Hướng dẫn how do you clean url in python? - làm cách nào để xóa url trong python?

49 Ví dụ về mã Python được tìm thấy liên quan đến "URL sạch". Bạn có thể bỏ phiếu cho những người bạn thích hoặc bỏ phiếu cho những người bạn không thích và đi đến dự án gốc hoặc tệp nguồn bằng cách theo các liên kết trên mỗi ví dụ. clean url". You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example.

ví dụ 1

def clean_url[url, base_url=None]:
    """Add base netloc and path to internal URLs and remove www, fragments."""
    parsed_url = urlparse[url]

    fragment = "{url.fragment}".format[url=parsed_url]
    if fragment:
        url = url.split[fragment][0]

    # Identify internal URLs and fix their format
    netloc = "{url.netloc}".format[url=parsed_url]
    if base_url is not None and not netloc:
        parsed_base = urlparse[base_url]
        split_base = "{url.scheme}://{url.netloc}{url.path}/".format[url=parsed_base]
        url = urljoin[split_base, url]
        netloc = "{url.netloc}".format[url=urlparse[url]]

    if "www." in netloc:
        url = url.replace[netloc, netloc.replace["www.", ""]]
    return url.rstrip[string.punctuation] 

Ví dụ 2

def clean_url[self]:
            url = self.cleaned_data['url']
            if self.check_is_empty[url]:
                raise forms.ValidationError["No URL given."]

            if self.component.prefix:
                # check that the URL starts with the provided prefix
                if not url.startswith[self.component.prefix]:
                    raise forms.ValidationError['Submitted URL must start with "%s".' % [self.component.prefix]]

            if self.component.check:
                # instructor asked to check that URLs really exist: do it.
                validator = QuickURLValidator[]
                    validator[url] # throws ValidationError if there's a problem
                except forms.ValidationError:
                    # re-throw to produce a better error message
                    raise forms.ValidationError["The submitted URL doesn't seem to exist: please check the URL and resubmit."]
            return url 

Ví dụ 3

def clean_keyserver_url[self]:
        url = self.cleaned_data.get["keyserver_url", ""]
        if url:
                res = requests.get[url]
                               _["Could not access the specified url"]]
                return url
            begin = res.text.find["-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----"]
            end = res.text.find["-----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----"]
            if 200 = 0 and end > begin:
                self.pub_key = res.text[begin:end + 34]
                               _['This url does not have a pgp key']]
        return url 

Ví dụ 4

def clean_url[url, encoding='utf-8']:
    # percent-encode illegal URI characters
    # Trying to come up with test cases for this gave me a headache, revisit
    # when do switch to unicode.
    # Somebody else's comments [lost the attribution]:
    # - IE will return you the url in the encoding you send it
    # - Mozilla/Firefox will send you latin-1 if there's no non latin-1
    # characters in your link. It will send you utf-8 however if there are...
    is_unicode = not isinstance[url, bytes]
    if not is_unicode:
        url = url.decode[encoding, "replace"]
    url = url.strip[]
    # for second param to urllib.quote[], we want URI_CHARS, minus the
    # 'always_safe' characters that urllib.quote[] never percent-encodes
    ans = quote[url.encode[encoding], "!*'[];:@&=+$,/?%#[]~"]
    if is_unicode and isinstance[ans, bytes]:
        ans = ans.decode[encoding]
    return ans 

Ví dụ 5

def clean_url[url]:
    """Remove extraneous characters from URL.

    - url: [type: string] URL to clean.

