Hướng dẫn php undefined index check

The isset[] function does not check if a variable is defined.

It seems you've specifically stated that you're not looking for isset[] in the question. I don't know why there are so many answers stating that isset[] is the way to go, or why the accepted answer states that as well.

It's important to realize in programming that null is something. I don't know why it was decided that isset[] would return false if the value is null.

To check if a variable is undefined you will have to check if the variable is in the list of defined variables, using get_defined_vars[]. There is no equivalent to JavaScript's undefined [which is what was shown in the question, no jQuery being used there].

In the following example it will work the same way as JavaScript's undefined check.

$isset = isset[$variable];
var_dump[$isset]; // false

But in this example, it won't work like JavaScript's undefined check.

$variable = null;
$isset = isset[$variable];
var_dump[$isset]; // false

$variable is being defined as null, but the isset[] call still fails.

So how do you actually check if a variable is defined? You check the defined variables.

Using get_defined_vars[] will return an associative array with keys as variable names and values as the variable values. We still can't use isset[get_defined_vars[]['variable']] here because the key could exist and the value still be null, so we have to use array_key_exists['variable', get_defined_vars[]].

$variable = null;
$isset = array_key_exists['variable', get_defined_vars[]];
var_dump[$isset]; // true

$isset = array_key_exists['otherVariable', get_defined_vars[]];
var_dump[$isset]; // false

However, if you're finding that in your code you have to check for whether a variable has been defined or not, then you're likely doing something wrong. This is my personal belief as to why the core PHP developers left isset[] to return false when something is null.

The ternary expression:

isset[$extensionData['Calories']] ? $extensionData['Calories'] : ''

is OK when used stand-alone like this:

echo isset[$extensionData['Calories']] ? $extensionData['Calories'] : '';

$tmp_var = isset[$extensionData['Calories']] ? $extensionData['Calories'] : '';

return isset[$extensionData['Calories']] ? $extensionData['Calories'] : '';

because it is equivalent to the expected:

    // use $extensionData['Calories']
    // use empty string ''

but, when used in string concatenation then you need parenthesis in order to confine the scope of the comparison so that the leading string is not part of the comparison

echo '

' . [isset[$extensionData['Calories']] ? $extensionData['Calories'] : ''] . '


Doing [wrong way]:

echo '

' . isset[$extensionData['Calories']] ? $extensionData['Calories'] : '' . '


is equivalent to


' . isset[$extensionData['Calories']]] // The leading string is used in the comparison and the result of isset[] [boolean] is appended to the string so 100% of the time this example will be true because of how loose comparisons work { echo $extensionData['Calories']; // Produces Undefined index error } else { echo '' . '

'; }

In conclusion:

When in doubt, add parenthesis.

When not in doubt, add parenthesis anyways because the code will be more legible when you have to re-visit it in 6 months. Most text editors have parenthesis and bracket match highlighting so adding parenthesis is a very beneficial way to declare and later see the operation's intended behavior.

See Operator Precedence if you come across someone's cryptic code and need help figuring out what on Earth they were thinking and/or failed to consider.

PHP is a widely used scripting language that is mainly used for web development purposes. It is a scripting language and finds application in automating tasks that would otherwise be impossible to implement with just human intervention. Being a server-side language, it primarily takes care of things at the server’s end. Launched in 1995 for public use, it has remained a popular choice among web developers since then.

Programming is a tricky business. It is pretty normal to stumble upon errors and warnings while making a program. The same happens a lot to PHP developers, like when they face an Undefined index in PHP. However, such errors are not hard to deal with with a little bit of knowledge and guidance.

What Is an Undefined Index PHP Error?

Websites often use forms to collect data from visitors. PHP uses $GET and $POST methods for such data collection. This data is collected and saved in variables that are used by the website to work and serve the visitor further. Many a time, some fields are left blank by the user. But the website tries to refer to these fields for proceeding further. That means the PHP code tries to get the value of the field that no one has defined and thus does not exist. Quite expectedly, it does not work and raises a notice called Undefined Index in PHP.



You can fix it using the isset[] function, which we will discuss further in the upcoming sections.

Undefined Index is a notice in PHP, and it is a choice of the developer to either ignore it or fix it.

How to Ignore PHP Notice: Undefined Index?

Undefined Index in PHP is a Notice generated by the language. The simplest way to ignore such a notice is to ask PHP to stop generating such notices. You can either add a small line of code at the top of the PHP page or edit the field error_reporting in the php.ini file.

1. Adding Code at the Top of the Page

A simple way to ask PHP to disable reporting of notices is to put a line of code at the beginning of the PHP page.



Or you can add the following code which stops all the error reporting,


2. Changes in php.ini 

Php.ini is a configuration file and is essential for all the programs running on PHP. Open this file and find the field error_reporting. The easiest way is to use the ctrl + F shortcut key. By default, error reporting is set to E_ALL. That means all errors are reported. Change this to E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE. It means all errors except for the notices will now be reported.

How to Fix the PHP Notice: Undefined Index?

We know the cause of the error. It occurs when we use $_GET and $_POST methods to get input, but we reference it even when it has not been set. The solution simply is to check if it has been set before referencing.

We can use the isset[] function, which checks if the variable ‘is set’ or not before referencing to them. Isset[] function returns True or False depending on it.

Undefined Index in PHP $_GET

When using the $_GET method, the following code might show the notice Undefined index in PHP:


As we have not set any of these variables, this code shows the Undefined Index notice.

Change it to the following code to fix this issue:


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