What is unique character in javascript?

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    The purpose of this article is to find unique characters in a string using JavaScript.


    Input:  Geeksforgeeks
    Output: Geksforg
    Input:  Geeksforgeeks is a great site for computer science
    Output: Geksforg Iaticmpun

    To achieve this, we have the following approaches:

    Approach 1: This is a naive approach to find the unique characters from a string. In this approach, we create a variable name uniq and we are iterating over the string using the for loop and at every iteration, we are checking if the uniq contains the character.


    function findUnique[str]{

      let uniq = "";

      for[let i = 0; i < str.length; i++]{

        if[uniq.includes[str[i]] === false]{

          uniq += str[i]



      return uniq;



    console.log[findUnique["Geeksforgeeks Is a great site for computer science"]]


    "Geksforg Iaticmpun"

    Approach 2: In this method, we use the set data structure. The set data structure contains only unique values, and we take the advantage of it. So to extract the unique values from string using Set we follow the steps below.

    • Using the split[]method convert the string into an array.
    • Create a Set using new Set[] and pass the converted array into it.
    • Now convert the set into an array using spread operator e.g:[…set]
    • And then join that array to make a string.


    function findUnique[str]{

      str = str.split[""]

      str = new Set[str];

      str = [...str].join[""];

      return str;



    console.log[findUnique["Geeksforgeeks Is a great site for computer science"]]


    "Geksforg Iaticmpun"

    Approach 3: In this approach first, we convert the string into an array using the spread operator e.g. […str] and then we apply the reduce method on that array. 


    function findUnique[str]{

      return [...str].reduce[[acc, curr]=>{

        return acc.includes[curr] ?  acc  :  acc + curr;

      }, ""]



    console.log[findUnique["Geeksforgeeks Is a great site for computer science"]]


    "Geksforg Iaticmpun"

    Approach-4: In this approach we will use a for-loop in order to iterate over the complete string and then by using the indexOf[] method we will check the index of each and every character [using charAt[] method] of the string which is either repeated or not repeated and then in an empty string [which we will declare initially] we will store all the unique characters.


    let uniqueCharacters = [stringg] => {

      let unique_characters = "";

      for [let i = 0; i < stringg.length; i++] {

        if [unique_characters.indexOf[stringg.charAt[i]] < 0] {

          unique_characters += stringg.charAt[i];



      return unique_characters;





    What are the special characters in JavaScript?

    Special characters.

    What is unique string?

    A Java String contains an immutable sequence of Unicode characters. Unlike C/C++, where string is simply an array of char , A Java String is an object of the class java. lang. String .

    How do you find unique characters in a string?

    Using the toCharArray[] method The toCharArray[] method of the String class converts the given String into an array of characters and returns it. Convert it into an array of characters. Compare each character in the array with the required one. In case of a /match the String contains the required character.

    How do you make strings unique?

    unique[c[A, B]] == make. unique[c[make. unique[A], B]] . In other words, you can append one string at a time to a vector, making it unique each time, and get the same result as applying make.

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