    - url: [type: string] clean URL.

    if url is None:
        return None

    if '??' in url:
        url = url.split['??'][0]

    if url.endswith['?']:
        url = url[:-1]

    if '`' in url:
        url = url.replace['`', '']

    return url 

Ví dụ 6

def clean_url[url, encoding='utf-8']:
    # percent-encode illegal URI characters
    # Trying to come up with test cases for this gave me a headache, revisit
    # when do switch to unicode.
    # Somebody else's comments [lost the attribution]:
    # - IE will return you the url in the encoding you send it
    # - Mozilla/Firefox will send you latin-1 if there's no non latin-1
    # characters in your link. It will send you utf-8 however if there are...
    is_unicode = not isinstance[url, bytes]
    if not is_unicode:
        url = url.decode[encoding, "replace"]
    url = url.strip[]
    # for second param to urllib.quote[], we want URI_CHARS, minus the
    # 'always_safe' characters that urllib.quote[] never percent-encodes
    ans = quote[url.encode[encoding], "!*'[];:@&=+$,/?%#[]~"]
    if is_unicode and isinstance[ans, bytes]:
        ans = ans.decode[encoding]
    return ans 

Ví dụ 7

def clean_api_url_response[url_response]:
    clean the string to a valid URL field [used with API data, because sometimes there are multiple or entries
    clean_response = url_response.strip[]
    if url_response != "":
        clean_response = clean_response if ";" not in clean_response else clean_response.split[";"][0]
        clean_response = clean_response if " or //" not in clean_response \
            else clean_response.split[" or //"][0]
        clean_response = clean_response if " and //" not in clean_response \
            else clean_response.split[" and //"][0]
        clean_response = clean_response if " //" not in clean_response \
            else clean_response.split[" //"][0]
        clean_response = clean_response if " and //" not in clean_response \
            else clean_response.split[" and //"][0]
        clean_response = clean_response if " or //" not in clean_response \
            else clean_response.split[" or //"][0]
        clean_response = clean_response if " //" not in clean_response \
            else clean_response.split[" //"][0]
    return clean_response 

Ví dụ 8

def clean_url[self] -> str:
        url = self.cleaned_data.get['url']
        url = normalize_url[url]

        # TODO: This is not a real validity check
        if '.' not in url:
            raise ValidationError[_['The url is not valid.']]

        return url 

Ví dụ 9

def cleanUrl[text]:
    url = text.replace[' ', '%20'] # replace spaces with %20
    return url

# Function: generateApiQuery
# Date Created: 29/03/2017
# Author: Todd Johnson
# Description: Generates an API Query that is compatible with Sonarr.
# @param endpoint | STR | The Sonarr API endpoint for query
# @param parameters | DICT | Add any parameters to query
# @return url | STR | HTTP api query string 

Ví dụ 10

def cleanRequestURL[url]:
    """Clean a URL from a Request line."""
    url.transport = None
    url.maddr = None
    url.ttl = None
    url.headers = {} 

Ví dụ 11

def clean_url[self]:
            url = self.cleaned_data['url']
            if self.check_is_empty[url]:
                raise forms.ValidationError["No URL given."]

            if self.component.prefix:
                # check that the URL starts with the provided prefix
                if not url.startswith[self.component.prefix]:
                    raise forms.ValidationError['Submitted URL must start with "%s".' % [self.component.prefix]]

            if self.component.check:
                # instructor asked to check that URLs really exist: do it.
                validator = QuickURLValidator[]
                    validator[url] # throws ValidationError if there's a problem
                except forms.ValidationError:
                    # re-throw to produce a better error message
                    raise forms.ValidationError["The submitted URL doesn't seem to exist: please check the URL and resubmit."]
            return url 

Ví dụ 12

def clean_url[self]:
            url = self.cleaned_data['url']
            if self.check_is_empty[url]:
                raise forms.ValidationError["No URL given."]

            if self.component.prefix:
                # check that the URL starts with the provided prefix
                if not url.startswith[self.component.prefix]:
                    raise forms.ValidationError['Submitted URL must start with "%s".' % [self.component.prefix]]

            if self.component.check:
                # instructor asked to check that URLs really exist: do it.
                validator = QuickURLValidator[]
                    validator[url] # throws ValidationError if there's a problem
                except forms.ValidationError:
                    # re-throw to produce a better error message
                    raise forms.ValidationError["The submitted URL doesn't seem to exist: please check the URL and resubmit."]
            return url 

Ví dụ 13

def clean_url[self]:
            url = self.cleaned_data['url']
            if self.check_is_empty[url]:
                raise forms.ValidationError["No URL given."]

