Is bootstrap still used 2022 reddit

Bootstrap is still one of the most popular CSS frameworks to this date, so it makes sense to to learn it and use, as other will be able to work on it too without a learning curve.

As for jQuery, it solved a lot of issues with old browsers, especially compatibility issues. But JS has learned and improved over the years. I think it can be helpful to know a little jQuery so you can use it, but knowing how it all works under the hood is far more valuable IMO. If you become well-versed in vanilla JavaScript, then you probably won't need jQuery anyway. And besides that, you'll have a solid foundation for any other framework that crosses your path.

I have used bootstrap extensively on some projects, and on others not at all. It's really just one tool in the toolbox; sometimes it's useful and sometimes it isn't.

But if I take your second question a bit more literally, I would say yes, keep learning it. Here's why:

Since it's a widely used and tested library, with lots of contributors and reviewers, there are a lot of practical architecture/design choices that you can learn from if you take the time to read and understand the actual code [and even the issues that lead to them]. In addition, it offers some very thorough and relatively clear documentation. It's also very extensible and at the same time granular- using a pre-processor you can compile just the modules and components you need.

If you're working with a team, especially one with varying levels of skill, all of these attributes are valuable and important to understand. Especially so if you're going to "roll your own framework". I can't tell you how many times I've had to work with in-house frameworks that have no forethought, granularity, or documentation. In nearly all of those cases, the resulting homemade framework ended up being virtually the same size as bootstrap, with essentially none of the positives.

In short, understand how bootstrap is designed, and you'll be in a much better position to decide when it is and isn't right for a given project. And you'll also understand better how to create an alternative when needed that is robust and usable.


So I've always struggled with CSS and web design in general, it has never clicked with me. Recently I've been learning bootstrap and it is amazing. Obviously i still have to think about web design a little bit, but its a life saver. However, after doing some lurking on reddit, I've found that there is a lot of criticism on bootstrap, specifically that it will make ur site look like every other bootstrap site. For me, I just want to make something look decent and modern for projects on my resume and portfolio for software engineering internships [I'm a student in college]. Is it acceptable for me to use bootstrap? My tech stack focus right now if that's relevant is Java and MySQL [and other libraries/frameworks in Java backend stuff] but currently trying to learn NodeJS and Mongodb. So I'm more of a programmer/backend API request kinda guy then frontend. thanksssssssssss

Recently I’ve been learning more about bootstrap and using it more in personal projects when learning a new technology to quickly give them a decent looking style.

And while of course that’s fine, I’m wondering what the general consensus is with using bootstrap for professional projects such as projects for clients or things more involved such as a Saas.

What’s your opinion on using either plain bootstrap, a bootstrap template, or a custom bootstrap file for creating a professional project?

level 1

CSS Frameworks exist, generally, for the use of professional projects. Plenty of folks use Bootstrap to great success.

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It is a tool. Used well it works well.

Companies that use bootstrap will customize it to fit their branding. Bootstrap 5 doesn’t require jQuery and is very customizable.

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i worked on and they did and probably still do use bootstrap

level 2

Yo I have an interview with intuit for swe position. What kinds of questions should I prepare for

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You would be surprised how many professional websites out there use Bootstrap. It saves time you would otherwise spend doing the CSS from scratch so why not use it?

It may give your website's a samey look, but most people who don't know anything about tech won't be able to tell you're using Bootstrap. Clients above all else want a website that works, looks decent, and helps them make more money.

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I personally don't like using css frameworks for projects of any size, but that is just my personal opinion. I'd rather spend a little extra time up front rather than worry about running into any issues if I'm asked to style something up that doesn't align with that frameworks design philosophy. Also, I really enjoy writing css, so there's that too I guess. But no, professional apps use frameworks all the time. It is not an issue.

level 2

I’m the same way. The only difference is I usually loathe writing css. I’ve always written css from scratch, but lately I’ve had the itch to try to save some time by using something like bootstrap. Really I’m just trying to figure out a way to optimize the css writing process and save some time as right now it just feels like a waste of time writing everything from scratch when so many things translate from website to website

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So you re-invent components for every new web app you build?

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I think it's fine. Required some work to clean up the CSS and add your own styles, otherwise your site will look really similar to other bootstrapp sites.

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Given the number of job listings that require some knowledge or experience of bootstrap, I'd say its perfectly fine

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As long as the website doesn't look like just another bootstrap website then it's ok.

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Fine to start off, then if you want to customize things you can do that once you have the resources to hire a web designer and develop the new theme / style.

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Even if I do some custom css styling, I always include bootstrap in my projects.

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Consensus? No, there's no consensus, lol. Half the community thinks it's a terrible decision, and the other half thinks it's a blessing.

I'm in the "objectively terrible decision" camp, but hey.

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Bootstrap is really great! And you can take it a step further with a utility framework like tailwind which allows for more granularity if you want. Bootstrap's a popular tool in the industry. Its base theme is a little basic, but that can be customised to look completely different anyway

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Totally fine to reduce time to get a MVP out. You can customize the SCSS variables a lot and only import what you need. Its still our standard go to CSS framework for web apps.

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Currently creating my portfolio with bootstrap so I sure hope it’s not frowned upon 😅

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In Web development time is money. Using Bootstrap doesn't restrict you, you still have freedom to style however you like on top of the framework.

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Bootstrap was developed by and for Twitter. Frameworks are fine. I maintain a news media website with about $3million yearly revenue. We use WordPress, rails, node, react, and a handful of other "framework" type tools.

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The companies I've worked for use bootstrap quite often, but mostly because of the grid. With Webpack or the Vue cli, you only load in what you need: not the Javascript, the forms etc, just the scss of the grid and breakpoints.

There are some other options out there, such as Tailwind, which is getting quite popular.

Is Bootstrap still relevant 2022?

It's still relevant, but it's not as important as it used to be. Browsers natively support CSS-Grid today, which is every bit as powerful as Bootstrap and doesn't require an external library.

Do people still use Bootstrap 2021?

According to Wappalyser, there are nearly 3.5 million websites out there that still rely on Bootstrap. The site reports that even the big boys like,, and use it. There's nothing wrong with it, in many cases.

Is Bootstrap still being used?

With the rise of JavaScript front-end frameworks and an ever-changing landscape of technology and tools, a lot of folks are out there asking if Bootstrap is still relevant in 2021. The short answer is yes.

Do professionals use Bootstrap?

Bootstrap is widely used by professional web developers creating apps and sites for companies in many sectors. According to Similartech, more than half a million websites in the US were built using Bootstrap .

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