selinas là gì - Nghĩa của từ selinas

selinas có nghĩa là

Selina is the most incredible girl you will ever be lucky enough to meet. Kind, generous, incredibly intelligent, absolutely stunning [even though she says she isn't], and the perfect girlfriend.
Her smile could light up any room she happens to be in, and when you've touched her heart, she would do absolutely anything to make you happy.
If you're ever lucky enough to get a girl like Selina, never ever let her go, and treat her well, because she will be the best thing that could ever happen to you.
One day, she will make an amazing mother, and a brilliant wife. For an alternative definition, see 'perfection'.


"I think I've fallen in love with Selina"

selinas có nghĩa là

selina is one of the most amazing people you will meet in your life. she is very pretty and talented, but will always deny it. she is also hilarious, and not afraid to share her honest opinion.
selina's are not usually good at music, but when a selina is goo d at music, she will amaze you with her talents. musical selina's will usually play violin, piano, guitar and sing.
all selinas are very quick learners, and strive to achieve the best that they can. selina's are good at maths and science. if you ever meet a selina in your life, keep her near, because one day she will be very well known.


That girl is so talented..
That girl is so Selina

selinas có nghĩa là

the most amazing girl you will ever find. she is beautiful, smart, kind, generous, and definitely witty. she is great to talk to and has a great personality, super hot, and has a stylish taste. sometimes, on the outside, she can seem a bit harsh and quite frank, but inside, she's an incredible girl who's willing to do anything for you. she's a sexy dancer, a flirt with the guys, and the most fantastic girl a guy could ever find. alternative definition: 'amazing' and 'wow'


Boy 1: Wow, look at that sexy girl. She is so Selina. Boy 2: Dude, that's because she is Selina. Boy 1: Wow
Boy 2: I wish she could be my girlfriend..

selinas có nghĩa là

A kind loving girl who helps everyone. Also when you are done she'll bring back a big smile it'll make you smile. A girl who has many different faces the would be her badass side, her kind loving side, and her sad loneliness. But she hides her sad emotions just to make others not worry her but deep down she is in a lot of pain. A Selina will always smile or be badass but she will always help others in need. Also never get Selina angry or else you regret it unless you bring her yummy food depending on which Selina it is.


Random person 1" who is the girl over there"
Random person 2" that girl over there she is Selina she is a kind badass loving person"

selinas có nghĩa là

the nicest and best person you will ever meet period.


I don't need anything else but a Selina.

selinas có nghĩa là

Selina is a very kind, lovely ,nice , beautiful , person she sticks up for her friends and loves every one!


Selina is the best person ever

selinas có nghĩa là

A once in an eternity sweetheart, who will make you question your entire existence after meeting her. The kind of person that gives off energy so pure, that you feel in a state of bliss whenever you are next to her. Selina has eyes that are as soft as her heart and a smile that will always make you smile no matter what. She is very sensitive but always understanding. When it comes to food, Selina loves her Round Table Pizza with salad and she never forgets to put the Dr. Pepper in the freezer for just the right amount of time. And don't forget to get her ice cream, but she'll probably want to buy it herself, you just can't let her lol. She is an artist by nature, who has the ability to pick up any craft and be great at it. Selina is great at all she does, but is as humble and as generous as it gets. You cannot mention Selina without mentioning music. Selina has bangerz for days. Her emotions are powerful and although not always verbally expressed, are evident through her actions. And she strong af so don't play around and find on out. In conclusion, no words can truly capture all that Selina is. Hold her, with every ounce of life that is within, forever.


Bob: Damn I found out my lady is pregnant and it's a girl. What should I do? Jim: You should name her Selina

selinas có nghĩa là

Selina is one of the reallest people of all in the filthy Big B. She is like crisp air on a winter morning, so refreshing and grounding that it takes you to the fucking greatest kind of soberness you‘ve ever known. She is what you crave, like literally all fucked-up night long. Selinas are pure yet so knowing. She is the kind of girl that will get you really excited about life and even crazy ass shit like adulting. Like who has that kind of power. Only Selinas do. Selinas are a solid 10/10. Her looks are at least as sharp as her sixth sense. Eyes as big as her heart, freckles as jolly as her soul and hair like dangerous flames. She is a red headed goddess who knows her way and will always set standards real high. Cause she just be that classy motherfuckin beetch and she knows it. No one can keep a kitchen clean like her, even if they tried. Selinas will for ever be one step ahead with their toned legs of a fuckin beautiful fairy. Selina can be very intimidating from far. Envious eyes will watch Selina rock all shades of black, but if you are lucky you may catch her on one of the special but rare days when she feels like tossing in a little blue denim or white. Strangers will think of Selinas as cold and perhaps a tod arrogant. But oh my Selina really is nothing like that once you get to know her. If you‘re a decent person then there‘s no need to fear her flames really. Selinas are smart n loyal folks and take notes: you are very blessed if you have one in your life.


A: dude who’s that red head B: damn dude that’s Selina A: brother where can I find myself a neat girl
B: ma man you gotta go to Friedrichshain A: wanna go to a flea market C: go ask Selina *builds some amazing creative miniature neighbourhood* A: damn could you be more Selina

selinas có nghĩa là

A once in an eternity sweetheart, who will make you question your entire existence after meeting her. The kind of person that gives off energy so pure, that you feel in a state of bliss whenever you are next to her. Selina has eyes that are as soft as her heart and a smile that will always make you smile no matter what. She is very sensitive but always understanding. When it comes to food, Selina loves her Round Table Pizza with salad and she never forgets to put the Dr. Pepper in the freezer for just the right amount of time. And don't forget to get her ice cream, but she'll probably want to buy it herself, you just can't let her lol. She is an artist by nature, who has the ability to pick up any craft and be great at it. Selina is great at all she does, but is as humble and as generous as it gets. You cannot mention Selina without mentioning music. Selina has bangerz for days. Her emotions are powerful and although not always verbally expressed, are evident through her actions. And she strong af so don't play around and find on out. In conclusion, no words can truly capture all that Selina is. Hold her, with every ounce of life that is within, forever.


Bob: Damn I found out my lady is pregnant and it's a girl. What should I do? Jim: You should name her Selina

selinas có nghĩa là

Very smart and sexy, also smells really good too.


Guy 1: Damn that girl is smart and sexy, she also smells really good Guy 2: Thats Selina, she is probably dating a Ronan

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