            if self.component.prefix:
                # check that the URL starts with the provided prefix
                if not url.startswith[self.component.prefix]:
                    raise forms.ValidationError['Submitted URL must start with "%s".' % [self.component.prefix]]

            if self.component.check:
                # instructor asked to check that URLs really exist: do it.
                validator = QuickURLValidator[]
                    validator[url] # throws ValidationError if there's a problem
                except forms.ValidationError:
                    # re-throw to produce a better error message
                    raise forms.ValidationError["The submitted URL doesn't seem to exist: please check the URL and resubmit."]
            return url 

Ví dụ 14

def clean_url[self]:
            url = self.cleaned_data['url']
            if self.check_is_empty[url]:
                raise forms.ValidationError["No URL given."]

            if self.component.prefix:
                # check that the URL starts with the provided prefix
                if not url.startswith[self.component.prefix]:
                    raise forms.ValidationError['Submitted URL must start with "%s".' % [self.component.prefix]]

            if self.component.check:
                # instructor asked to check that URLs really exist: do it.
                validator = QuickURLValidator[]
                    validator[url] # throws ValidationError if there's a problem
                except forms.ValidationError:
                    # re-throw to produce a better error message
                    raise forms.ValidationError["The submitted URL doesn't seem to exist: please check the URL and resubmit."]
            return url 

Ví dụ 15

def clean_url[self]:
            url = self.cleaned_data['url']
            if self.check_is_empty[url]:
                raise forms.ValidationError["No URL given."]

            if self.component.prefix:
                # check that the URL starts with the provided prefix
                if not url.startswith[self.component.prefix]:
                    raise forms.ValidationError['Submitted URL must start with "%s".' % [self.component.prefix]]

            if self.component.check:
                # instructor asked to check that URLs really exist: do it.
                validator = QuickURLValidator[]
                    validator[url] # throws ValidationError if there's a problem
                except forms.ValidationError:
                    # re-throw to produce a better error message
                    raise forms.ValidationError["The submitted URL doesn't seem to exist: please check the URL and resubmit."]
            return url 

Ví dụ 16

def clean_url[self]:
            url = self.cleaned_data['url']
            if self.check_is_empty[url]:
                raise forms.ValidationError["No URL given."]

            if self.component.prefix:
                # check that the URL starts with the provided prefix
                if not url.startswith[self.component.prefix]:
                    raise forms.ValidationError['Submitted URL must start with "%s".' % [self.component.prefix]]

            if self.component.check:
                # instructor asked to check that URLs really exist: do it.
                validator = QuickURLValidator[]
                    validator[url] # throws ValidationError if there's a problem
                except forms.ValidationError:
                    # re-throw to produce a better error message
                    raise forms.ValidationError["The submitted URL doesn't seem to exist: please check the URL and resubmit."]
            return url 

Ví dụ 17

def clean_url[self]:
            url = self.cleaned_data['url']
            if self.check_is_empty[url]:
                raise forms.ValidationError["No URL given."]

            if self.component.prefix:
                # check that the URL starts with the provided prefix
                if not url.startswith[self.component.prefix]:
                    raise forms.ValidationError['Submitted URL must start with "%s".' % [self.component.prefix]]

            if self.component.check:
                # instructor asked to check that URLs really exist: do it.
                validator = QuickURLValidator[]
                    validator[url] # throws ValidationError if there's a problem
                except forms.ValidationError:
                    # re-throw to produce a better error message
                    raise forms.ValidationError["The submitted URL doesn't seem to exist: please check the URL and resubmit."]
            return url 

Ví dụ 18

def clean_url[self]:
            url = self.cleaned_data['url']
            if self.check_is_empty[url]:
                raise forms.ValidationError["No URL given."]

            if self.component.prefix:
                # check that the URL starts with the provided prefix
                if not url.startswith[self.component.prefix]:
                    raise forms.ValidationError['Submitted URL must start with "%s".' % [self.component.prefix]]

            if self.component.check:
                # instructor asked to check that URLs really exist: do it.
                validator = QuickURLValidator[]
                    validator[url] # throws ValidationError if there's a problem
                except forms.ValidationError:
                    # re-throw to produce a better error message
                    raise forms.ValidationError["The submitted URL doesn't seem to exist: please check the URL and resubmit."]
            return url 

