Hướng dẫn padding bootstrap 5
Margin and paddingAssign responsive-friendly Using the CSS Grid layout module? Consider using the gap utility. NotationSpacing utilities that apply to all breakpoints, from The classes are named using the format Where property is one of:
Where sides is one of:
Where size is one of:
(You can add more sizes by adding entries to the ExamplesHere are some representative examples of these classes:
Horizontal centeringAdditionally, Bootstrap also includes an
Negative marginIn CSS, The syntax is nearly the same as the default, positive margin utilities, but with the addition of
GapWhen using Grid item 1 Grid item 2 Grid item 3
Support includes responsive options for all of Bootstrap’s grid breakpoints, as well as six sizes from the SassMapsSpacing utilities are declared via Sass map and then generated with our utilities API.
Utilities APISpacing utilities are declared in our utilities API in |