Hướng dẫn how is sum implemented in python? - tổng được triển khai như thế nào trong python?

Sự khác biệt về tốc độ thực sự lớn hơn 3 lần, nhưng bạn làm chậm phiên bản bằng cách đầu tiên tạo ra một danh sách lớn trong bộ nhớ gồm 1 triệu số nguyên. Tách ra khỏi các thử nghiệm thời gian:

>>> import timeit
>>> def sum1[lst]:
...     s = 0
...     for i in lst:
...         s += i
...     return s
>>> def sum2[lst]:
...     return sum[lst]
>>> values = range[1000000]
>>> timeit.timeit['f[lst]', 'from __main__ import sum1 as f, values as lst', number=100]
>>> timeit.timeit['f[lst]', 'from __main__ import sum2 as f, values as lst', number=100]

Sự khác biệt về tốc độ đã tăng lên hơn 5 lần bây giờ.

Một vòng lặp for được thực thi như mã python byte được giải thích. sum[] Vòng lặp hoàn toàn trong mã C. Sự khác biệt tốc độ giữa mã byte được giải thích và mã C là lớn.

Ngoài ra, mã C đảm bảo không tạo các đối tượng Python mới nếu nó có thể giữ tổng trong các loại C thay thế; Điều này hoạt động cho kết quả

>>> import dis
>>> def sum1[]:
...     s = 0
...     for i in range[1000000]:
...         s += i
...     return s
>>> dis.dis[sum1]
  2           0 LOAD_CONST               1 [0]
              3 STORE_FAST               0 [s]

  3           6 SETUP_LOOP              30 [to 39]
              9 LOAD_GLOBAL              0 [range]
             12 LOAD_CONST               2 [1000000]
             15 CALL_FUNCTION            1
             18 GET_ITER            
        >>   19 FOR_ITER                16 [to 38]
             22 STORE_FAST               1 [i]

  4          25 LOAD_FAST                0 [s]
             28 LOAD_FAST                1 [i]
             31 INPLACE_ADD         
             32 STORE_FAST               0 [s]
             35 JUMP_ABSOLUTE           19
        >>   38 POP_BLOCK           

  5     >>   39 LOAD_FAST                0 [s]
             42 RETURN_VALUE        
0 và
>>> import dis
>>> def sum1[]:
...     s = 0
...     for i in range[1000000]:
...         s += i
...     return s
>>> dis.dis[sum1]
  2           0 LOAD_CONST               1 [0]
              3 STORE_FAST               0 [s]

  3           6 SETUP_LOOP              30 [to 39]
              9 LOAD_GLOBAL              0 [range]
             12 LOAD_CONST               2 [1000000]
             15 CALL_FUNCTION            1
             18 GET_ITER            
        >>   19 FOR_ITER                16 [to 38]
             22 STORE_FAST               1 [i]

  4          25 LOAD_FAST                0 [s]
             28 LOAD_FAST                1 [i]
             31 INPLACE_ADD         
             32 STORE_FAST               0 [s]
             35 JUMP_ABSOLUTE           19
        >>   38 POP_BLOCK           

  5     >>   39 LOAD_FAST                0 [s]
             42 RETURN_VALUE        

Phiên bản Python, được tháo rời, làm điều này:

>>> import dis
>>> def sum1[]:
...     s = 0
...     for i in range[1000000]:
...         s += i
...     return s
>>> dis.dis[sum1]
  2           0 LOAD_CONST               1 [0]
              3 STORE_FAST               0 [s]

  3           6 SETUP_LOOP              30 [to 39]
              9 LOAD_GLOBAL              0 [range]
             12 LOAD_CONST               2 [1000000]
             15 CALL_FUNCTION            1
             18 GET_ITER            
        >>   19 FOR_ITER                16 [to 38]
             22 STORE_FAST               1 [i]

  4          25 LOAD_FAST                0 [s]
             28 LOAD_FAST                1 [i]
             31 INPLACE_ADD         
             32 STORE_FAST               0 [s]
             35 JUMP_ABSOLUTE           19
        >>   38 POP_BLOCK           

  5     >>   39 LOAD_FAST                0 [s]
             42 RETURN_VALUE        

Ngoài vòng thông dịch chậm hơn C,

>>> import dis
>>> def sum1[]:
...     s = 0
...     for i in range[1000000]:
...         s += i
...     return s
>>> dis.dis[sum1]
  2           0 LOAD_CONST               1 [0]
              3 STORE_FAST               0 [s]

  3           6 SETUP_LOOP              30 [to 39]
              9 LOAD_GLOBAL              0 [range]
             12 LOAD_CONST               2 [1000000]
             15 CALL_FUNCTION            1
             18 GET_ITER            
        >>   19 FOR_ITER                16 [to 38]
             22 STORE_FAST               1 [i]

  4          25 LOAD_FAST                0 [s]
             28 LOAD_FAST                1 [i]
             31 INPLACE_ADD         
             32 STORE_FAST               0 [s]
             35 JUMP_ABSOLUTE           19
        >>   38 POP_BLOCK           

