Mental holistic development

Why Mental Health Recovery Requires a Holistic Approach

March 28, 2020 Michele Koh Morollo

There are many factors that can affect a persons mental wellbeing.

These include their physical health, personal relationships, work life, lifestyle habits, and even whether or not they feel aligned with their perceived purpose in life.

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Ancient systems of medicine such as Traditional Chinese Medicine and Ayurveda have long taken a holistic approach towards obtaining and maintaining good health. Sometimes referred to as mind-body medicine, the holistic approach to mental health treatmenttakes into account biological, mental, emotional, behavioural, social and spiritual factors. It looks at mental illness from a systemic perspective rather than in isolated units.

In treating mental health conditions, rather than looking at only one aspect of the individuals life, a therapist will take a big picture, or holistic view, to address a clients physical, mental and spiritual health.

The concept of a mind-body-spirit approach to mental and physical health is based on the idea that a state of well-being is the result of physical, mental and spiritual elements working together in harmony. Therefore to be mentally healthy, we should pay attention to the mental, physical and spiritual aspects of our lives.

Why a holistic approach?

A holistic approach to mental health integrates the needs of the body, mind and soul when examining mental health issues and helping patients to work through their psychological challenges. Because mental health is complex and multilayered, the holistic approach enables therapists to provide their clients with more pathways to recovery.

The holistic approach is an effective method for treating mental health conditions because it views the patient not as a generic problem to be solved, but as a unique human being who acts and reacts in response to his body, environment, circumstances, and life experiences.

The Body

The body and the mind function in symbiosis, so the condition of one always affects the other.

Mental illness can be caused by a variety of biological factors including neurological disease, physical trauma, or biochemical imbalance. Some neurological, physical or biochemical abnormalities can only be treated with medication or surgery, so its important to speak with a doctor to determine whether or not the illness is rooted in a medical condition.

When facing a potential mental health condition, one should consult with a psychiatrist a clinician who specialises in the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of mental disorders. After assessing a patient, a psychiatrist may recommend neuroimaging or neurophysiological examinations, a course of psychiatric medication or psychotherapy also referred to as talk therapy to address the patients maladies.

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Implementing healthy lifestyle habits such as eating nutritiously, getting regular physical exercise, spending time outdoors in nature, and getting a good nights sleep and enough relaxation can also improve ones mental health. Stopping harmful habits such as smoking, overeating or drinking excessive alcohol can also help restore physical balance, which will in turn contribute to a more positive mental outlook.

The Mind

A calm, positive, worry-free mind is a key indicator of good mental health. Spending time outdoors in nature, incorporating meditation into ones daily routine, and talk therapy are some effective ways to bring the mind back into balance.

Studies have shown that time spending time in nature can boost mental wellbeing.

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According to University of Delaware researcher Roger Ulrich, being in natural environments sends signals to the brain to unwind, so a person can then turn down their fight-or-flight system and function in a more relaxed state of mind. Being out in nature tends to reduce the bodys stress hormones adrenaline and cortisol, lower blood pressure and temporarily relieve symptoms of anxiety or depression. So a walk in the woods might just be whats needed for those who are feeling tense, overworked or anxious.

Meditation, in particular mindful meditation, focuses on breathing, which helps people to anchor themselves in the present moment so they worry less about the past or future.

Research has proven that meditation can alleviate symptoms of mental disorders such as depression and anxiety, lessen the stress caused by chronic pain and improve memory, cognition and behaviour in those who practice it regularly.

Suzanne Westbrook, a retired internal medicine doctor at Harvard describes mindful meditation as noticing what happens moment to moment, the easy and the difficult, and the painful and the joyful. Its about building a muscle to be present and awake in your life.

Sharing problems with a friend or loved one can also help to release psychological stress.

But not everyone is fortunate enough to have a friend, partner or family member who is a good, non-judgemental listener.

In such cases, talk therapy is a good way to lighten the burden of a troubled mind. By talking to a mental health therapist, those who are struggling with psychological crises can share their difficulties, get a better perspective on their problems, and perhaps discover solutions to overcome those problems, or learn how to live with them.

The Spirit

Spirituality is a broad concept that goes beyond religious beliefs to include anything that gives individuals or groups a sense of connection to something bigger than themselves. It is concerned with the search for meaning in life.

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In his Hierarchy of Needs pyramid model, American psychologist Abraham Maslow theorised that as individuals progress in life and get their basic desires for food and water, safety and relationship needs met, they then face the conundrum of self-actualisation. According to Maslow, self-actualisation involves the drive to fulfil ones true potential, to seek personal growth and peak experiences and to become everything one is capable of becoming.

In essence, self-actualisation is mankinds search for greater meaning and purpose; it is their search for the life of the spirit. Because this desire for self-actualisation is ingrained in most people, a holistic approach to mental health should not neglect an individuals need for a spiritual life.

A 2015 study reports that people with mental health problems want meaningful activity such as a creative art, work or enjoying nature, the chance to make sense of their lives and permission/support to develop their relationship with God or the Absolute.

In the same study, patients who engaged in spiritual or religious practices reported increased levels of self-control, confidence and self-esteem, speedier and easier recovery from their illness, better relationships with self, others and with God/creation/nature, and experienced a new sense of meaning, hope and peace of mind. [Which has] enabled them to accept and live with continuing problems or to make changes where possible.

Tips for taking care of mind, body and spirit

To maintain a healthy mind, keep learning and develop multiple interests to keep the brain healthy. Learning new languages or playing brain boosting games, like Sudoku helps keep the mind in good shape.

Keeping the body healthy, exercise regularly, eat nutritiously, and getting enough sleep are all significant contributing factors to maintaining a positive mental well-being.

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To stay fit spiritually, engage in enjoyable creative pursuits, spend quality time with family and friends, join a spiritual community or do volunteer work.

A sound and healthy mind, body and spirit is a useful defence against psychological and emotional difficulties, so take care of all three for optimal mental health.

If you may be struggling with your mental health recovery, a trained therapist may be able to help you to incorporate better healthy coping skills and strategies. The road to recovery is not always easy and in therapy, its all about focusing on your mental health recovery and setting you up for long-term mental balance and well-being.

Common Care provides a full-service online therapy platform with the largest selection of qualified online therapists. After completing an initial intake assessment, we recommend suitable therapists based on your needs, preferences and goals in therapy. Begin therapy anytime, anywhere at affordable prices.

This article is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of a qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a mental health or physical health condition.


Mcleod, Saul. Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. Simply Psychology, Simply Psychology, 20 Mar. 2020,


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