Isset ternary condition in php

Currently you're working with the ternary operator:

$friendid = [!isset[$_GET['friendid']]] ? $_GET['friendid'] : 'empty';

Break it down to an if-else statement and it looks like this:

   $friendid = $_GET['friendid'];
   $friendid = 'empty';

Look at what's really happening in the if statement:


Note the exclamation mark [!] in front of the isset function. It's another way to say, "the opposite of". What you're doing here is checking that there is no value already set in $_GET['friendid']. And if so, $friendid should take on that value.

But really, it would break since $_GET['friendid'] doesn't even exist. And you can't take the value of something that isn't there.

Taking it from the start, you have set a value for $_GET['friendid'], so that first if condition is now false and passes it on to the else option.

In this case, set the value of the $friendid variable to empty.

What you want is to remove the exclamation and then the value of $friendid will take on the value of $_GET['friendid'] if it has been previously set.

PHP has two special shorthand conditional operators.

  • Ternary Operator
  • Null Coalescing Operator

PHP Ternary Operator

The ternary operator is a short way of performing an if conditional.

Ternary Syntax

[] ? [] : []

  • If the condition is true, the result of on true expression is returned.
  • If the condition is false, the result of on false expression is returned.
  • Since PHP 5.3, you can omit the on true expression. [condition] ?: [on false] returns the result of condition if the condition is true. Otherwise, the result of on false expression is returned.

PHP Ternary Operator Example



When do we use Ternary Operator?

We use ternary operator when we need to simplify if-else statements that are used to assign values to variables. Moreover, it is commonly used when we assign post data or validate forms.

Let’s say, we were programming a login form for a college university where we wanted to ensure that the user entered their registration number provided by the university then we could move further.

//if the registration number is not specified, notify the customer
$reg_number = [isset[$_POST['reg']]] ? $_POST['reg'] : die['Please enter your registration number'];

Let’s look at an example of a validation form for better understanding:

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