How do you shuffle one word in python?

How do I shuffle a word's letters randomly in python?

For example, the word "cat" might be changed into 'act', 'tac' or 'tca'.

I would like to do this without using built-in functions

asked Jul 6, 2010 at 1:14


import random
word = "cat"
shuffled = list[word]
shuffled = ''.join[shuffled]

...or done in a different way, inspired by Dominic's answer...

import random
shuffled = ''.join[random.sample[word, len[word]]]

answered Jul 6, 2010 at 1:17


123k20 gold badges242 silver badges229 bronze badges


Take a look at the Fisher-Yates shuffle. It's extremely space and time-efficient, and easy to implement.

answered Jul 6, 2010 at 1:31


17.2k10 gold badges73 silver badges108 bronze badges

return "".join[random.sample[word, len[word]]]

Used like:

import random
word = "Pocketknife"
print["".join[random.sample[word, len[word]]]]

>>> teenockpkfi

answered Jul 6, 2010 at 1:20

Dominic Bou-SamraDominic Bou-Samra

14.2k26 gold badges97 silver badges153 bronze badges


This cookbook recipe has a simple implementation of Fisher-Yates shuffling in Python. Of course, since you have a string argument and must return a string, you'll need a first statement [say the argument name is s] like ary = list[s], and in the return statement you'll use ''.join to put the array of characters ary back into a single string.

answered Jul 6, 2010 at 2:22

Alex MartelliAlex Martelli

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To be very slightly more low level, this just swaps the current letter with a random letter which comes after it.

from random import randint
hi = "helloworld"

def shuffle[word]:
    wordlen = len[word]
    word = list[word]
    for i in range[0, wordlen - 1]:
        pos = randint[i + 1, wordlen - 1]
        word[i], word[pos] = word[pos], word[i]
    word = "".join[word]
    return word


This won't create all possible permutations with equal probability, but still might be alright for what you want

answered Jul 6, 2010 at 1:38

Jamie WongJamie Wong

17.8k7 gold badges60 silver badges82 bronze badges


Here is a way that doesn't use random.shuffle. Hopefully random.choice is ok. You should add any restrictions to the question

>>> from random import choice
>>> from itertools import permutations
>>> "".join[choice[list[permutations["cat"]]]]

This method is not as efficient as random.shuffle, so will be slow for long words

answered Jul 6, 2010 at 1:48

John La RooyJohn La Rooy

285k50 gold badges357 silver badges498 bronze badges


from random import random
def shuffle[x]:
    for i in reversed[xrange[1, len[x]]]:
        j = int[random[] * [i+1]]
        x[i], x[j] = x[j], x[i]

answered Jul 6, 2010 at 11:46

John La RooyJohn La Rooy

285k50 gold badges357 silver badges498 bronze badges


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first install the python-string-utils library. pip install python_string_utils..
use string_utils.shuffle[] function to shuffle string..
please use the below snippet for it..

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