SharePoint list conditional formatting based on value

I borrowed from Microsofts documentation on conditional column formatting recently to modify a modern experience list in SharePoint 2019. This also works for SharePoint Online/O365, but will not work in classic experiences [or pre-2019 server versions]. I modified Microsofts example on conditional background colors for a numeric range and created a similar conditional column formatting result for text values.

In this example, I have a list for upcoming training opportunities. Theres a column named Level which is a choice field of either Beginner, Intermediate, or Advanced. The JSON code at the bottom of this post changes the columns background color value to green, yellow, or red respectively based on the level selection. Heres a demonstration of the result:

Click to enlarge.

You could modify this code to suit your own columns values/options, then paste it into the Column Formatting section of that columns settings [List settings > Select column from Columns section]. Do not change @currentField in the JSON code thats just a reference to whichever column you add it to and doesnt need to be your columns name.

Click to enlarge{ "elmType": "div", "txtContent": "@currentField", "style": { "color": "#fff", "padding-left": "14px", "background-color": { "operator": "?", "operands": [ { "operator": "==", "operands": [ "@currentField", "Beginner" ] }, "#2ECC71", { "operator": "?", "operands": [ { "operator": "==", "operands": [ "@currentField", "Advanced" ] }, "#E74C3C", { "operator": "?", "operands": [ { "operator": "==", "operands": [ "@currentField", "Intermediate" ] }, "#F1C40F","" ] } ] } ] } } }

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