Hướng dẫn secp256r1 python

The ECDSA library can do this.

Generate a key pair:

import ecdsa

sk = ecdsa.SigningKey.generate[curve=ecdsa.SECP256k1] 
vk = sk.get_verifying_key[]

# Your byte values will vary, each time you generate[].  Here is an example pair.

skBytes = sk.to_string[]
print[f"Signing key = {[b  for b in skBytes]}"]
# [242, 122, 66, 46, 189, 185, 103, 40, 162, 156, 155, 213, 77, 38, 251, 23, 148, 207, 49, 206, 122, 63, 117, 150, 196, 115, 82, 203, 95, 104, 60, 227]

vkBytes = vk.to_string[]
print[f"Verifying key = {[b  for b in vkBytes]}"]
# [31, 164, 220, 214, 106, 22, 45, 112, 244, 49, 124, 250, 217, 209, 51, 83, 161, 239, 137, 124, 25, 220, 112, 116, 80, 9, 64, 130, 9, 27, 92, 198, 123, 146, 213, 154, 142, 148, 90, 6, 142, 177, 31, 151, 215, 9, 216, 36, 51, 27, 222, 224, 132, 7, 39, 227, 48, 31, 244, 218, 206, 59, 249, 196]

The key pair can be restored from bytes:

skBytes = bytes[[242, 122, 66, 46, 189, 185, 103, 40, 162, 156, 155, 213, 77, 38, 251, 23, 148, 207, 49, 206, 122, 63, 117, 150, 196, 115, 82, 203, 95, 104, 60, 227]]
vkBytes = bytes[[31, 164, 220, 214, 106, 22, 45, 112, 244, 49, 124, 250, 217, 209, 51, 83, 161, 239, 137, 124, 25, 220, 112, 116, 80, 9, 64, 130, 9, 27, 92, 198, 123, 146, 213, 154, 142, 148, 90, 6, 142, 177, 31, 151, 215, 9, 216, 36, 51, 27, 222, 224, 132, 7, 39, 227, 48, 31, 244, 218, 206, 59, 249, 196]]
sk = ecdsa.SigningKey.from_string[skBytes, curve=ecdsa.SECP256k1]
vk = ecdsa.VerifyingKey.from_string[vkBytes, curve=ecdsa.SECP256k1]
# or vk = sk.get_verifying_key[]

Example signing and verifying:

message = b"Hello, world!"
signature = sk.sign[message]
print[f"{[b  for b in signature]}"]
# [161, 22, 110, 48, 232, 36, 152, 153, 22, 7, 177, 219, 157, 102, 237, 57, 243, 216, 186, 207, 22, 168, 170, 247, 216, 235, 160, 13, 35, 37, 141, 237, 63, 50, 84, 31, 203, 95, 212, 91, 13, 150, 156, 125, 255, 197, 30, 133, 193, 174, 129, 174, 192, 33, 90, 160, 243, 78, 96, 92, 38, 1, 237, 129]
isSignatureValid = vk.verify[signature, message]
# isSignatureValid=True

Credit to this question for introducing me to the ecdsa package: ECDSA Signing and Verifying issue between python ECDSA and C micro-ecc library

from tinyec import registry

returnhex[pubKey.x]+hex[pubKey.y %2][2:]

curve = registry.get_curve['brainpoolP256r1']

alicePrivKey = secrets.randbelow[curve.field.n]

alicePubKey = alicePrivKey * curve.g

print["Alice public key:", compress[alicePubKey]]

bobPrivKey = secrets.randbelow[curve.field.n]

bobPubKey = bobPrivKey * curve.g

print["Bob public key:", compress[bobPubKey]]

print["Now exchange the public keys [e.g. through Internet]"]

aliceSharedKey = alicePrivKey * bobPubKey

print["Alice shared key:", compress[aliceSharedKey]]

bobSharedKey = bobPrivKey * alicePubKey

print["Bob shared key:", compress[bobSharedKey]]

print["Equal shared keys:", aliceSharedKey == bobSharedKey]

Prof Bill Buchanan OBE

Jul 18, 2021

4 min read

Photo by Takacs Alexandra on Unsplash

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