Second largest value from array in php

You can also use techniques in sorting like Bubble sort

function bubble_Sort[$my_array ]
        $swapped = false;
        for[ $i = 0, $c = count[ $my_array ] - 1; $i < $c; $i++ ]
            if[ $my_array[$i] > $my_array[$i + 1] ]
                list[ $my_array[$i + 1], $my_array[$i] ] =
                        array[ $my_array[$i], $my_array[$i + 1] ];
                $swapped = true;
    while[ $swapped ];
return $my_array;

$test_array = array[3, 0, 2, 5, -1, 4, 1];
echo "Original Array :\n";
echo implode[', ',$test_array ];
echo "\nSorted Array\n:";
echo implode[', ',bubble_Sort[$test_array]]. PHP_EOL;

Original Array :                                                    
3, 0, 2, 5, -1, 4, 1                                                
Sorted Array :                                                      
-1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Flow explanation

Problem:- Find the Second Largest Number in an Array Using PHP?, how to find highest and second highest number in an array without function, Find the second highest variable in array, Find Second largest element in an array

Solution – Find the Second Largest Number in an Array Using PHP

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Given an array of integers and the task is to write a program that efficiently finds the second largest element present in the array.  


Input: arr[] = {13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18}
Output: The second largest element is 17.
Explanation: The largest element of the array
is 35 and the second largest element is 17

Input: arr[] = {10, 5, 10}
Output: The second largest element is 5.
Explanation: The largest element of the array
is 10 and the second largest element is 5

Input: arr[] = {10, 10, 10}
Output: The second largest does not exist.
Explanation: Largest element of the array  
is 10 there is no second largest element

Simple Solution:

Approach: The idea is to sort the array in descending order and then return the second element which is not equal to the largest element from the sorted array.




Second Largest element is 64

Complexity Analysis:

Worst and Average Case Time Complexity: O[n*n]. Worst case occurs when array is reverse sorted.
Best Case Time Complexity: O[n]. Best case occurs when array is already sorted.
Auxiliary Space: O[1]

Boundary Cases: Bubble sort takes minimum time [Order of n] when elements are already sorted.
Sorting In Place: Yes
Stable: Yes

Another Approach: Find the second largest element in a single traversal.  

Below is the complete algorithm for doing this:  

1] Initialize the first as 0 [i.e, index of arr[0] element]
2] Start traversing the array from array[1],
  a] If the current element in array say arr[i] is greater
     than first. Then update first and second as,
     second = first
     first = arr[i]
  b] If the current element is in between first and second,
     then update second to store the value of current variable as
     second = arr[i]
3] Return the value stored in second.



The second largest element is 34

How do you find 2nd maximum number from an array?

One of the most simple solutions can be sorting the array in ascending order and then finding the second element which is not equal to the largest element from the sorted array. So, in this way, we can find second largest element in array.

Which is the second largest integer range in php?

PHP Integers 2, 256, -256, 10358, -179567 are all integers. An integer is a number without any decimal part. An integer data type is a non-decimal number between -2147483648 and 2147483647 in 32 bit systems, and between -9223372036854775808 and 9223372036854775807 in 64 bit systems.

How do you find second max?

Strategy: Use the LARGE or SMALL functions. These functions take a range of values, then a k value. If you use a k value of 1, the LARGE function is exactly like a MAX: =LARGE[B2:B100,1]. The real value in LARGE is the ability to ask for the second largest value using =LARGE[B2:B100,2].

How do you find the largest number in an array in php?

The max[] function of PHP is used to find the numerically maximum value in an array or the numerically maximum value of several specified values. The max[] function can take an array or several numbers as an argument and return the numerically maximum value among the passed parameters.

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