Ví dụ 19

def clean_url[self]:
            url = self.cleaned_data['url']
            if self.check_is_empty[url]:
                raise forms.ValidationError["No URL given."]

            if self.component.prefix:
                # check that the URL starts with the provided prefix
                if not url.startswith[self.component.prefix]:
                    raise forms.ValidationError['Submitted URL must start with "%s".' % [self.component.prefix]]

            if self.component.check:
                # instructor asked to check that URLs really exist: do it.
                validator = QuickURLValidator[]
                    validator[url] # throws ValidationError if there's a problem
                except forms.ValidationError:
                    # re-throw to produce a better error message
                    raise forms.ValidationError["The submitted URL doesn't seem to exist: please check the URL and resubmit."]
            return url 

Ví dụ 20

def clean_url[self]:
            url = self.cleaned_data['url']
            if self.check_is_empty[url]:
                raise forms.ValidationError["No URL given."]

            if self.component.prefix:
                # check that the URL starts with the provided prefix
                if not url.startswith[self.component.prefix]:
                    raise forms.ValidationError['Submitted URL must start with "%s".' % [self.component.prefix]]

            if self.component.check:
                # instructor asked to check that URLs really exist: do it.
                validator = QuickURLValidator[]
                    validator[url] # throws ValidationError if there's a problem
                except forms.ValidationError:
                    # re-throw to produce a better error message
                    raise forms.ValidationError["The submitted URL doesn't seem to exist: please check the URL and resubmit."]
            return url 

Ví dụ 21

def clean_keyserver_url[self]:
        url = self.cleaned_data.get["keyserver_url", ""]
        if url:
                res = requests.get[url]
                               _["Could not access the specified url"]]
                return url
            begin = res.text.find["-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----"]
            end = res.text.find["-----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----"]
            if 200 = 0 and end > begin:
                self.pub_key = res.text[begin:end + 34]
                               _['This url does not have a pgp key']]
        return url 

Ví dụ 22

def clean_keyserver_url[self]:
        url = self.cleaned_data.get["keyserver_url", ""]
        if url:
                res = requests.get[url]
                               _["Could not access the specified url"]]
                return url
            begin = res.text.find["-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----"]
            end = res.text.find["-----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----"]
            if 200 = 0 and end > begin:
                self.pub_key = res.text[begin:end + 34]
                               _['This url does not have a pgp key']]
        return url 

Ví dụ 23

def clean_url[self]:
            url = self.cleaned_data['url']
            if self.check_is_empty[url]:
                raise forms.ValidationError["No URL given."]

            if self.component.prefix:
                # check that the URL starts with the provided prefix
                if not url.startswith[self.component.prefix]:
                    raise forms.ValidationError['Submitted URL must start with "%s".' % [self.component.prefix]]

            if self.component.check:
                # instructor asked to check that URLs really exist: do it.
                validator = QuickURLValidator[]
                    validator[url] # throws ValidationError if there's a problem
                except forms.ValidationError:
                    # re-throw to produce a better error message
                    raise forms.ValidationError["The submitted URL doesn't seem to exist: please check the URL and resubmit."]
            return url 

Ví dụ 24

def clean_keyserver_url[self]:
        url = self.cleaned_data.get["keyserver_url", ""]
        if url:
                res = requests.get[url]
                               _["Could not access the specified url"]]
                return url
            begin = res.text.find["-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----"]
            end = res.text.find["-----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----"]
            if 200 = 0 and end > begin:
                self.pub_key = res.text[begin:end + 34]
                               _['This url does not have a pgp key']]
        return url 

Ví dụ 25

def clean_keyserver_url[self]:
        url = self.cleaned_data.get["keyserver_url", ""]
        if url:
                res = requests.get[url]
                               _["Could not access the specified url"]]
                return url
            begin = res.text.find["-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----"]
            end = res.text.find["-----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----"]
            if 200 = 0 and end > begin:
                self.pub_key = res.text[begin:end + 34]
                               _['This url does not have a pgp key']]
        return url 

