The diagram below identifies several international organizations which phrase completes the diagram

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Terms in this set [88]

the image below concerns governent.

which enlightenment idea is represented by the government?

separation of powers

the statements below are from the 1776 Virginia Declaration of Rights.

which statement reflects the enlightenment ideas of government as expressed by Montesquieu?


which documents influenced the colonist's views of government?

Magna Carta, Mayflower Compact, Common Sense

the diagram below shows that the colonists formed some of their political views from some historical documents.

Magna Carta------- Limited Monarchy
Mayflower Compact-----------?

Which phrase completes the diagram?

self- government

The passage below was written by Thomas Paine in his 1776 pamphlet, Common Sense

Based on this passage, how is the author's view reflected in the U.S political system?

Representatives are elected

Which documents addressed colonial concerns about English policies?

Declaration of Independence

The diagram below describes a cause that led to the writing of the Declaration of Independence?

Which action completes a diagram?

Colonial demand for political change increases

Why did Parliament eventually repeal the Stamp Act, which taxed goods such as newspapers and playing cards?

The colonists began boycotting British goods

The passage below is from a historical document

Which document contains the passage?

Declaration of Independence

What is one way that the ideas stated in the Declaration of Independence are evident today?

equal employment opportunities

The passage below was written by Thomas Paine in his 1776 book, Common Sense

Based on this passage, with which complaint against the king from the Declaration of Independence would Thomas Paine agree?

taking away political rights

The diagram below shows steps leading to a historical event

Colonial Independence--?---Shay's Rebellion--- Constitutional Convention

Which event completes the diagram?

Articles of Confederation

How did the U.S Constitution solve a problem created by the Articles of Confederation?

it enabled the federal government to collect taxes

The passage below is from a historical document.

How does the U.S Constitution address concerns that resulted from the government described in this passage?

the new government could settle disputes between the states

What check does the U.S Senate have on the president?

refusing to confirm appointments

The passage below is from Federalist No.47 written by James Madison in 1788

Based on this passage, which constitutional principle does Madison describe?

checks and balances

Which principle supports President Eisenhower's action to uphold the U.S. Supreme Court's decision that public schools should be integrated?

constitutional government

What was the Anti- Federalists greatest concern about ratifying the U.S Constitutional?

The lack of a bill of rights

Which statement supports the Anti-Federalists in the struggle over ratification of the U.S Constitution?

The constitution should protect fundamental rights

The passage below was written by James Madison in 1787

Based on this passage, what change in modern political society would Madison support?

Expanding the role of special interest groups in campaign

Which principle is included in the U.S Constitution?

rule of law

Which statement describes an impact of the rule of law?

transparency of institutions

Which characteristic serves as a long- term protection against tyranny and is a foundation of liberty in the United States?

the rule of law

The Code of Hammurabi [1772 BC] includes laws focusing on contracts. What type of U.S law is based on the Code of Hammurabi?


Which type of law is used to help solve disputes between people or organizations?


The passage below is from a U.S. Supreme Court opinion announcement?

According to the passage, which action did the U.S. Supreme Court find constitutional?

The death penalty may be imposed only on adults

Which is a requirement for a person to become a naturalized U.S citizen?

passing a U.S. history and government exam

The table below describes permanent resident status

The number of persons seeking naturalization would be affected by elections for Congress

What rights do citizens have?


The illustration below shows a legal document

Why are citizens obligated to respond to such documents?

to protect the constitutional right to be tried by ome's peers

The image below describes a citizen obligations

[Jury Duty Serve with Pride]

Based on this image, what can be presumed about citizen obligations?

citizens resist contributing to the common good

Where can a description of a U.S citizens civil liberties be found?

Bill or Rights

The statement below was made by Thomas Jefferson in a 1786 letter to John Jay
...our liberty, which cannot be guarded but by the freedom of the press....

Why should this freedom be guarded?

to keep the government from becoming the primary information source

the passage below is one of the grievances found in the Declaration of Independence

Which rights listed in the Bill of Right reflects his complaint?

due process of law, assistance of counsel, speedy and public trial

Which right is NOT mentioned in the U.S Constitution?


The passage below about government from Federalist No.51

If men were angels...

How are the authors views from this passage applied in the U.S Constitution?

The U.S Constitution limits the power of the federal government

The Timeline below shows events related to the death penalty.
What constitutional protections ave resulted from these events?

constitutional protections from cruel and unusual punishment are safeguarded while executions continue

which individual protection is found in the fifth amendment to the U.S Constitution?

property rights

which action represents an individual exercising a constitutional right?

civil disobedience

what has been one long-term result of the constitutional protection of free speech?

a more informed society

how did the passage of the of the voting rights of 1965 impact political participation?

all african-americans could now vote

the photograph below illustrates an event in U.S. History

What was Congress' response to the social movement symbolized in the photograph?

increased economic opportuinties

the newspaper below details on important step in amending the U.S. Constitution

Daily News
June 4 1919
Women's Suffrage wins in Senate

How did the passage of this amendment to the U.S. Constitution impact the political process in the U.S?

women were allowed to vote in national elections

In which case did the U.S. Supreme Court rule that the FL Supreme Courts plan for recounting ballots violated the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth amendment?

