Html code for shopping website

  • 12 min read
  • E-Commerce, HTML5
This tutorial will show you how to harness the power of HTML5 web storage by creating a shopping cart step-by-step. What you learn from this tutorial can easily be applied to other site features that may not require database storage such as user preferences, users’ favorite contents, wish list, user settings like username and password and more.

Update [27,29 Aug] Editor’s Note: We have updated the examples to address accessibility issues in the HTML.

With the advent of HTML5, many sites were able to replace JavaScript plugin and codes with simple more efficient HTML codes such as audio, video, geolocation, etc. HTML5 tags made the job of developers much easier while enhancing page load time and site performance. In particular, HTML5 web storage was a game changer as they allow users’ browsers to store user data without using a server. So the creation of web storage, allowed front-end developers to accomplish more on their website without knowing or using server-side coding or database.

Online e-commerce websites predominantly use server-side languages such as PHP to store users’ data and pass them from one page to another. Using JavaScript back-end frameworks such as Node.js, we can achieve the same goal. However, in this tutorial, we’ll show you step by step how to build a shopping cart with HTML5 and some minor JavaScript code. Other uses of the techniques in this tutorial would be to store user preferences, the user’s favorite content, wish lists, and user settings like name and password on websites and native mobile apps without using a database.

Many high-traffic websites rely on complex techniques such as server clustering, DNS load balancers, client-side and server-side caching, distributed databases, and microservices to optimize performance and availability. Indeed, the major challenge for dynamic websites is to fetch data from a database and use a server-side language such as PHP to process them. However, remote database storage should be used only for essential website content, such as articles and user credentials. Features such as user preferences can be stored in the user’s browser, similar to cookies. Likewise, when you build a native mobile app, you can use HTML5 web storage in conjunction with a local database to increase the speed of your app. Thus, as front-end developers, we need to explore ways in which we can exploit the power of HTML5 web storage in our applications in the early stages of development.

I have been a part of a team developing a large-scale social website, and we used HTML5 web storage heavily. For instance, when a user logs in, we store the hashed user ID in an HTML5 session and use it to authenticate the user on protected pages. We also use this feature to store all new push notifications — such as new chat messages, website messages, and new feeds — and pass them from one page to another. When a social website gets high traffic, total reliance on the server for load balancing might not work, so you have to identify tasks and data that can be handled by the user’s browser instead of your servers.

More after jump! Continue reading below ↓

Project Background

A shopping cart allows a website’s visitor to view product pages and add items to their basket. The visitor can review all of their items and update their basket [such as to add or remove items]. To achieve this, the website needs to store the visitor’s data and pass them from one page to another, until the visitor goes to the checkout page and makes a purchase. Storing data can be done via a server-side language or a client-side one. With a server-side language, the server bears the weight of the data storage, whereas with a client-side language, the visitor’s computer [desktop, tablet or smartphone] stores and processes the data. Each approach has its pros and cons. In this tutorial, we’ll focus on a simple client-side approach, based on HTML5 and JavaScript.

Note: In order to be able to follow this tutorial, basic knowledge of HTML5, CSS and JavaScript is required.

Project Files

Click here to download the project’s source files. You can see a live demo, too.

Overview Of HTML5 Web Storage

HTML5 web storage allows web applications to store values locally in the browser that can survive the browser session, just like cookies. Unlike cookies that need to be sent with every HTTP request, web storage data is never transferred to the server; thus, web storage outperforms cookies in web performance. Furthermore, cookies allow you to store only 4 KB of data per domain, whereas web storage allows at least 5 MB per domain. Web storage works like a simple array, mapping keys to values, and they have two types:

  • Session storage
    This stores data in one browser session, where it becomes available until the browser or browser tab is closed. Popup windows opened from the same window can see session storage, and so can iframes inside the same window. However, multiple windows from the same origin [URL] cannot see each other’s session storage.
  • Local storage
    This stores data in the web browser with no expiration date. The data is available to all windows with the same origin [domain], even when the browser or browser tabs are reopened or closed.

Both storage types are currently supported in all major web browsers. Keep in mind that you cannot pass storage data from one browser to another, even if both browsers are visiting the same domain.

To build our shopping cart, we first create an HTML page with a simple cart to show items, and a simple form to add or edit the basket. Then, we add HTML web storage to it, followed by JavaScript coding. Although we are using HTML5 local storage tags, all steps are identical to those of HTML5 session storage and can be applied to HTML5 session storage tags. Lastly, we’ll go over some jQuery code, as an alternative to JavaScript code, for those interested in using jQuery.

Our HTML page is a basic page, with tags for external JavaScript and CSS referenced in the head.

HTML5 Local Storage Project

Below is the HTML content that appears in the page’s body:

        Shopping cart


Shopping List

* Delete all items

We’ll create and call the JavaScript function doShowAll[] in the onload[] event to check for browser support and to dynamically create the table that shows the storage name-value pair.

Alternatively, you can use the JavaScript onload event by adding this to the JavaScript code:


Or use this for jQuery:

$[ window ].load[function[] {

In the CheckBrowser[] function, we would like to check whether the browser supports HTML5 storage. Note that this step might not be required because most modern web browsers support it.

=====> Checking browser support.
 //This step might not be required because most modern browsers do support HTML5.
 //Function below might be redundant.
function CheckBrowser[] {
    if ['localStorage' in window && window['localStorage'] !== null] {
        // We can use localStorage object to store data.
        return true;
    } else {
            return false;

Inside the doShowAll[], if the CheckBrowser[] function evaluates first for browser support, then it will dynamically create the table for the shopping list during page load. You can iterate the keys [property names] of the key-value pairs stored in local storage inside a JavaScript loop, as shown below. Based on the storage value, this method populates the table dynamically to show the key-value pair stored in local storage.

// Dynamically populate the table with shopping list items.
//Step below can be done via PHP and AJAX, too.
function doShowAll[] {
    if [CheckBrowser[]] {
        var key = "";
        var list = "ItemValue\n";
        var i = 0;
        //For a more advanced feature, you can set a cap on max items in the cart.
        for [i = 0; i 

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