How to concatenate list elements in python

Given a list, the task is to write a Python program to concatenate all elements in a list into a string i.e. we are given a list of strings and we expect a result as the entire list is concatenated into a single sentence and printed as the output.


Input:  ['hello', 'geek', 'have', 'a', 'geeky', 'day']
Output: hello geek have a geeky day

Using the Naive approach to concatenate items in a list to a single string 

Here, we are taking a list of words, and by using the Python loop we are iterating over each element and concatenating words with the help of the “+” operator.


l = [ 'hello', 'geek', 'have',

     'a', 'geeky', 'day']

ans = ' '

for i in l:

  ans = ans+ ' '+ i



hello geek have a geeky day

Using list comprehension to concatenate items in a list to a single string 

Here, we are using list comprehension to make the items into a Python string i.e. words into sentence. 


l = [ 'hello', 'geek', 'have',

     'a', 'geeky', 'day']

res = " ".join[[str[item] for item in l]]



'hello geek have a geeky day'

Using join[] method to concatenate items in a list to a single string 

The join[]is an inbuilt string function in Python used to join elements of the sequence separated by a string separator. This function joins elements of a sequence and makes it a string. 


l = ['hello', 'geek', 'have',

   'a', '1', 'day']

l = ' '.join[l]



hello geek have a 1 day

Using map[] method to concatenate items in a list to a single string

The map[] function returns a map object[which is an iterator] of the results after applying the given function to each item of a given iterable. In map we passed the str as Datatype and list, this will iterate till the length of the list and join each element to form a string.


l = [ 'hello', 'geek', 'have',

     'a', 'geeky', 'day']

res = " ".join[map[str, l]]



hello geek have a geeky day

Using reduce[] method to concatenate items in a list to a single string 

The reduce[fun, seq] function is used to apply a particular function passed in its argument to all of the list elements mentioned in the sequence passed along. This function is defined in “functools” module.


from functools import reduce

l = ['hello', 'geek', 'have',

     'a', 'geeky', 'day']

res = reduce[lambda x, y: x + ' ' + y, map[str, l]]



hello geek have a geeky day

The time and space complexity for all the methods are the same:

Time Complexity: O[n]

Space Complexity: O[n]

How do you concatenate a list in python?

1. Concatenation operator [+] for List Concatenation. The '+' operator can be used to concatenate two lists. It appends one list at the end of the other list and results in a new list as output.

How do you combine all elements in a list python?

The string join[] method returns a string by joining all the elements of an iterable [list, string, tuple], separated by the given separator.

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