Ví dụ 26

def clean_keyserver_url[self]:
        url = self.cleaned_data.get["keyserver_url", ""]
        if url:
                res = requests.get[url]
                               _["Could not access the specified url"]]
                return url
            begin = res.text.find["-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----"]
            end = res.text.find["-----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----"]
            if 200 = 0 and end > begin:
                self.pub_key = res.text[begin:end + 34]
                               _['This url does not have a pgp key']]
        return url 

Ví dụ 27

def clean_url[self]:
            url = self.cleaned_data['url']
            if self.check_is_empty[url]:
                raise forms.ValidationError["No URL given."]

            if self.component.prefix:
                # check that the URL starts with the provided prefix
                if not url.startswith[self.component.prefix]:
                    raise forms.ValidationError['Submitted URL must start with "%s".' % [self.component.prefix]]

            if self.component.check:
                # instructor asked to check that URLs really exist: do it.
                validator = QuickURLValidator[]
                    validator[url] # throws ValidationError if there's a problem
                except forms.ValidationError:
                    # re-throw to produce a better error message
                    raise forms.ValidationError["The submitted URL doesn't seem to exist: please check the URL and resubmit."]
            return url 

Ví dụ 28

def clean_keyserver_url[self]:
        url = self.cleaned_data.get["keyserver_url", ""]
        if url:
                res = requests.get[url]
                               _["Could not access the specified url"]]
                return url
            begin = res.text.find["-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----"]
            end = res.text.find["-----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----"]
            if 200 = 0 and end > begin:
                self.pub_key = res.text[begin:end + 34]
                               _['This url does not have a pgp key']]
        return url 

Ví dụ 29

def clean_keyserver_url[self]:
        url = self.cleaned_data.get["keyserver_url", ""]
        if url:
                res = requests.get[url]
                               _["Could not access the specified url"]]
                return url
            begin = res.text.find["-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----"]
            end = res.text.find["-----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----"]
            if 200 = 0 and end > begin:
                self.pub_key = res.text[begin:end + 34]
                               _['This url does not have a pgp key']]
        return url 

Ví dụ 30

def clean_keyserver_url[self]:
        url = self.cleaned_data.get["keyserver_url", ""]
        if url:
                res = requests.get[url]
                               _["Could not access the specified url"]]
                return url
            begin = res.text.find["-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----"]
            end = res.text.find["-----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----"]
            if 200 = 0 and end > begin:
                self.pub_key = res.text[begin:end + 34]
                               _['This url does not have a pgp key']]
        return url 

Ví dụ 31

def clean_url[url, encoding='utf-8']:
    # percent-encode illegal URI characters
    # Trying to come up with test cases for this gave me a headache, revisit
    # when do switch to unicode.
    # Somebody else's comments [lost the attribution]:
    # - IE will return you the url in the encoding you send it
    # - Mozilla/Firefox will send you latin-1 if there's no non latin-1
    # characters in your link. It will send you utf-8 however if there are...
    is_unicode = not isinstance[url, bytes]
    if not is_unicode:
        url = url.decode[encoding, "replace"]
    url = url.strip[]
    # for second param to urllib.quote[], we want URI_CHARS, minus the
    # 'always_safe' characters that urllib.quote[] never percent-encodes
    ans = quote[url.encode[encoding], "!*'[];:@&=+$,/?%#[]~"]
    if is_unicode and isinstance[ans, bytes]:
        ans = ans.decode[encoding]
    return ans 

Ví dụ 32

def clean_url[url, encoding='utf-8']:
    # percent-encode illegal URI characters
    # Trying to come up with test cases for this gave me a headache, revisit
    # when do switch to unicode.
    # Somebody else's comments [lost the attribution]:
    # - IE will return you the url in the encoding you send it
    # - Mozilla/Firefox will send you latin-1 if there's no non latin-1
    # characters in your link. It will send you utf-8 however if there are...
    is_unicode = not isinstance[url, bytes]
    if not is_unicode:
        url = url.decode[encoding, "replace"]
    url = url.strip[]
    # for second param to urllib.quote[], we want URI_CHARS, minus the
    # 'always_safe' characters that urllib.quote[] never percent-encodes
    ans = quote[url.encode[encoding], "!*'[];:@&=+$,/?%#[]~"]
    if is_unicode and isinstance[ans, bytes]:
        ans = ans.decode[encoding]
    return ans 