  5     >>   39 LOAD_FAST                0 [s]
             42 RETURN_VALUE        
2 sẽ tạo ra một đối tượng số nguyên mới [qua 255, CPyThon lưu trữ các đối tượng nhỏ
>>> import dis
>>> def sum1[]:
...     s = 0
...     for i in range[1000000]:
...         s += i
...     return s
>>> dis.dis[sum1]
  2           0 LOAD_CONST               1 [0]
              3 STORE_FAST               0 [s]

  3           6 SETUP_LOOP              30 [to 39]
              9 LOAD_GLOBAL              0 [range]
             12 LOAD_CONST               2 [1000000]
             15 CALL_FUNCTION            1
             18 GET_ITER            
        >>   19 FOR_ITER                16 [to 38]
             22 STORE_FAST               1 [i]

  4          25 LOAD_FAST                0 [s]
             28 LOAD_FAST                1 [i]
             31 INPLACE_ADD         
             32 STORE_FAST               0 [s]
             35 JUMP_ABSOLUTE           19
        >>   38 POP_BLOCK           

  5     >>   39 LOAD_FAST                0 [s]
             42 RETURN_VALUE        
0 dưới dạng singletons].

Bạn có thể thấy việc triển khai C trong kho lưu trữ mã Mercurial Python, nhưng nó nêu rõ trong các bình luận:

/* Fast addition by keeping temporary sums in C instead of new Python objects.
   Assumes all inputs are the same type.  If the assumption fails, default
   to the more general routine.

Cải thiện bài viết

Lưu bài viết

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  • Bàn luận
  • Cải thiện bài viết

    Lưu bài viết



    sum[iterable, start]  
    iterable : iterable can be anything list , tuples or dictionaries ,
     but most importantly it should be numbers.
    start : this start is added to the sum of 
    numbers in the iterable. 
    If start is not given in the syntax , it is assumed to be 0.

    Bàn luận

    a is the list , it adds up all the numbers in the 
    list a and takes start to be 0, so returning 
    only the sum of the numbers in the list.
    sum[a, start]
    this returns the sum of the list + start 

    Tổng số trong danh sách được yêu cầu ở mọi nơi. Python cung cấp một tổng số hàm sẵn [] tổng hợp các số trong danh sách. & Nbsp;


    Có thể hai cú pháp:

    Dưới đây là việc triển khai Python của SUM [] & NBSP;

    sum[iterable, start]  
    iterable : iterable can be anything list , tuples or dictionaries ,
     but most importantly it should be numbers.
    start : this start is added to the sum of 
    numbers in the iterable. 
    If start is not given in the syntax , it is assumed to be 0.
    sum[iterable, start]  
    iterable : iterable can be anything list , tuples or dictionaries ,
     but most importantly it should be numbers.
    start : this start is added to the sum of 
    numbers in the iterable. 
    If start is not given in the syntax , it is assumed to be 0.
    sum[iterable, start]  
    iterable : iterable can be anything list , tuples or dictionaries ,
     but most importantly it should be numbers.
    start : this start is added to the sum of 
    numbers in the iterable. 
    If start is not given in the syntax , it is assumed to be 0.
    a is the list , it adds up all the numbers in the 
    list a and takes start to be 0, so returning 
    only the sum of the numbers in the list.
    sum[a, start]
    this returns the sum of the list + start 