Bush v. Gore [2000]

Which was an outcome of the U.S Supreme Court decision in Brown v Board of Education [1954]?

public school districts that segregate deny equal protection

What lessons did future U.S. leaders learn from the 1974 U.S. Supreme Court case United States v Nixon?

the president is accountable for obeying the law

The statement below is from a political party platform.

We the workers and our allies, need to take power from the hands of the wealthy few, their corporations, and their political operatives

Which political party's position is represented in the statement?


Doug is Pro-immigration!
Doug is Pro-military!
Vote for Doug

Based on the poster, what conclusion can be drawn about the candidate?

Doug is running for president

Based on the government system in the Unites States, which individual activity is used to directly influence legislative decisions?

gathering signatures for a petition

The table below describes rating for news organizations

According to the table, what impact has media had on a government?

Government is less likely to respond to public concerns

the poster below was placed in public building, businesses and schools by a civil rights group

At the Ballot Box
Everybody is Equal
Register and Vote

What long term policy goal of the interest group?

improving citizen's lives

Who would a citizen contact about a problem with the city roads?

the mayor

Shrimp and seafood industries in Florida are concerned about the freshwater supply from Georgia. If the freshwater supply is reduced. Florida's shrimp and seafood industries could be harmed.
Who is responsible for solving this dispute?

federal executive branch

Luis owns a small store in the downtown business district. He learned that the new monthly council meeting, the mayor will propose limiting the amount of time that people can par on the streets in the business district. Luis is afraid that if the city council approves the proposal his business will suffer.
Which of the following should be Luis's final step in attempting to resolve this issue?

presents an alternative proposal at the next council meeting

Which option represents a way that multiple perspectives are reflected in political participation?

public meetings

The headline below describes an event in U.S. History

Which public policy view is reflected in the headline?

racial equality

What is a responsibility of the U.S. Senate in foreign policy?

ratifying treaties

which action is an example of a foreign-policy decision?

the president signed an executive order restoring relations with a communist government

Which long term domestic policy goal is reflected in the graph?

career preparation

the statement below is from Executive Order 10924, president john f Kennedy, March 1,1961

what opportunities does the executive order create for citizens?

to advance the common good

what conclusion about informational NGOs can be drawn from the graph?

they have increased democratic participation

a country with very strong economic ties to the United States is allowing human rights to take place. Based on U.S foreign policy, which is an appropriate first response?

initiate diplomatic talks

the statement below was made b.y president Barack Obama on August 18, 2011.

What is the relationship between President Obama's statement and U.S. involvement in Syrian political affairs?

support for the rule of law

which statement describes communism?

the central government all economic planning

what do an absolute monarchy and an autocracy have in common

a single ruler

the image below includes a statement influence by an 1848 book.

Workers of the
World Unite!

what modern political action could be influenced by the statement?

a communist country invades a democratic country

which government system gives states the most power?


the table below shows a comparison of two different systems of government

Comparison of Federal & Unitary Systems of Government

Which information completes the table?

power shared/ power delegated

the newspaper headline below described a historical event

Daily News
First Female British Prime Minister Dies

What long term impact does this headline reflect?

expansion of the right to vote

Which branch of federal government makes laws?


The newspaper headline below describes an event in U.S History

Daily News
Cybercrime Treaty Approved

Which parts of the national government participated in the process described in the newspaper headline?

Senate and President

Which is delegated to the national government?

coining money

which statement describes a similarity between the state and the federal governments under the U.S. Constitution?

Both levels of government allow for the collection of taxes

The map below describes the number of people on death row in the United States as of 2012

What constitutional relationship does the map illustrate?

concurrent powers

which is the last step in amending in the U.S. Constitution?

three-fourths of the state legislatures, ratify the amendment

the passage below was written by U.S. Senator Barack Obama in his book.

I see democracy......

Based on the passage, which statement about the amendment process would senator Obama support?

The U.S. Constitution is difficult to amend

the diagram below shows some of the steps involved in creating a Florida state law.

what is the next step in the lawmaking process?

the bill goes to the senate for action

what do the highest courts of Florida and the U.S. have in common?

both have chief justices

the table below describes presidential vetoes

Based on the table, how has the legislative process been impacted by presidential vetoes?

the president's views are reflected in public policy

What is the correct order of Florida's courts, from lowest to highest authority?

county courts, circuit courts, District Court of Appeals, Florida Supreme Court

the diagram below provides details about the U.S. Court System

U.S. District Court----- U.S ?-----U.S. Supreme Court

Which court competes the diagram?

court of appeals

the graph below describes appeals filed by a type of appeal in the U.S. Courts of Appeals

Based on the graph, what conclusion can be drawn about Court cases in the U.S?

More civil cases are being filed without legal representation

which part of the Florida Constitution protects individual rights?

declaration of rights

The Venn diagram below compares some features of the U.S. and Florida constitutions.

Which feature completes the Venn Diagram??

guaranteed individual freedoms

the headline below describes an action by citizens.

Daily News
State Tax Amendment Rejected by FL Voters

What conclusion can be drawn from the headline?

citizens can be directly involved in policy making

Which level of government regulates driver's licenses


the Venn diagram below shows some services provided by state and local governments.

which service completes the venn diagram?

regulating savings banks

the statement below is from a document

Without support from Congress or the President...

What conclusion can be drawn from the statement?

it is illegal to suspend mail delievery

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