Ví dụ 33

def clean_url[url, encoding='utf-8']:
    # percent-encode illegal URI characters
    # Trying to come up with test cases for this gave me a headache, revisit
    # when do switch to unicode.
    # Somebody else's comments [lost the attribution]:
    # - IE will return you the url in the encoding you send it
    # - Mozilla/Firefox will send you latin-1 if there's no non latin-1
    # characters in your link. It will send you utf-8 however if there are...
    is_unicode = not isinstance[url, bytes]
    if not is_unicode:
        url = url.decode[encoding, "replace"]
    url = url.strip[]
    # for second param to urllib.quote[], we want URI_CHARS, minus the
    # 'always_safe' characters that urllib.quote[] never percent-encodes
    ans = quote[url.encode[encoding], "!*'[];:@&=+$,/?%#[]~"]
    if is_unicode and isinstance[ans, bytes]:
        ans = ans.decode[encoding]
    return ans 

Ví dụ 34

def clean_url[url, encoding='utf-8']:
    # percent-encode illegal URI characters
    # Trying to come up with test cases for this gave me a headache, revisit
    # when do switch to unicode.
    # Somebody else's comments [lost the attribution]:
    # - IE will return you the url in the encoding you send it
    # - Mozilla/Firefox will send you latin-1 if there's no non latin-1
    # characters in your link. It will send you utf-8 however if there are...
    is_unicode = not isinstance[url, bytes]
    if not is_unicode:
        url = url.decode[encoding, "replace"]
    url = url.strip[]
    # for second param to urllib.quote[], we want URI_CHARS, minus the
    # 'always_safe' characters that urllib.quote[] never percent-encodes
    ans = quote[url.encode[encoding], "!*'[];:@&=+$,/?%#[]~"]
    if is_unicode and isinstance[ans, bytes]:
        ans = ans.decode[encoding]
    return ans 

Ví dụ 35

def clean_url[url, encoding='utf-8']:
    # percent-encode illegal URI characters
    # Trying to come up with test cases for this gave me a headache, revisit
    # when do switch to unicode.
    # Somebody else's comments [lost the attribution]:
    # - IE will return you the url in the encoding you send it
    # - Mozilla/Firefox will send you latin-1 if there's no non latin-1
    # characters in your link. It will send you utf-8 however if there are...
    is_unicode = not isinstance[url, bytes]
    if not is_unicode:
        url = url.decode[encoding, "replace"]
    url = url.strip[]
    # for second param to urllib.quote[], we want URI_CHARS, minus the
    # 'always_safe' characters that urllib.quote[] never percent-encodes
    ans = quote[url.encode[encoding], "!*'[];:@&=+$,/?%#[]~"]
    if is_unicode and isinstance[ans, bytes]:
        ans = ans.decode[encoding]
    return ans 

Ví dụ 36

def clean_url[self]:
            url = self.cleaned_data['url']
            if self.check_is_empty[url]:
                raise forms.ValidationError["No URL given."]

            if self.component.prefix:
                # check that the URL starts with the provided prefix
                if not url.startswith[self.component.prefix]:
                    raise forms.ValidationError['Submitted URL must start with "%s".' % [self.component.prefix]]

            if self.component.check:
                # instructor asked to check that URLs really exist: do it.
                validator = QuickURLValidator[]
                    validator[url] # throws ValidationError if there's a problem
                except forms.ValidationError:
                    # re-throw to produce a better error message
                    raise forms.ValidationError["The submitted URL doesn't seem to exist: please check the URL and resubmit."]
            return url 

Ví dụ 37

def clean_url[self]:
            url = self.cleaned_data['url']
            if self.check_is_empty[url]:
                raise forms.ValidationError["No URL given."]