    >>> import dis
    >>> def sum1[]:
    ...     s = 0
    ...     for i in range[1000000]:
    ...         s += i
    ...     return s
    >>> dis.dis[sum1]
      2           0 LOAD_CONST               1 [0]
                  3 STORE_FAST               0 [s]
      3           6 SETUP_LOOP              30 [to 39]
                  9 LOAD_GLOBAL              0 [range]
                 12 LOAD_CONST               2 [1000000]
                 15 CALL_FUNCTION            1
                 18 GET_ITER            
            >>   19 FOR_ITER                16 [to 38]
                 22 STORE_FAST               1 [i]
      4          25 LOAD_FAST                0 [s]
                 28 LOAD_FAST                1 [i]
                 31 INPLACE_ADD         
                 32 STORE_FAST               0 [s]
                 35 JUMP_ABSOLUTE           19
            >>   38 POP_BLOCK           
      5     >>   39 LOAD_FAST                0 [s]
                 42 RETURN_VALUE        
    >>> import dis
    >>> def sum1[]:
    ...     s = 0
    ...     for i in range[1000000]:
    ...         s += i
    ...     return s
    >>> dis.dis[sum1]
      2           0 LOAD_CONST               1 [0]
                  3 STORE_FAST               0 [s]
      3           6 SETUP_LOOP              30 [to 39]
                  9 LOAD_GLOBAL              0 [range]
                 12 LOAD_CONST               2 [1000000]
                 15 CALL_FUNCTION            1
                 18 GET_ITER            
            >>   19 FOR_ITER                16 [to 38]
                 22 STORE_FAST               1 [i]
      4          25 LOAD_FAST                0 [s]
                 28 LOAD_FAST                1 [i]
                 31 INPLACE_ADD         
                 32 STORE_FAST               0 [s]
                 35 JUMP_ABSOLUTE           19
            >>   38 POP_BLOCK           
      5     >>   39 LOAD_FAST                0 [s]
                 42 RETURN_VALUE        
    >>> import dis
    >>> def sum1[]:
    ...     s = 0
    ...     for i in range[1000000]:
    ...         s += i
    ...     return s
    >>> dis.dis[sum1]
      2           0 LOAD_CONST               1 [0]
                  3 STORE_FAST               0 [s]
      3           6 SETUP_LOOP              30 [to 39]
                  9 LOAD_GLOBAL              0 [range]
                 12 LOAD_CONST               2 [1000000]
                 15 CALL_FUNCTION            1
                 18 GET_ITER            
            >>   19 FOR_ITER                16 [to 38]
                 22 STORE_FAST               1 [i]
      4          25 LOAD_FAST                0 [s]
                 28 LOAD_FAST                1 [i]
                 31 INPLACE_ADD         
                 32 STORE_FAST               0 [s]
                 35 JUMP_ABSOLUTE           19
            >>   38 POP_BLOCK           
      5     >>   39 LOAD_FAST                0 [s]
                 42 RETURN_VALUE        
    >>> import dis
    >>> def sum1[]:
    ...     s = 0
    ...     for i in range[1000000]:
    ...         s += i
    ...     return s
    >>> dis.dis[sum1]
      2           0 LOAD_CONST               1 [0]
                  3 STORE_FAST               0 [s]
      3           6 SETUP_LOOP              30 [to 39]
                  9 LOAD_GLOBAL              0 [range]
                 12 LOAD_CONST               2 [1000000]
                 15 CALL_FUNCTION            1
                 18 GET_ITER            
            >>   19 FOR_ITER                16 [to 38]
                 22 STORE_FAST               1 [i]
      4          25 LOAD_FAST                0 [s]
                 28 LOAD_FAST                1 [i]
                 31 INPLACE_ADD         
                 32 STORE_FAST               0 [s]
                 35 JUMP_ABSOLUTE           19
            >>   38 POP_BLOCK           
      5     >>   39 LOAD_FAST                0 [s]
                 42 RETURN_VALUE        
    >>> import dis
    >>> def sum1[]:
    ...     s = 0
    ...     for i in range[1000000]:
    ...         s += i
    ...     return s
    >>> dis.dis[sum1]
      2           0 LOAD_CONST               1 [0]
                  3 STORE_FAST               0 [s]
      3           6 SETUP_LOOP              30 [to 39]
                  9 LOAD_GLOBAL              0 [range]
                 12 LOAD_CONST               2 [1000000]
                 15 CALL_FUNCTION            1
                 18 GET_ITER            
            >>   19 FOR_ITER                16 [to 38]
                 22 STORE_FAST               1 [i]
      4          25 LOAD_FAST                0 [s]
                 28 LOAD_FAST                1 [i]
                 31 INPLACE_ADD         
                 32 STORE_FAST               0 [s]
                 35 JUMP_ABSOLUTE           19
            >>   38 POP_BLOCK           
      5     >>   39 LOAD_FAST                0 [s]
                 42 RETURN_VALUE        
    >>> import dis
    >>> def sum1[]:
    ...     s = 0
    ...     for i in range[1000000]:
    ...         s += i
    ...     return s
    >>> dis.dis[sum1]
      2           0 LOAD_CONST               1 [0]
                  3 STORE_FAST               0 [s]
      3           6 SETUP_LOOP              30 [to 39]
                  9 LOAD_GLOBAL              0 [range]
                 12 LOAD_CONST               2 [1000000]
                 15 CALL_FUNCTION            1
                 18 GET_ITER            
            >>   19 FOR_ITER                16 [to 38]
                 22 STORE_FAST               1 [i]
      4          25 LOAD_FAST                0 [s]
                 28 LOAD_FAST                1 [i]
                 31 INPLACE_ADD         
                 32 STORE_FAST               0 [s]
                 35 JUMP_ABSOLUTE           19
            >>   38 POP_BLOCK           
      5     >>   39 LOAD_FAST                0 [s]
                 42 RETURN_VALUE        
    >>> import dis
    >>> def sum1[]:
    ...     s = 0
    ...     for i in range[1000000]:
    ...         s += i
    ...     return s
    >>> dis.dis[sum1]
      2           0 LOAD_CONST               1 [0]
                  3 STORE_FAST               0 [s]
      3           6 SETUP_LOOP              30 [to 39]
                  9 LOAD_GLOBAL              0 [range]
                 12 LOAD_CONST               2 [1000000]
                 15 CALL_FUNCTION            1
                 18 GET_ITER            
            >>   19 FOR_ITER                16 [to 38]
                 22 STORE_FAST               1 [i]
      4          25 LOAD_FAST                0 [s]
                 28 LOAD_FAST                1 [i]
                 31 INPLACE_ADD         
                 32 STORE_FAST               0 [s]
                 35 JUMP_ABSOLUTE           19
            >>   38 POP_BLOCK           
      5     >>   39 LOAD_FAST                0 [s]
                 42 RETURN_VALUE        
    /* Fast addition by keeping temporary sums in C instead of new Python objects.
       Assumes all inputs are the same type.  If the assumption fails, default
       to the more general routine.
    >>> import dis
    >>> def sum1[]:
    ...     s = 0
    ...     for i in range[1000000]:
    ...         s += i
    ...     return s
    >>> dis.dis[sum1]
      2           0 LOAD_CONST               1 [0]
                  3 STORE_FAST               0 [s]
      3           6 SETUP_LOOP              30 [to 39]
                  9 LOAD_GLOBAL              0 [range]
                 12 LOAD_CONST               2 [1000000]
                 15 CALL_FUNCTION            1
                 18 GET_ITER            
            >>   19 FOR_ITER                16 [to 38]
                 22 STORE_FAST               1 [i]
      4          25 LOAD_FAST                0 [s]
                 28 LOAD_FAST                1 [i]
                 31 INPLACE_ADD         
                 32 STORE_FAST               0 [s]
                 35 JUMP_ABSOLUTE           19
            >>   38 POP_BLOCK           
      5     >>   39 LOAD_FAST                0 [s]
                 42 RETURN_VALUE        
    /* Fast addition by keeping temporary sums in C instead of new Python objects.
       Assumes all inputs are the same type.  If the assumption fails, default
       to the more general routine.
    >>> import dis
    >>> def sum1[]:
    ...     s = 0
    ...     for i in range[1000000]:
    ...         s += i
    ...     return s
    >>> dis.dis[sum1]
      2           0 LOAD_CONST               1 [0]
                  3 STORE_FAST               0 [s]
      3           6 SETUP_LOOP              30 [to 39]
                  9 LOAD_GLOBAL              0 [range]
                 12 LOAD_CONST               2 [1000000]
                 15 CALL_FUNCTION            1
                 18 GET_ITER            
            >>   19 FOR_ITER                16 [to 38]
                 22 STORE_FAST               1 [i]
      4          25 LOAD_FAST                0 [s]
                 28 LOAD_FAST                1 [i]
                 31 INPLACE_ADD         
                 32 STORE_FAST               0 [s]
                 35 JUMP_ABSOLUTE           19
            >>   38 POP_BLOCK           
      5     >>   39 LOAD_FAST                0 [s]
                 42 RETURN_VALUE        

