Is sql part of html?

Web SQL is a web page API for storing or managing the data in databases that can be queried using a variant of SQL like creating databases, opening the transaction, creating tables, inserting values to tables, deleting values, and reading data. 

The Web SQL Database API is not a part of the HTML5 specification but it is a separate specification. It specifies a set of  APIs to manipulate the client-side databases using SQL. The web SQL database works in the latest version of Safari, Google Chrome, Android browsers, and Opera.


There are three basic methods as shown below as follows:

MethodAction Performed
openDatabase It can be used to create a new database or can create the database object using an existing database.
transaction It transaction can control a transaction and perform either commit or rollback depending upon the situation.
executeSql It is used to execute a real SQL query.

Creating or Opening web SQL Database:

We can use the openDatabase function to create a database that has four parameters:

  • Database name
  • Version number
  • Description
  • Size
  • Creation callback.

The creation callback gets called while the database is being created.

Use the openDatabase() method to access a database. If the database doesn’t exist, the method first creates it and then opens it:

Syntax: var gfgDb = openDatabase(database name, version number, description, size);

We can create a database by running the following query:

var gfgDb = openDatabase('mydb', '1.0', 'this is a client side database', 2 * 1024 * 1024);

// To check whether the database is created or not.
if (!gfgDb) { alert('database not created'); }
else { var version = gfgDb.version; }

Creating transaction:

We can use the function called transaction from our database instance.


gfgDb.transaction(function (tx){});

Here, gfgDb is our database instance and tx is the transaction object that we will be using for upcoming operations. If any operation throws an error, the transaction will be rollbacked. Error logs can easily be managed by the use of transactions.

Executing queries:

To execute a query you use the database.transaction() function.It has a single argument, that executes the query as below:

var gfgDb = openDatabase('mydb', '1.0', 'Test DB', 2 * 1024 * 1024);   
gfgDb.transaction(function (tx) {     
   tx.executeSql('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS CLASS (id unique, class)');   

The above code will create a table named CLASS in the ‘gfgDb’ database.

INSERT Operation:

To create entries into the table as follows: 

var gfgDb = openDatabase('mydb', '1.0', 'Test DB', 2 * 1024 * 1024);  

gfgDb.transaction(function (tx) {  
  tx.executeSql('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS CLASS (id unique, class)');  
  tx.executeSql('INSERT INTO CLASS (id, class) VALUES (1, "First")');  
  tx.executeSql('INSERT INTO CLASS (id, class) VALUES (2, "Second")');  

The second argument to executeSql maps field data to the query, like so:

var id="1";
var text="First";

tx.executeSql('INSERT INTO CLASS (id, text) VALUES (?, ?)', [id, text]);

Here, .id and text are external variables, and executeSql maps each item in the array argument to the “?”s.

READ Operation:

To read already existing records we use a callback: 

var gfgDb = openDatabase('mydb', '1.0', 'Test DB', 2 * 1024 * 1024);  

db.transaction(function (tx) { 
   tx.executeSql('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS CLASS (id unique, class)');
   tx.executeSql('INSERT INTO CLASS (id, class) VALUES (1, "First")'); 
   tx.executeSql('INSERT INTO CLASS (id, class) VALUES (2, "Second")'); 

db.transaction(function (tx) { 
   tx.executeSql('SELECT * FROM CLASS', [], function (tx, results) { 
      var len = results.rows.length, i; 
      msg = "

Found rows: " + len + "

"; document.querySelector('#status').innerHTML += msg; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { alert(results.rows.item(i).class ); } }, null); });

The callback receives the transaction object and the results object. The results object contains a rows object, It has a length, but to reach individual rows, results.rows.item(i) is used, where i is the index of the row.