            if self.component.prefix:
                # check that the URL starts with the provided prefix
                if not url.startswith[self.component.prefix]:
                    raise forms.ValidationError['Submitted URL must start with "%s".' % [self.component.prefix]]

            if self.component.check:
                # instructor asked to check that URLs really exist: do it.
                validator = QuickURLValidator[]
                    validator[url] # throws ValidationError if there's a problem
                except forms.ValidationError:
                    # re-throw to produce a better error message
                    raise forms.ValidationError["The submitted URL doesn't seem to exist: please check the URL and resubmit."]
            return url 

Ví dụ 38

def clean_url[url, encoding='utf-8']:
    # percent-encode illegal URI characters
    # Trying to come up with test cases for this gave me a headache, revisit
    # when do switch to unicode.
    # Somebody else's comments [lost the attribution]:
    # - IE will return you the url in the encoding you send it
    # - Mozilla/Firefox will send you latin-1 if there's no non latin-1
    # characters in your link. It will send you utf-8 however if there are...
    is_unicode = not isinstance[url, bytes]
    if not is_unicode:
        url = url.decode[encoding, "replace"]
    url = url.strip[]
    # for second param to urllib.quote[], we want URI_CHARS, minus the
    # 'always_safe' characters that urllib.quote[] never percent-encodes
    ans = quote[url.encode[encoding], "!*'[];:@&=+$,/?%#[]~"]
    if is_unicode and isinstance[ans, bytes]:
        ans = ans.decode[encoding]
    return ans 

Ví dụ 39

def clean_url[url, encoding='utf-8']:
    # percent-encode illegal URI characters
    # Trying to come up with test cases for this gave me a headache, revisit
    # when do switch to unicode.
    # Somebody else's comments [lost the attribution]:
    # - IE will return you the url in the encoding you send it
    # - Mozilla/Firefox will send you latin-1 if there's no non latin-1
    # characters in your link. It will send you utf-8 however if there are...
    is_unicode = not isinstance[url, bytes]
    if not is_unicode:
        url = url.decode[encoding, "replace"]
    url = url.strip[]
    # for second param to urllib.quote[], we want URI_CHARS, minus the
    # 'always_safe' characters that urllib.quote[] never percent-encodes
    ans = quote[url.encode[encoding], "!*'[];:@&=+$,/?%#[]~"]
    if is_unicode and isinstance[ans, bytes]:
        ans = ans.decode[encoding]
    return ans 

Ví dụ 40

def clean_url[self]:
            url = self.cleaned_data['url']
            if self.check_is_empty[url]:
                raise forms.ValidationError["No URL given."]

            if self.component.prefix:
                # check that the URL starts with the provided prefix
                if not url.startswith[self.component.prefix]:
                    raise forms.ValidationError['Submitted URL must start with "%s".' % [self.component.prefix]]

            if self.component.check:
                # instructor asked to check that URLs really exist: do it.
                validator = QuickURLValidator[]
                    validator[url] # throws ValidationError if there's a problem
                except forms.ValidationError:
                    # re-throw to produce a better error message
                    raise forms.ValidationError["The submitted URL doesn't seem to exist: please check the URL and resubmit."]
            return url 

Ví dụ 41

def clean_url[url]:
    """Remove extraneous characters from URL.

    - url: [type: string] URL to clean.

    - url: [type: string] clean URL.

    if url is None:
        return None

    if '??' in url:
        url = url.split['??'][0]

    if url.endswith['?']:
        url = url[:-1]

    if '`' in url:
        url = url.replace['`', '']

    return url 

Ví dụ 42

def clean_url[url]:
    """Remove extraneous characters from URL.

    - url: [type: string] URL to clean.

    - url: [type: string] clean URL.

    if url is None:
        return None

    if '??' in url:
        url = url.split['??'][0]

    if url.endswith['?']:
        url = url[:-1]

    if '`' in url:
        url = url.replace['`', '']

    return url 

Ví dụ 43

def clean_url[url]:
    """Remove extraneous characters from URL.

