How to iterate through a binary search tree python

So far I have

def tree_iterate[]:
parent, current = None, self.root
lst = []
while current is not None: 
 if current.left not None:
  parent, current = current, current.left
 if current.right not None:
  parent, current = current, current.right

[sorry about spacing I'm quite new at this]

I'm not quite sure how to iterate on both sides of the tree when current has left and right, without using recursion. My main goal is to have a list of all the nodes in this BSTenter code here

asked Mar 31, 2014 at 1:55


To get a list of all nodes in the BST iteratively, use Breadth-First Search [BFS]. Note that this won't give you the nodes in sorted order:

queue = [root]
result = []
while queue:
    l = queue.pop[0]

    if l.left != None:
    if l.right!= None:

If you want the nodes in sorted order, you will need to simulate inorder traversal using a stack:

result = []
stack = [root]
while stack:
    stack[-1].visited = True
    if stack[-1].left != None and not stack[-1].left.visited:
        node = stack.pop[]
        if stack[-1].right != None:

answered Mar 31, 2014 at 2:17


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    Given a binary search tree and a key. Check the given key exists in BST or not without recursion.

    Please refer binary search tree insertion for recursive search. 



    using namespace std;

    struct Node {

        int data;

        struct Node *left, *right;


    bool iterativeSearch[struct Node* root, int key]


        while [root != NULL] {

            if [key > root->data]

                root = root->right;

            else if [key < root->data]

                root = root->left;


                return true;


        return false;


    struct Node* newNode[int item]


        struct Node* temp = new Node;

        temp->data = item;

        temp->left = temp->right = NULL;

        return temp;


    struct Node* insert[struct Node* Node, int data]


        if [Node == NULL]

            return newNode[data];

        if [data < Node->data]

            Node->left = insert[Node->left, data];

        else if [data > Node->data]

            Node->right = insert[Node->right, data];

        return Node;


    int main[]


        struct Node* root = NULL;

        root = insert[root, 50];

        insert[root, 30];

        insert[root, 20];

        insert[root, 40];

        insert[root, 70];

        insert[root, 60];

        insert[root, 80];

        if [iterativeSearch[root, 15]]


                Node.right = insert[Node.right, data];

            return Node;


        public static void main[String args[]]


            Node root = null;

            root = insert[root, 50];

            insert[root, 30];

            insert[root, 20];

            insert[root, 40];

            insert[root, 70];

            insert[root, 60];

            insert[root, 80];

            if [iterativeSearch[root, 15]]







    class newNode:

        def __init__[self, data]:

   = data

            self.left = None

            self.right = None

    def iterativeSearch[root, key]:

        while root != None:

            if key >

                root = root.right

            elif key <

                root = root.left


                return True

        return False

    def insert[Node, data]:

        if Node == None:

            return newNode[data]

        if data <

            Node.left = insert[Node.left, data]

        elif data >

            Node.right = insert[Node.right, data]

        return Node

    if __name__ == '__main__':

        root = None

        root = insert[root, 50]

        insert[root, 30]

        insert[root, 20]

        insert[root, 40]

        insert[root, 70]

        insert[root, 60]

        insert[root, 80]

        if iterativeSearch[root, 15]:





    using System;

    class GFG {

        public class Node {

            public int data;

            public Node left, right;


        static bool iterativeSearch[Node root, int key]


            while [root != null] {

                if [key >]

                    root = root.right;

                else if [key <]

                    root = root.left;


                    return true;


            return false;


        static Node newNode[int item]


            Node temp = new Node[];

   = item;

            temp.left = temp.right = null;

            return temp;


        static Node insert[Node Node, int data]


            if [Node == null]

                return newNode[data];

            if [data <]

                Node.left = insert[Node.left, data];

            else if [data >]

                Node.right = insert[Node.right, data];

            return Node;


        public static void Main[String[] args]


            Node root = null;

            root = insert[root, 50];

            insert[root, 30];

            insert[root, 20];

            insert[root, 40];

            insert[root, 70];

            insert[root, 60];

            insert[root, 80];

            if [iterativeSearch[root, 15]]







    class Node {

        constructor[] {

   = 0;

            this.left = null;

            this.right = null;



        function iterativeSearch[root , key]


            while [root != null] {

                if [key >]

                    root = root.right;

                else if [key <]

                    root = root.left;


                    return true;


            return false;


        function newNode[item]


            var temp = new Node[];

   = item;

            temp.left = temp.right = null;

            return temp;


        function insert[Node , data]


            if [Node== null]

                return newNode[data];

            if [data <]

                Node.left = insert[Node.left, data];

            else if [data >]

                Node.right = insert[Node.right, data];

            return Node;


            var root = null;

            root = insert[root, 50];

            insert[root, 30];

            insert[root, 20];

            insert[root, 40];

            insert[root, 70];

            insert[root, 60];

            insert[root, 80];

            if [iterativeSearch[root, 15]]




    How do you iterate a binary tree in Python?

    An easy iterative way to get all the nodes in your tree is to use breadth first search [BFS]. You can use a queue [a simple python list] for this.

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    If the Node is NULL then return;.
    If level is 1 print[tree->data];.
    Else if the level is greater than 1, then. Recursively call to for tree->left, level-1. Recursively call to for tree->right, level-1..

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