Example 1:





      <script type = "text/javascript">  

         var gfgDb = openDatabase('mydb', '1.0', 'Test DB', 2 * 1024 * 1024);  

         var msg;  

         gfgDb.transaction(function (tx) {  

            tx.executeSql('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS CLA (id unique, class,name)');  

            tx.executeSql('INSERT INTO CLA (id, class,name) VALUES (1, "First","Geeks")');  

            tx.executeSql('INSERT INTO CLA (id, class,name) VALUES (2, "Second","Hazel")'); 

            tx.executeSql('INSERT INTO CLA (id, class,name) VALUES (3, "Third","Ronaldo")'); 

            tx.executeSql('INSERT INTO CLA (id, class,name) VALUES (4, "Fourth","Sachin")'); 

            msg = '

<p>Class message created and row inserted.p>


            document.querySelector('#status').innerHTML =  msg;  


         gfgDb.transaction(function (tx) {  

            tx.executeSql('SELECT * FROM CLA', [], function (tx, results) {  

               var len = results.rows.length, i;  

               msg = "

<p>Found rows: " + len + "p>


               document.querySelector('#status').innerHTML +=  msg;  

               for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {  

                  msg = "

<b>" + results.rows.item(i).class + "b>p>


                  document.querySelector('#status').innerHTML +=  msg;  


            }, null);  





      <div id = "status" name = "status">Status Messagediv>  




Is sql part of html?

Example 2:





      <script type = "text/javascript">  

         var gfgDb = openDatabase('mydb', '1.0', 'Test DB', 2 * 1024 * 1024);  

         var msg;  

         gfgDb.transaction(function (tx) {  

            tx.executeSql('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ShopItems (id unique, item_name, price)');  

            tx.executeSql('INSERT INTO ShopItems (id, item_name, price) VALUES (1, "Oats","10")');  

            tx.executeSql('INSERT INTO ShopItems (id, item_name, price) VALUES (2, "Shampoo","70")');  

            msg = '

<p>ShopItems message created and row inserted.p>


            document.querySelector('#status').innerHTML =  msg;  


         gfgDb.transaction(function (tx) {  

            tx.executeSql('SELECT * FROM ShopItems', [], function (tx, results) {  

               var len = results.rows.length, i;  

               msg = "

<p>Found rows: " + len + "p>


               document.querySelector('#status').innerHTML +=  msg;  

               for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {  

                  msg = "

<b>" + results.rows.item(i).item_name +" "+ results.rows.item(i).price + "b>p>


                  document.querySelector('#status').innerHTML +=  msg;  


            }, null);  





      <div id = "status" name = "status">Status Messagediv>  




Is sql part of html?

Is SQL used in HTML?

You can produce HTML from SQL because SQL Server has built-in support for outputting XML, and HTML is best understood as a slightly odd dialect of XML that imparts meaning to predefined tags. There are plenty of edge cases where an HTML structure is the most obvious way of communicating tables, lists and directories.

Is HTML and SQL are same?

Diffrences in one word: HTML is the view, CSS is the style, JAVASCRIPT is the action, PHP is the server side composer, MYSQL is the storage.

Is web SQL part of HTML 5?

The Web SQL Database API is not a part of the HTML5 specification but it is a separate specification. It specifies a set of APIs to manipulate the client-side databases using SQL. The web SQL database works in the latest version of Safari, Google Chrome, Android browsers, and Opera.

Is SQL part of coding?

According to Webopedia, “a programming language is a vocabulary and set of grammatical rules for instructing a computer or computing device to perform specific tasks.” SQL is definitely a programming language given this definition.

How connect SQL to HTML?

For this you need to follow the following steps:.
Step 1: Filter your HTML form requirements for your contact us web page. ... .
Step 2: Create a database and a table in MySQL. ... .
Step 3: Create HTML form for connecting to database. ... .
Step 4: Create a PHP page to save data from HTML form to your MySQL database. ... .
Step 5: All done!.

Is SQL part of web development?

In dynamic web development, this is where SQL, MySQL, or SQL Server come into place. These help you query and retrieve information from a database to power your service, be it an app, website, or maybe more complex systems.