    - url: [type: string] URL to clean.

    - url: [type: string] clean URL.

    if url is None:
        return None

    if '??' in url:
        url = url.split['??'][0]

    if url.endswith['?']:
        url = url[:-1]

    if '`' in url:
        url = url.replace['`', '']

    return url 

Ví dụ 44

def clean_url[url]:
    """Remove extraneous characters from URL.

    - url: [type: string] URL to clean.

    - url: [type: string] clean URL.

    if url is None:
        return None

    if '??' in url:
        url = url.split['??'][0]

    if url.endswith['?']:
        url = url[:-1]

    if '`' in url:
        url = url.replace['`', '']

    return url 

Ví dụ 45

def clean_url[url, encoding='utf-8']:
    # percent-encode illegal URI characters
    # Trying to come up with test cases for this gave me a headache, revisit
    # when do switch to unicode.
    # Somebody else's comments [lost the attribution]:
    # - IE will return you the url in the encoding you send it
    # - Mozilla/Firefox will send you latin-1 if there's no non latin-1
    # characters in your link. It will send you utf-8 however if there are...
    is_unicode = not isinstance[url, bytes]
    if not is_unicode:
        url = url.decode[encoding, "replace"]
    url = url.strip[]
    # for second param to urllib.quote[], we want URI_CHARS, minus the
    # 'always_safe' characters that urllib.quote[] never percent-encodes
    ans = quote[url.encode[encoding], "!*'[];:@&=+$,/?%#[]~"]
    if is_unicode and isinstance[ans, bytes]:
        ans = ans.decode[encoding]
    return ans 

Ví dụ 46

def clean_url[url]:
    """Remove extraneous characters from URL.

    - url: [type: string] URL to clean.

    - url: [type: string] clean URL.

    if url is None:
        return None

    if '??' in url:
        url = url.split['??'][0]

    if url.endswith['?']:
        url = url[:-1]

    if '`' in url:
        url = url.replace['`', '']

    return url 

Ví dụ 47

def clean_url[url]:
    """Remove extraneous characters from URL.

    - url: [type: string] URL to clean.

    - url: [type: string] clean URL.

    if url is None:
        return None

    if '??' in url:
        url = url.split['??'][0]

    if url.endswith['?']:
        url = url[:-1]

    if '`' in url:
        url = url.replace['`', '']

    return url 

Ví dụ 48

def clean_url[url]:
    """Remove extraneous characters from URL.

    - url: [type: string] URL to clean.

    - url: [type: string] clean URL.

    if url is None:
        return None

    if '??' in url:
        url = url.split['??'][0]

    if url.endswith['?']:
        url = url[:-1]

    if '`' in url:
        url = url.replace['`', '']

    return url 

Ví dụ 49

def cleanRequestURL[url]:
    """Clean a URL from a Request line."""
    url.transport = None
    url.maddr = None
    url.ttl = None
    url.headers = {} 

Làm cách nào để làm sạch một URL?

Dưới đây là một số cách hiệu quả để làm sạch URL trang web của bạn ...
1 - Sử dụng đầy đủ các từ trong URL của bạn.....
2 - Thêm từ khóa vào URL của bạn.....
3 - Loại bỏ các từ dừng.....
4 - Hợp nhất các danh mục của bạn ..

Làm cách nào để loại bỏ 20 từ URL trong Python?

Thay thế ['%20+', ''] sẽ thay thế '%20+' bằng chuỗi trống. will replace '%20+' with empty string.

Làm thế nào để bạn thay đổi URL trong Python?

newUrl = url.replace ['/f/', '/d/']. replace['/f/','/d/'].

Làm thế nào để tôi có được URL trong Python?

Làm thế nào để có được URL mẫu tệp HTML trong Python..
Gọi chức năng đọc trên biến Weburl ..
Biến đọc cho phép đọc nội dung của các tệp dữ liệu ..
Đọc toàn bộ nội dung của URL thành một biến có tên là Dữ liệu ..
Chạy mã- nó sẽ in dữ liệu vào định dạng HTML ..

Bài Viết Liên Quan

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