Hướng dẫn tuple combinations python

I would break out the list comprehension to make it easier to follow the flow of your code.

for seq in itertools.combinations[listInit, 2]:

=== Output: ===
[['A', 1], ['B', 2]]
[['A', 1], ['C', 3]]
[['A', 1], ['D', 4]]
[['B', 2], ['C', 3]]
[['B', 2], ['D', 4]]
[['C', 3], ['D', 4]]

So we can see that each seq has what we want - the pairs of tuples. Now you need to test whether the sum of the second elements is five.

for seq in itertools.combinations[listInit, 2]:
    # seq is a tuple of tuples
    # so you want the second element of both outer tuples
    if seq[0][1] + seq[1][1] == 5:

=== Output: ===
[['A', 1], ['D', 4]]
[['B', 2], ['C', 3]]

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