pranked là gì - Nghĩa của từ pranked

pranked có nghĩa là

A well played trick.


See "practical joke"

pranked có nghĩa là

A prank used to mean a practical joke, but the definition has slightly changed in the age of the youtube 'prank' video. Nowadays a prank means saying provocative shit to someone, while secretly recording them, and then screaming "it's a prank, bro, it's a prank" when you elicit a violent response.


[Youtube Prankster approaches a girl walking with her boyfriend]
YP: DAMNNNNNN! Look at those melons. Can I please put my face in those melons?
Random girl: What the fuck?
[The expected happens and the girl and/or her boyfriend react violently to this sexual harrassment]
YP [after getting a slap in the face]: It's a prank, bro, it's a prank. Look there's a camera right there! It's not sexual harassment if the camera's on. Our youtube hero continues on his humorous adventures. This time, he is joined by a athletic looking black guy who looks like he can throw a punch. YP: Yo! You wanna hear a joke?
Black Guy: Yeah!
YP: What does a black guy do after sex?
BG: What?
YP: 15 to life! hue hue hue.
BG: [Smacks our hero in the face]
YP: It's a prank, bro, it's a prank. It's not racist, bro, the camera's on.

pranked có nghĩa là

n. v. A mean spirited or malicious practical joke. Often pranks are aimed towards authority figures or disliked peers. Embarassing or painful to the prankee, but normally not fatal.


Filling your friend's fire extinguisher with gasoline.

pranked có nghĩa là

something done to another person, often fatal, with the intention of faking said person out. By claiming that an action was a prank, all faults of the "pranker" are erased.


1. "Once, as a prank, Todd Packer banged every woman in the office." 2. "Dude, why'd you fuckin' stab me in the heart? I'm your best friend!" "Dude, it was a prank."

pranked có nghĩa là

Something done to trick someone, and is very amusing to all [apart from the one the prank was played on]


It is April Fool's Day, and to Ric's delight, he has yet another prank set up. What he doesn't know is that things aren't quite what they seem.

In the morning, he walks in to his classroom as casually as possible. He waits until Mr Price arrives with the register, and then deliberately starts talking to Eddy.

Ric: Oi, Eddy. You gotta go ter staffroom see teachers at break.
Eddy: O cheers then Ric. You know why?
Ric: Summit to do with when you broke that chair in maths.
Eddy: It wunt me.
Ric: Well go tell em that then mate.

In the next lesson, English, Ric decides to tell a mostly innocent girl, Kate, that she too has to go to the staffroom at break.

Ric: Y'alright Kate?
Kate: Um...yeah?
Ric: Right, you gotta go ter staffroom see teachers at break.
Kate: Yeah, I'll be there. You know why?
Ric: Summit to do with when you was throwing pens at Noko's head in History on Tuesday.
Kate: Fine.

At break both Eddy and Kate turn up at the staffroom, to find a sign reading: 'staff meeting down the corridor this break. students may enter when required.'

Reading this, Eddy and Kate went down the corridor. Though in year 10, they did not know what was down there, so went in the door at the end of the corridor. When they opened the door, they found Mr Hopkinson and Miss Wade naked and having sex in the shower. In fright, Eddy went for the door, but put his hand through the glass on the emergency fire button.

They escaped before the two teachers saw them, and, with blood all over the shower, they left the scene and reported to fire positions on the field.

On the field, the teachers saw the blood coming out the drain and flowing over the paving. Brave Mr Chapman decided to investigate, and knowing a new teacher and a married man had been showering, he knew he had to look.

When he got there, he found Mr Hopkinson and Miss Wade still having sex, even though the fire bell was ringing. Ric was stood on the other side of the window pane watching what he had done.

Sometimes pranks can backfire badly folks, so PLEASE read this before carrying one out.

pranked có nghĩa là

Being a dick to random people on the street.


Yo so today we're gonna prank some black people by asking them to have sex with them.

pranked có nghĩa là

Is the act of someone ringing your mobile once quickly with caller ID with no intention of you picking it up, so that you will call them back. Generally becuase they are a cheap ass.

It originated from people with little credit on their mobile when they needed to make an important call, now it is misused for unimportant calls and many people wont return the pranking even from friends. It is frowned upon to do so and people who do it often generally end up with little respect.


John: "My girlfriend has been pranking me all night"
Tony: "Dude she is doing that to you way too often"
John: "no shit"
Tony: "what a cheap ass gold digger"

pranked có nghĩa là

having been on the receiving end of a prank


lol he got pranked

pranked có nghĩa là

A "Practical Joke" done by white people to only get their ass kicked by black people.



pranked có nghĩa là

Rhetorical question, synonymous with 'is this a joke?' asked when something even remotely unexpected has occurred. Soulless teenage girls have recently been prone to using this phrase because "is this a joke?" has become too mainstream; the use of it gives them a feeling of individuality.


1. Teacher: today we will be having a pop quiz. Teenage girl: is this a prank? what's happening...? 2. Doctor: you're entire family has died in a car accident. Teenage girl: meep. Is this a prank? 3. *drops a french fry on the floor Teenage girl: is this a prank? 4. *absolutely nothing has happened at all Teenage girl: is this a prank?

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