Hướng dẫn int division in python

In Python, you can calculate the quotient with // and the remainder with %.

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  • Not the answer you're looking for? Browse other questions tagged python modulo integer-division or ask your own question.
  • How do you write quotient and remainder in Python?
  • How do you divide a remainder in Python?
  • What is quotient in Python?
  • Which operator is used to find quotient in Python?

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  • Not the answer you're looking for? Browse other questions tagged python modulo integer-division or ask your own question.
  • How do you write quotient and remainder in Python?
  • How do you divide a remainder in Python?
  • What is quotient in Python?
  • Which operator is used to find quotient in Python?
q = 10 // 3
mod = 10 % 3
print[q, mod]
# 3 1

The built-in function divmod[] is useful when you want both the quotient and remainder.

  • Built-in Functions - divmod[] — Python 3.7.4 documentation

divmod[a, b] returns a tuple [a // b, a % b].

You can unpack and assign to each variable.

  • Unpack a tuple and list in Python
q, mod = divmod[10, 3]
print[q, mod]
# 3 1

Of course, you can receive it as a tuple.

answer = divmod[10, 3]
print[answer[0], answer[1]]
# [3, 1]
# 3 1

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    Given two numbers n and m. The task is to find the quotient and remainder of two numbers by dividing n by m.


    n = 10
    m = 3
    Quotient:  3
    Remainder 1
    n = 99
    m = 5
    Quotient:  19
    Remainder 4

    Method 1: Naive approach

    The naive approach is to find the quotient using the double division [//] operator and remainder using the modulus [%] operator.



    def find[n, m]:

        q = n//m

        print["Quotient: ", q]

        r = n%m

        print["Remainder", r]

    find[10, 3]

    find[99, 5]


    Quotient:  3
    Remainder 1
    Quotient:  19
    Remainder 4

    Time Complexity: O[1]

    Auxiliary Space: O[1]

    Method 2: Using divmod[] method

    Divmod[] method takes two numbers as parameters and returns the tuple containing both quotient and remainder.



    q, r = divmod[10, 3]

    print["Quotient: ", q]

    print["Remainder: ", r]

    q, r = divmod[99, 5]

    print["Quotient: ", q]

    print["Remainder: ", r]


    Quotient:  3
    Remainder 1
    Quotient:  19
    Remainder 4

    Time Complexity: O[1]

    Auxiliary Space: O[1]

    How could I go about finding the division remainder of a number in Python?

    For example:
    If the number is 26 and divided number is 7, then the division remainder is 5.
    [since 7+7+7=21 and 26-21=5.]

    asked Apr 7, 2011 at 16:44


    you are looking for the modulo operator:

    a % b

    for example:

    >>> 26 % 7

    Of course, maybe they wanted you to implement it yourself, which wouldn't be too difficult either.


    24.4k8 gold badges52 silver badges73 bronze badges

    answered Apr 7, 2011 at 16:45

    Uku LoskitUku Loskit

    39.7k9 gold badges87 silver badges91 bronze badges


    The remainder of a division can be discovered using the operator %:

    >>> 26%7

    In case you need both the quotient and the modulo, there's the builtin divmod function:

    >>> seconds= 137
    >>> minutes, seconds= divmod[seconds, 60]

    answered May 1, 2011 at 11:49


    88.9k29 gold badges135 silver badges200 bronze badges


    26 % 7 [you will get remainder]

    26 / 7 [you will get divisor, can be float value]

    26 // 7 [you will get divisor, only integer value]


    24.4k8 gold badges52 silver badges73 bronze badges

    answered Mar 17, 2016 at 22:14


    If you want to get quotient and remainder in one line of code [more general usecase], use:

    quotient, remainder = divmod[dividend, divisor]
    divmod[26, 7]

    answered Feb 21, 2019 at 4:44

    Alok NayakAlok Nayak

    2,24220 silver badges28 bronze badges


    From Python 3.7, there is a new math.remainder[] function:

    from math import remainder


    -2.0  # not 5

    Note, as above, it's not the same as %.

    Quoting the documentation:

    math.remainder[x, y]

    Return the IEEE 754-style remainder of x with respect to y. For finite x and finite nonzero y, this is the difference x - n*y, where n is the closest integer to the exact value of the quotient x / y. If x / y is exactly halfway between two consecutive integers, the nearest even integer is used for n. The remainder r = remainder[x, y] thus always satisfies abs[r]

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