Python get percentile of value in list

numpy.percentile()function used to compute the nth percentile of the given data (array elements) along the specified axis. 

Syntax : numpy.percentile(arr, n, axis=None, out=None) 
Parameters : 
arr :input array. 
n : percentile value. 
axis : axis along which we want to calculate the percentile value. Otherwise, it will consider arr to be flattened(works on all the axis). axis = 0 means along the column and axis = 1 means working along the row. 
out :Different array in which we want to place the result. The array must have same dimensions as expected output. 
Return :nth Percentile of the array (a scalar value if axis is none)or array with percentile values along specified axis. 

Code #1 : Working 


import numpy as np

arr = [20, 2, 7, 1, 34]

print("arr : ", arr)

print("50th percentile of arr : ",

       np.percentile(arr, 50))

print("25th percentile of arr : ",

       np.percentile(arr, 25))

print("75th percentile of arr : ",

       np.percentile(arr, 75))

Output : 

arr :  [20, 2, 7, 1, 34]
50th percentile of arr :  7.0
25th percentile of arr :  2.0
75th percentile of arr :  20.0

Code #2 : 


import numpy as np

arr = [[14, 17, 12, 33, 44], 

       [15, 6, 27, 8, 19],

       [23, 2, 54, 1, 4,]]

print("\narr : \n", arr)

print("\n50th Percentile of arr, axis = None : ",

      np.percentile(arr, 50))

print("0th Percentile of arr, axis = None : ",

      np.percentile(arr, 0))

print("\n50th Percentile of arr, axis = 0 : ",

      np.percentile(arr, 50, axis =0))

print("0th Percentile of arr, axis = 0 : ",

      np.percentile(arr, 0, axis =0))

Output : 

arr : 
 [[14, 17, 12, 33, 44], [15, 6, 27, 8, 19], [23, 2, 54, 1, 4]]

50th Percentile of arr, axis = None :  15.0
0th Percentile of arr, axis = None :  1.0

50th Percentile of arr, axis = 0 :  [15.  6. 27.  8. 19.]
0th Percentile of arr, axis = 0 :  [14.  2. 12.  1.  4.]

50th Percentile of arr, axis = 1 :  [17. 15.  4.]
0th Percentile of arr, axis = 1 :  [12.  6.  1.]

Code #3 : 


import numpy as np

arr = [[14, 17, 12, 33, 44], 

       [15, 6, 27, 8, 19],

       [23, 2, 54, 1, 4,]]

print("\narr : \n", arr)

print("\n50th Percentile of arr, axis = 1 : ",

      np.percentile(arr, 50, axis =1))

print("0th Percentile of arr, axis = 1 : ",

      np.percentile(arr, 0, axis =1))

print("\n0th Percentile of arr, axis = 1 : \n",

      np.percentile(arr, 50, axis =1, keepdims=True))

print("\n0th Percentile of arr, axis = 1 : \n",

      np.percentile(arr, 0, axis =1, keepdims=True))

Output : 

arr : 
 [[14, 17, 12, 33, 44], [15, 6, 27, 8, 19], [23, 2, 54, 1, 4]]

0th Percentile of arr, axis = 1 : 
 [ 4.]]

0th Percentile of arr, axis = 1 : 
 [ 6.]
 [ 1.]]

How do you find the percentile of a list in Python?

percentile()function used to compute the nth percentile of the given data (array elements) along the specified axis..
Syntax : numpy.percentile(arr, n, axis=None, out=None).
Parameters :.
arr :input array..
n : percentile value..
axis : axis along which we want to calculate the percentile value..

How do you find the percentile of a list?

Steps of Percentile Formula.
Step 1: Arrange the data set in ascending order..
Step 2: Count the number of values in the data set and represent it as r..
Step 3: Calculate the value of q/100..
Step 4: Multiply q percent by r..
Step 5: If the answer is not a whole number then rounding the number is required..

How do you get 95 percentile in pandas?

Note that when using the pandas quantile() function pass the value of the nth percentile as a fractional value. For example, pass 0.95 to get the 95th percentile value.

How do you find the percentile of a DataFrame in Python?

Pandas Quantile Method Overview.
q=[0.5] : a float or an array that provides the value(s) of quantiles to calculate..
axis=[0] : the axis to calculate the percentiles on (0 for row-wise and 1 for column-wise).
numeric_only=[True] : is set to False , calculate the values for datetime and timedelta columns as well..