    sum[iterable, start]  
    iterable : iterable can be anything list , tuples or dictionaries ,
     but most importantly it should be numbers.
    start : this start is added to the sum of 
    numbers in the iterable. 
    If start is not given in the syntax , it is assumed to be 0.
    sum[iterable, start]  
    iterable : iterable can be anything list , tuples or dictionaries ,
     but most importantly it should be numbers.
    start : this start is added to the sum of 
    numbers in the iterable. 
    If start is not given in the syntax , it is assumed to be 0.
    sum[iterable, start]  
    iterable : iterable can be anything list , tuples or dictionaries ,
     but most importantly it should be numbers.
    start : this start is added to the sum of 
    numbers in the iterable. 
    If start is not given in the syntax , it is assumed to be 0.
    a is the list , it adds up all the numbers in the 
    list a and takes start to be 0, so returning 
    only the sum of the numbers in the list.
    sum[a, start]
    this returns the sum of the list + start 


    sum[iterable, start]  
    iterable : iterable can be anything list , tuples or dictionaries ,
     but most importantly it should be numbers.
    start : this start is added to the sum of 
    numbers in the iterable. 
    If start is not given in the syntax , it is assumed to be 0.
    >>> import dis
    >>> def sum1[]:
    ...     s = 0
    ...     for i in range[1000000]:
    ...         s += i
    ...     return s
    >>> dis.dis[sum1]
      2           0 LOAD_CONST               1 [0]
                  3 STORE_FAST               0 [s]
      3           6 SETUP_LOOP              30 [to 39]
                  9 LOAD_GLOBAL              0 [range]
                 12 LOAD_CONST               2 [1000000]
                 15 CALL_FUNCTION            1
                 18 GET_ITER            
            >>   19 FOR_ITER                16 [to 38]
                 22 STORE_FAST               1 [i]
      4          25 LOAD_FAST                0 [s]
                 28 LOAD_FAST                1 [i]
                 31 INPLACE_ADD         
                 32 STORE_FAST               0 [s]
                 35 JUMP_ABSOLUTE           19
            >>   38 POP_BLOCK           
      5     >>   39 LOAD_FAST                0 [s]
                 42 RETURN_VALUE        
    sum[iterable, start]  
    iterable : iterable can be anything list , tuples or dictionaries ,
     but most importantly it should be numbers.
    start : this start is added to the sum of 
    numbers in the iterable. 
    If start is not given in the syntax , it is assumed to be 0.
    sum[iterable, start]  
    iterable : iterable can be anything list , tuples or dictionaries ,
     but most importantly it should be numbers.
    start : this start is added to the sum of 
    numbers in the iterable. 
    If start is not given in the syntax , it is assumed to be 0.

