute = 1 & enablejsapi = 1;

    write here this code:

    a = ? autoplay = 1 & mute = 0 & enablejsapi = 1;

    After that, in 1765 line , find this code:

    a = & autoplay = 1 & mute = 1 & enablejsapi = 1;

    write here this code

    a = & autoplay = 1 & mute = 0 & enablejsapi = 1;

    After that, in your gallery, the video will work with sound.
    In the next version, the problem will be solved for everyone.

    Thank You.

    Thread Starter pathosbill


    2 years, 4 months ago

    Thank you for your help. So sorry, but I must have done something wrong. Now I cant get the videos to play at all. Any further help is again appreciated.

    Thread Starter pathosbill


    2 years, 4 months ago

    [To clarify, these are the videos on the page // The videos on // are still playing fine.]

    Plugin Author totalsoft


    2 years, 4 months ago

    Dear dear pathosbill.

    You did something wrong. Please look again at the instructions that we told you. We will do an update in a few days. This problem in the gallery is solved.

    Thank you.

    Thread Starter pathosbill


    2 years, 4 months ago

    I guess I will wait for the update to come out. Im sure it was my error, but I have checked and rechecked and cant see what I missed.

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