What are the points to be considered before migrating your application to the cloud

Are you considering moving your IT systems to the Cloud? If yes, then it is essential to comprehend the business purpose of your infrastructure and how it supports IT strategies. Given below is a five point checklist to help you reflect upon some major factors before shifting all or a part of your IT organizational structure to the Cloud.

  • Security How safe is your data in the Cloud? It is important to choose a verified Cloud Service Provider before you surrender control of your intellectual property in order to prevent your company from being on the wrong side of litigation. Preparation for security concerns should be undertaken at the beginning of any cloud strategy to ensure that the company’s data is secure. For Example: Amazon Web Services is a verified Cloud service provider and utilizes best practices to secure the users data in AWS Cloud. Learn more at AWS Security Best Practices.
  • Data Location Where will your data reside? It is vital to place your data at a location that is not contractually locked because once data is lost, recovering it is extremely difficult. Choose a cloud station that enables you to move about spontaneously, rapidly and with immediate signs of progress.
  • Disaster Recovery If your cloud computing system experiences downtime or is faced with a disaster, what is your back up strategy and how is your Cloud Service Provider going to get you out of the crisis? To ensure business continuity, it is vital for employees and clients to still have the ability to access company data. For any amount of downtime, businesses should have some knowledge of what constitutes an outage and when fiscal penalties should take effect. Learn more at AWS Disaster Recovery.
  • Scalability There is a limitation to everything. A cloud application is scalable, with a “pay as you go” strategy based on demand but even the Cloud has constraints. While framing a Cloud strategy, focus on the various “ceilings” like organization, storage, people, technology and cost to determine how much and how far your application is scalable. Determining your existing software compatibility with the Cloud is highly crucial as well. Learn more at AWS Auto Scaling.
  • Reliability It is important to determine your vendor’s margin of error, frequency of power outages and security issues. Also, keeping a check on the accessibility and availability of cloud services can help you decide the best suitable cloud service provider for your business.

Following the establishment of the requirements for your business to successfully adopt Cloud technology, you can determine the appropriate cloud provider whose services align with your business and technology goals. Mission, an AWS consulting partner believes that AWS is ahead of all other Cloud providers, as proved by Gartner.

REFERENCES: IT BusinessEdgeCloud Computing FactorsSimplify moving to the Cloud.

What is Cloud Migration?

Organizations these days are feeling the need to switch their critical application to a modernized platform. This process of placing cloud applications on a much-secured platform is called Cloud Migration.

The Need for Cloud Migration

Cloud migration services offer a vast number of advantages like reduced cost, ease of use, flexible subscription, automatic software updates, better security, and much more. As the benefits provided by migrating to the cloud are numerous; hence, the majority of the enterprises have found ease in migrating to the cloud platform.

As per the reports in Forbes, by the end of 2020, 83% of the companies will migrate their applications to the cloud. Though migrating to the cloud platform seem easy and flexible; however, organizations have to be extremely cautious about positioning their applications on the cloud.

1. Migration Architecture

The first step before migrating to the cloud is building a robust migration architecture. A systematic migration architecture is responsible for defining cloud requirements, planning resources, and designing strategies for cloud data transfer. As cloud migration strategy involves detailed technical planning and structured designing, hence the entire responsibility lies in the hands of the migration architect to make critical decisions to ensure a successful cloud migration process.

2. Cloud Platform Assessment

Enterprises find it extremely challenging to choose a cloud platform to migrate their critical applications. Optimizing the applications on a cloud platform purely depends on the APIs and technology used while developing the software. Before opting for a single cloud platform or a multi-cloud platform, organizations have to thoroughly assess the pre-requisites of their business and the technology used in their applications.

3. Total Cost

Deciding on an affordable budget for cloud migration steps becomes a crucial task for every company. Enterprises need to estimate the total cost of the resources and also be well informed about the pricing module of cloud platforms. Companies have to evaluate their infrastructure and internal resources before investing in a cloud migration approach. There are various cloud tools and third-party applications which can help grow your business and increase your productivity.

4. Cloud Provider

Before investing in cloud migration tools, it is highly essential to choose the right cloud provider. The companies should analyze and scrutinize the cloud provider based on technology, compatibility, international standards, and governing policies. An apt provider can efficiently work with your applications and offer 24/7 support to your company.

5. Security

Data is the most crucial and confidential element of any company. Every company seeks to ensure the safety and protection of its confidential information stored in devices. Organizations must thoroughly scrutinize the security policies and regulations of the cloud provider before deploying the applications on their platform. According to survey reports, more than 60% of the companies are concerned about the security measures followed by the cloud providers.

Key Things to Note From Cloud Migration

As you decide on new infrastructure, companies must consider all the significant factors while migrating their applications to the cloud platform. A Cloud Security provider should offer high security measures to ensure the protection and safety of your company’s confidential data. Migrating to the cloud is a crucial procedure, but with the right steps followed by your cloud provider, switching to a cloud platform can be a simplified process.

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