    sum[iterable, start]  
    iterable : iterable can be anything list , tuples or dictionaries ,
     but most importantly it should be numbers.
    start : this start is added to the sum of 
    numbers in the iterable. 
    If start is not given in the syntax , it is assumed to be 0.
    >>> import dis
    >>> def sum1[]:
    ...     s = 0
    ...     for i in range[1000000]:
    ...         s += i
    ...     return s
    >>> dis.dis[sum1]
      2           0 LOAD_CONST               1 [0]
                  3 STORE_FAST               0 [s]
      3           6 SETUP_LOOP              30 [to 39]
                  9 LOAD_GLOBAL              0 [range]
                 12 LOAD_CONST               2 [1000000]
                 15 CALL_FUNCTION            1
                 18 GET_ITER            
            >>   19 FOR_ITER                16 [to 38]
                 22 STORE_FAST               1 [i]
      4          25 LOAD_FAST                0 [s]
                 28 LOAD_FAST                1 [i]
                 31 INPLACE_ADD         
                 32 STORE_FAST               0 [s]
                 35 JUMP_ABSOLUTE           19
            >>   38 POP_BLOCK           
      5     >>   39 LOAD_FAST                0 [s]
                 42 RETURN_VALUE        
    sum[iterable, start]  
    iterable : iterable can be anything list , tuples or dictionaries ,
     but most importantly it should be numbers.
    start : this start is added to the sum of 
    numbers in the iterable. 
    If start is not given in the syntax , it is assumed to be 0.
    a is the list , it adds up all the numbers in the 
    list a and takes start to be 0, so returning 
    only the sum of the numbers in the list.
    sum[a, start]
    this returns the sum of the list + start 
    a is the list , it adds up all the numbers in the 
    list a and takes start to be 0, so returning 
    only the sum of the numbers in the list.
    sum[a, start]
    this returns the sum of the list + start 
    a is the list , it adds up all the numbers in the 
    list a and takes start to be 0, so returning 
    only the sum of the numbers in the list.
    sum[a, start]
    this returns the sum of the list + start 

    This error is raised in the case when there is anything other than numbers in the list. 


    Lỗi và ngoại lệ

    TypeError: Lỗi này được nêu trong trường hợp khi có bất cứ thứ gì khác ngoài các số trong danh sách. & NBSP;

    sum[iterable, start]  
    iterable : iterable can be anything list , tuples or dictionaries ,
     but most importantly it should be numbers.
    start : this start is added to the sum of 
    numbers in the iterable. 
    If start is not given in the syntax , it is assumed to be 0.
    sum[iterable, start]  
    iterable : iterable can be anything list , tuples or dictionaries ,
     but most importantly it should be numbers.
    start : this start is added to the sum of 
    numbers in the iterable. 
    If start is not given in the syntax , it is assumed to be 0.
    sum[iterable, start]  
    iterable : iterable can be anything list , tuples or dictionaries ,
     but most importantly it should be numbers.
    start : this start is added to the sum of 
    numbers in the iterable. 
    If start is not given in the syntax , it is assumed to be 0.
    a is the list , it adds up all the numbers in the 
    list a and takes start to be 0, so returning 
    only the sum of the numbers in the list.
    sum[a, start]
    this returns the sum of the list + start 

    >>> import dis
    >>> def sum1[]:
    ...     s = 0
    ...     for i in range[1000000]:
    ...         s += i
    ...     return s
    >>> dis.dis[sum1]
      2           0 LOAD_CONST               1 [0]
                  3 STORE_FAST               0 [s]
      3           6 SETUP_LOOP              30 [to 39]
                  9 LOAD_GLOBAL              0 [range]
                 12 LOAD_CONST               2 [1000000]
                 15 CALL_FUNCTION            1
                 18 GET_ITER            
            >>   19 FOR_ITER                16 [to 38]
                 22 STORE_FAST               1 [i]
      4          25 LOAD_FAST                0 [s]
                 28 LOAD_FAST                1 [i]
                 31 INPLACE_ADD         
                 32 STORE_FAST               0 [s]
                 35 JUMP_ABSOLUTE           19
            >>   38 POP_BLOCK           
      5     >>   39 LOAD_FAST                0 [s]
                 42 RETURN_VALUE        

    sum[iterable, start]  
    iterable : iterable can be anything list , tuples or dictionaries ,
     but most importantly it should be numbers.
    start : this start is added to the sum of 
    numbers in the iterable. 
    If start is not given in the syntax , it is assumed to be 0.
    sum[iterable, start]  
    iterable : iterable can be anything list , tuples or dictionaries ,
     but most importantly it should be numbers.
    start : this start is added to the sum of 
    numbers in the iterable. 
    If start is not given in the syntax , it is assumed to be 0.
    sum[iterable, start]  
    iterable : iterable can be anything list , tuples or dictionaries ,
     but most importantly it should be numbers.
    start : this start is added to the sum of 
    numbers in the iterable. 
    If start is not given in the syntax , it is assumed to be 0.
    a is the list , it adds up all the numbers in the 
    list a and takes start to be 0, so returning 
    only the sum of the numbers in the list.
    sum[a, start]
    this returns the sum of the list + start 

