How edit and delete data from database in php?

How edit and delete data from database in php?

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In this tutorial, I will explain how to insert, view, edit and delete record from database using PHP and Mysqli, basically this tutorial is a second part of Simple User Registration & Login Script in PHP and MySQLi, in this first part I explained how to create simple user registration and login using PHP and MySQLi, if you do not know how to create user registration and user login form so kindly first check this tutorial Simple User Registration & Login Script in PHP and MySQLi, after that now come back to this tutorial.

I am using PHP 5.6 for this tutorial, I didn’t check this tutorial on PHP 7, kindly make sure you are using PHP 5.6 to avoid any unexpected error.

I would suggest you to check PHP CRUD Operations Using PDO Prepared Statements, as this is compatible with PHP 7 and 8 both.

Steps to Creating an Insert, View, Edit and Delete Record from Database Using PHP and MySQLi

Now I am assuming that you have already created user registration and login forms which I created in Simple User Registration & Login Script in PHP and MySQLi now I will create another table to keeping records in it, update dashboard.php file and add four more new pages which are insert.php, view.php, edit.php, and delete.php, follow the following steps:

  1. Create Another Table for Records
  2. Update Dashboard File
  3. Create Insert Page
  4. Create View Page
  5. Create Edit/Update Page
  6. Create Delete Page

1. Create Another Table for Records

Execute the below SQL query:

 `trn_date` datetime NOT NULL,
 `name` varchar(50) NOT NULL,
 `age`int(11) NOT NULL,
 `submittedby` varchar(50) NOT NULL,

2. Update Dashboard Page

Update dashboard.php file and paste the following code in it.

Dashboard - Secured Page

Welcome to Dashboard.


Insert New Record

View Records


3. Create Insert Page

Create a page with name insert.php and paste the below code in it.

View Inserted Record"; } ?> Insert New Record

Dashboard | View Records | Logout

Insert New Record

How edit and delete data from database in php?

4. Create View Page

Create a page with name view.php and paste the below code in it.

View Records

Home | Insert New Record | Logout

View Records

S.No Name Age Edit Delete
">Edit ">Delete

How edit and delete data from database in php?

5. Create Edit/Update Page

Create a page with name edit.php and paste the below code in it.

Update Record

Dashboard | Insert New Record | Logout

Update Record

View Updated Record"; echo '


'; }else { ?>

How edit and delete data from database in php?

6. Create Delete Page

Create a page with name delete.php and paste the below code in it.

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Click here to Forgot Password Recovery (Reset) using PHP and MySQL

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How edit and delete records from database in PHP?

php (to display the records from the database), insert. php (to insert records into the database), edit. php (to edit records), and delete. php (to delete records).

How delete all data from database in PHP?

PHP MySQL: Delete Data.
Connect to the MySQL database by creating a new instance of the PDO object..
Construct a DELETE statement to delete a row, multiple rows, or all rows in a table. ... .
Execute the DELETE statement by calling the exec() method of the PDO object or the execute() method of the PDOStatement object..

How do I edit a form in PHP?

Take note of the code used to create the edit button on the table. The update button is a submit button for a form with hidden input fields. Once the edit button is clicked, the id of the item to be edited is sent to the script update. php .

How do you insert delete and update the data items into a database using PHP explain?

How to Insert Update Delete in PHP on Same Page.
Step 1 – Create Database. ... .
Step 2 – Connecting To Database using PHP. ... .
Step 3 – Retrieve All Data From Database and Display in HTML Table. ... .
Step 4 – Edit Data From Database. ... .
Step 5 – Insert and Update Data Into Database..