How do you check if a array contains a specific word in php?

This is for a chat page. I have a $string = "This dude is a mothertrucker". I have an array of badwords: $bads = array['truck', 'shot', etc]. How could I check to see if $string contains any of the words in $bad?
So far I have:

        foreach [$bads as $bad] {
        if [strpos[$string,$bad] !== false] {
            //say NO!
        else {
            // YES!            }

Except when I do this, when a user types in a word in the $bads list, the output is NO! followed by YES! so for some reason the code is running it twice through.


4,4073 gold badges17 silver badges18 bronze badges

asked Dec 10, 2012 at 6:00


1,2633 gold badges13 silver badges24 bronze badges


function contains[$str, array $arr]
    foreach[$arr as $a] {
        if [stripos[$str,$a] !== false] return true;
    return false;

Robert Went

2,8442 gold badges17 silver badges18 bronze badges

answered Dec 10, 2012 at 6:06

Nirav RanparaNirav Ranpara

15.8k4 gold badges42 silver badges57 bronze badges


1] The simplest way:

if [ in_array[ 'three',  ['one', 'three', 'seven'] ]]

2] Another way [while checking arrays towards another arrays]:

foreach [ $targets as $string ] 
  foreach [ $keywords as $keyword ] 
    if [ strpos[ $string, $keyword ] !== FALSE ]
     { echo "The word appeared !!" }

answered May 30, 2013 at 12:46


can you please try this instead of your code

$string = "This dude is a mothertrucker";
$bads = array['truck', 'shot'];
foreach[$bads as $bad] {
    $place = strpos[$string, $bad];
    if [!empty[$place]] {
        echo 'Bad word';
    } else {
        echo "Good";


7,3856 gold badges46 silver badges59 bronze badges

answered Dec 10, 2012 at 7:11


76114 silver badges25 bronze badges


You can flip your bad word array and do the same checking much faster. Define each bad word as a key of the array. For example,

//define global variable that is available to too part of php script
//you don't want to redefine the array each time you call the function
//as a work around you may write a class if you don't want global variable
$GLOBALS['bad_words']= array['truck' => true, 'shot' => true];

function containsBadWord[$str]{
    //get rid of extra white spaces at the end and beginning of the string
    $str= trim[$str];
    //replace multiple white spaces next to each other with single space.
    //So we don't have problem when we use explode on the string[we dont want empty elements in the array]
    $str= preg_replace['/\s+/', ' ', $str];

    $word_list= explode[" ", $str];
    foreach[$word_list as $word]{
        if[ isset[$GLOBALS['bad_words'][$word]] ]{
            return true;
    return false;

$string = "This dude is a mothertrucker";

if [ !containsBadWord[$string] ]{
    //doesn't contain bad word
    //contains bad word

In this code we are just checking if an index exist rather than comparing bad word with all the words in the bad word list.
isset is much faster than in_array and marginally faster than array_key_exists.
Make sure none of the values in bad word array are set to null.
isset will return false if the array index is set to null.

answered Dec 3, 2013 at 16:57


Put and exit or die once it find any bad words, like this

foreach [$bads as $bad] {
 if [strpos[$string,$bad] !== false] {
        //say NO!
 else {
        echo YES;
        die[]; or exit;            

answered Dec 10, 2012 at 6:07


76114 silver badges25 bronze badges


There is a very short php script that you can use to identify bad words in a string which uses str_ireplace as follows:

$string = "This dude is a mean mothertrucker";
$badwords = array['truck', 'shot', 'ass'];
$banstring = [$string != str_ireplace[$badwords,"XX",$string]]? true: false;
if [$banstring] {
   echo 'Bad words found';
} else {
    echo 'No bad words in the string';

The single line:

$banstring = [$string != str_ireplace[$badwords,"XX",$string]]? true: false;

does all the work.

answered Jul 21, 2017 at 11:29


9731 gold badge11 silver badges19 bronze badges


You can do the filter this way also

$string = "This dude is a mothertrucker";
if [preg_match_all['#\b[truck|shot|etc]\b#', $string ]] //add all bad words here.       
  echo "There is a bad word in the string";
else {
    echo "There is no bad word in the string";

answered Jun 27, 2019 at 12:56


Wanted this?

$string = "This dude is a mothertrucker"; 
$bads = array['truck', 'shot', 'mothertrucker'];

    foreach [$bads as $bad] {
        if [strstr[$string,$bad] !== false] {
            echo 'NO
'; } else { echo 'YES
'; } }

answered Dec 10, 2012 at 6:11


57016 silver badges36 bronze badges


If you want to do with array_intersect[], then use below code :

function checkString[array $arr, $str] {

  $str = preg_replace[ array['/[^ \w]+/', '/\s+/'], ' ', strtolower[$str] ]; // Remove Special Characters and extra spaces -or- convert to LowerCase

  $matchedString = array_intersect[ explode[' ', $str], $arr];

  if [ count[$matchedString] > 0 ] {
    return true;
  return false;

answered Aug 17, 2017 at 6:28

Irshad KhanIrshad Khan

5,2902 gold badges42 silver badges38 bronze badges


I would go that way if chat string is not that long.

$badwords = array['mothertrucker', 'ash', 'whole'];
$chatstr = 'This dude is a mothertrucker';
$chatstrArr = explode[' ',$chatstr];
$badwordfound = false;
foreach [$chatstrArr as $k => $v] {
    if [in_array[$v,$badwords]] {$badwordfound = true; break;}
    foreach[$badwords as $kb => $vb] {
        if [strstr[$v, $kb]] $badwordfound = true;
if [$badwordfound] { echo 'You\'re nasty!';}
else echo 'GoodGuy!';


38.8k11 gold badges76 silver badges111 bronze badges

answered Dec 10, 2012 at 6:08


2023 silver badges8 bronze badges


 $string = "This dude is a good man";   
 $bad = array['truck','shot','etc']; 
 foreach[$bad as $word]{        
  echo "Exist";
  echo "Not Exist";

answered Feb 11, 2015 at 9:15


3455 silver badges9 bronze badges


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