    sum[iterable, start]  
    iterable : iterable can be anything list , tuples or dictionaries ,
     but most importantly it should be numbers.
    start : this start is added to the sum of 
    numbers in the iterable. 
    If start is not given in the syntax , it is assumed to be 0.
    >>> import dis
    >>> def sum1[]:
    ...     s = 0
    ...     for i in range[1000000]:
    ...         s += i
    ...     return s
    >>> dis.dis[sum1]
      2           0 LOAD_CONST               1 [0]
                  3 STORE_FAST               0 [s]
      3           6 SETUP_LOOP              30 [to 39]
                  9 LOAD_GLOBAL              0 [range]
                 12 LOAD_CONST               2 [1000000]
                 15 CALL_FUNCTION            1
                 18 GET_ITER            
            >>   19 FOR_ITER                16 [to 38]
                 22 STORE_FAST               1 [i]
      4          25 LOAD_FAST                0 [s]
                 28 LOAD_FAST                1 [i]
                 31 INPLACE_ADD         
                 32 STORE_FAST               0 [s]
                 35 JUMP_ABSOLUTE           19
            >>   38 POP_BLOCK           
      5     >>   39 LOAD_FAST                0 [s]
                 42 RETURN_VALUE        
    sum[iterable, start]  
    iterable : iterable can be anything list , tuples or dictionaries ,
     but most importantly it should be numbers.
    start : this start is added to the sum of 
    numbers in the iterable. 
    If start is not given in the syntax , it is assumed to be 0.

    Traceback [most recent call last]:
      File "/home/23f0f6c9e022aa96d6c560a7eb4cf387.py", line 6, in 
        Sum = sum[arr]
    TypeError: unsupported operand type[s] for +: 'int' and 'str'

    sum[iterable, start]  
    iterable : iterable can be anything list , tuples or dictionaries ,
     but most importantly it should be numbers.
    start : this start is added to the sum of 
    numbers in the iterable. 
    If start is not given in the syntax , it is assumed to be 0.
    >>> import dis
    >>> def sum1[]:
    ...     s = 0
    ...     for i in range[1000000]:
    ...         s += i
    ...     return s
    >>> dis.dis[sum1]
      2           0 LOAD_CONST               1 [0]
                  3 STORE_FAST               0 [s]
      3           6 SETUP_LOOP              30 [to 39]
                  9 LOAD_GLOBAL              0 [range]
                 12 LOAD_CONST               2 [1000000]
                 15 CALL_FUNCTION            1
                 18 GET_ITER            
            >>   19 FOR_ITER                16 [to 38]
                 22 STORE_FAST               1 [i]
      4          25 LOAD_FAST                0 [s]
                 28 LOAD_FAST                1 [i]
                 31 INPLACE_ADD         
                 32 STORE_FAST               0 [s]
                 35 JUMP_ABSOLUTE           19
            >>   38 POP_BLOCK           
      5     >>   39 LOAD_FAST                0 [s]
                 42 RETURN_VALUE        
    sum[iterable, start]  
    iterable : iterable can be anything list , tuples or dictionaries ,
     but most importantly it should be numbers.
    start : this start is added to the sum of 
    numbers in the iterable. 
    If start is not given in the syntax , it is assumed to be 0.
    Traceback [most recent call last]:
      File "/home/23f0f6c9e022aa96d6c560a7eb4cf387.py", line 6, in 
        Sum = sum[arr]
    TypeError: unsupported operand type[s] for +: 'int' and 'str'
    a is the list , it adds up all the numbers in the 
    list a and takes start to be 0, so returning 
    only the sum of the numbers in the list.
    sum[a, start]
    this returns the sum of the list + start 
    a is the list , it adds up all the numbers in the 
    list a and takes start to be 0, so returning 
    only the sum of the numbers in the list.
    sum[a, start]
    this returns the sum of the list + start 
    Practical Application: Problems where we require sum to be calculated to do further operations such as finding out the average of numbers. 


    Có thể hai cú pháp:

    Dưới đây là việc triển khai Python của SUM [] & NBSP;

    >>> import dis
    >>> def sum1[]:
    ...     s = 0
    ...     for i in range[1000000]:
    ...         s += i
    ...     return s
    >>> dis.dis[sum1]
      2           0 LOAD_CONST               1 [0]
                  3 STORE_FAST               0 [s]
      3           6 SETUP_LOOP              30 [to 39]
                  9 LOAD_GLOBAL              0 [range]
                 12 LOAD_CONST               2 [1000000]
                 15 CALL_FUNCTION            1
                 18 GET_ITER            
            >>   19 FOR_ITER                16 [to 38]
                 22 STORE_FAST               1 [i]
      4          25 LOAD_FAST                0 [s]
                 28 LOAD_FAST                1 [i]
                 31 INPLACE_ADD         
                 32 STORE_FAST               0 [s]
                 35 JUMP_ABSOLUTE           19
            >>   38 POP_BLOCK           
      5     >>   39 LOAD_FAST                0 [s]
                 42 RETURN_VALUE        
    >>> import dis
    >>> def sum1[]:
    ...     s = 0
    ...     for i in range[1000000]:
    ...         s += i
    ...     return s
    >>> dis.dis[sum1]
      2           0 LOAD_CONST               1 [0]
                  3 STORE_FAST               0 [s]
      3           6 SETUP_LOOP              30 [to 39]
                  9 LOAD_GLOBAL              0 [range]
                 12 LOAD_CONST               2 [1000000]
                 15 CALL_FUNCTION            1
                 18 GET_ITER            
            >>   19 FOR_ITER                16 [to 38]
                 22 STORE_FAST               1 [i]
      4          25 LOAD_FAST                0 [s]
                 28 LOAD_FAST                1 [i]
                 31 INPLACE_ADD         
                 32 STORE_FAST               0 [s]
                 35 JUMP_ABSOLUTE           19
            >>   38 POP_BLOCK           
      5     >>   39 LOAD_FAST                0 [s]
                 42 RETURN_VALUE        
    >>> import dis
    >>> def sum1[]:
    ...     s = 0
    ...     for i in range[1000000]:
    ...         s += i
    ...     return s
    >>> dis.dis[sum1]
      2           0 LOAD_CONST               1 [0]
                  3 STORE_FAST               0 [s]
      3           6 SETUP_LOOP              30 [to 39]
                  9 LOAD_GLOBAL              0 [range]
                 12 LOAD_CONST               2 [1000000]
                 15 CALL_FUNCTION            1
                 18 GET_ITER            
            >>   19 FOR_ITER                16 [to 38]
                 22 STORE_FAST               1 [i]
      4          25 LOAD_FAST                0 [s]
                 28 LOAD_FAST                1 [i]
                 31 INPLACE_ADD         
                 32 STORE_FAST               0 [s]
                 35 JUMP_ABSOLUTE           19
            >>   38 POP_BLOCK           
      5     >>   39 LOAD_FAST                0 [s]
                 42 RETURN_VALUE        
    >>> import dis
    >>> def sum1[]:
    ...     s = 0
    ...     for i in range[1000000]:
    ...         s += i
    ...     return s
    >>> dis.dis[sum1]
      2           0 LOAD_CONST               1 [0]
                  3 STORE_FAST               0 [s]
      3           6 SETUP_LOOP              30 [to 39]
                  9 LOAD_GLOBAL              0 [range]
                 12 LOAD_CONST               2 [1000000]
                 15 CALL_FUNCTION            1
                 18 GET_ITER            
            >>   19 FOR_ITER                16 [to 38]
                 22 STORE_FAST               1 [i]
      4          25 LOAD_FAST                0 [s]
                 28 LOAD_FAST                1 [i]
                 31 INPLACE_ADD         
                 32 STORE_FAST               0 [s]
                 35 JUMP_ABSOLUTE           19
            >>   38 POP_BLOCK           
      5     >>   39 LOAD_FAST                0 [s]
                 42 RETURN_VALUE        
    >>> import dis
    >>> def sum1[]:
    ...     s = 0
    ...     for i in range[1000000]:
    ...         s += i
    ...     return s
    >>> dis.dis[sum1]
      2           0 LOAD_CONST               1 [0]
                  3 STORE_FAST               0 [s]
      3           6 SETUP_LOOP              30 [to 39]
                  9 LOAD_GLOBAL              0 [range]
                 12 LOAD_CONST               2 [1000000]
                 15 CALL_FUNCTION            1
                 18 GET_ITER            
            >>   19 FOR_ITER                16 [to 38]
                 22 STORE_FAST               1 [i]
      4          25 LOAD_FAST                0 [s]
                 28 LOAD_FAST                1 [i]
                 31 INPLACE_ADD         
                 32 STORE_FAST               0 [s]
                 35 JUMP_ABSOLUTE           19
            >>   38 POP_BLOCK           
      5     >>   39 LOAD_FAST                0 [s]
                 42 RETURN_VALUE        
    >>> import dis
    >>> def sum1[]:
    ...     s = 0
    ...     for i in range[1000000]:
    ...         s += i
    ...     return s
    >>> dis.dis[sum1]
      2           0 LOAD_CONST               1 [0]
                  3 STORE_FAST               0 [s]
      3           6 SETUP_LOOP              30 [to 39]
                  9 LOAD_GLOBAL              0 [range]
                 12 LOAD_CONST               2 [1000000]
                 15 CALL_FUNCTION            1
                 18 GET_ITER            
            >>   19 FOR_ITER                16 [to 38]
                 22 STORE_FAST               1 [i]
      4          25 LOAD_FAST                0 [s]
                 28 LOAD_FAST                1 [i]
                 31 INPLACE_ADD         
                 32 STORE_FAST               0 [s]
                 35 JUMP_ABSOLUTE           19
            >>   38 POP_BLOCK           
      5     >>   39 LOAD_FAST                0 [s]
                 42 RETURN_VALUE        
    >>> import dis
    >>> def sum1[]:
    ...     s = 0
    ...     for i in range[1000000]:
    ...         s += i
    ...     return s
    >>> dis.dis[sum1]
      2           0 LOAD_CONST               1 [0]
                  3 STORE_FAST               0 [s]
      3           6 SETUP_LOOP              30 [to 39]
                  9 LOAD_GLOBAL              0 [range]
                 12 LOAD_CONST               2 [1000000]
                 15 CALL_FUNCTION            1
                 18 GET_ITER            
            >>   19 FOR_ITER                16 [to 38]
                 22 STORE_FAST               1 [i]
      4          25 LOAD_FAST                0 [s]
                 28 LOAD_FAST                1 [i]
                 31 INPLACE_ADD         
                 32 STORE_FAST               0 [s]
                 35 JUMP_ABSOLUTE           19
            >>   38 POP_BLOCK           
      5     >>   39 LOAD_FAST                0 [s]
                 42 RETURN_VALUE        
    /* Fast addition by keeping temporary sums in C instead of new Python objects.
       Assumes all inputs are the same type.  If the assumption fails, default
       to the more general routine.
    >>> import dis
    >>> def sum1[]:
    ...     s = 0
    ...     for i in range[1000000]:
    ...         s += i
    ...     return s
    >>> dis.dis[sum1]
      2           0 LOAD_CONST               1 [0]
                  3 STORE_FAST               0 [s]
      3           6 SETUP_LOOP              30 [to 39]
                  9 LOAD_GLOBAL              0 [range]
                 12 LOAD_CONST               2 [1000000]
                 15 CALL_FUNCTION            1
                 18 GET_ITER            
            >>   19 FOR_ITER                16 [to 38]
                 22 STORE_FAST               1 [i]
      4          25 LOAD_FAST                0 [s]
                 28 LOAD_FAST                1 [i]
                 31 INPLACE_ADD         
                 32 STORE_FAST               0 [s]
                 35 JUMP_ABSOLUTE           19
            >>   38 POP_BLOCK           
      5     >>   39 LOAD_FAST                0 [s]
                 42 RETURN_VALUE        
    /* Fast addition by keeping temporary sums in C instead of new Python objects.
       Assumes all inputs are the same type.  If the assumption fails, default
       to the more general routine.
    >>> import dis
    >>> def sum1[]:
    ...     s = 0
    ...     for i in range[1000000]:
    ...         s += i
    ...     return s
    >>> dis.dis[sum1]
      2           0 LOAD_CONST               1 [0]
                  3 STORE_FAST               0 [s]
      3           6 SETUP_LOOP              30 [to 39]
                  9 LOAD_GLOBAL              0 [range]
                 12 LOAD_CONST               2 [1000000]
                 15 CALL_FUNCTION            1
                 18 GET_ITER            
            >>   19 FOR_ITER                16 [to 38]
                 22 STORE_FAST               1 [i]
      4          25 LOAD_FAST                0 [s]
                 28 LOAD_FAST                1 [i]
                 31 INPLACE_ADD         
                 32 STORE_FAST               0 [s]
                 35 JUMP_ABSOLUTE           19
            >>   38 POP_BLOCK           
      5     >>   39 LOAD_FAST                0 [s]
                 42 RETURN_VALUE        

    sum[iterable, start]  
    iterable : iterable can be anything list , tuples or dictionaries ,
     but most importantly it should be numbers.
    start : this start is added to the sum of 
    numbers in the iterable. 
    If start is not given in the syntax , it is assumed to be 0.
    >>> import dis
    >>> def sum1[]:
    ...     s = 0
    ...     for i in range[1000000]:
    ...         s += i
    ...     return s
    >>> dis.dis[sum1]
      2           0 LOAD_CONST               1 [0]
                  3 STORE_FAST               0 [s]
      3           6 SETUP_LOOP              30 [to 39]
                  9 LOAD_GLOBAL              0 [range]
                 12 LOAD_CONST               2 [1000000]
                 15 CALL_FUNCTION            1
                 18 GET_ITER            
            >>   19 FOR_ITER                16 [to 38]
                 22 STORE_FAST               1 [i]
      4          25 LOAD_FAST                0 [s]
                 28 LOAD_FAST                1 [i]
                 31 INPLACE_ADD         
                 32 STORE_FAST               0 [s]
                 35 JUMP_ABSOLUTE           19
            >>   38 POP_BLOCK           
      5     >>   39 LOAD_FAST                0 [s]
                 42 RETURN_VALUE        
    sum[iterable, start]  
    iterable : iterable can be anything list , tuples or dictionaries ,
     but most importantly it should be numbers.
    start : this start is added to the sum of 
    numbers in the iterable. 
    If start is not given in the syntax , it is assumed to be 0.
    sum[iterable, start]  
    iterable : iterable can be anything list , tuples or dictionaries ,
     but most importantly it should be numbers.
    start : this start is added to the sum of 
    numbers in the iterable. 
    If start is not given in the syntax , it is assumed to be 0.



    Thuật toán Python nào tổng hợp?

    Trong phân tích số, thuật toán của Kahan được sử dụng để tìm tổng của tất cả các mục trong một danh sách nhất định mà không ảnh hưởng đến độ chính xác.

    Sum += ý tôi là gì trong Python?

    sum += i giống như.sum = sum + i;Bạn đang nói: Set Set Sum bằng với chính nó cộng với i.Có lý?Nó chỉ là ký hiệu ngắn hơn.Set sum equal to itself plus i.” Make sense? It's just shorter notation.

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