What steps will you take to break the chain of infection anytime sterile gloves are required

Understanding how the infection is spread is essential to our efforts to prevent and contain its spread, especially when there is no definitive treatment available.

Modes of Transmission

There are three modes of transmission: contact, droplet, airborne.

Contact Transmission

occurs when there is physical contact between an infected person/contaminated object and another person.
This can happen in two ways:

  1. Through direct contact where the infection travels to another person through touch.
  2. Through indirect contact when an individual touches an object contaminated by COVID-19.

When an infected person coughs, droplets can land on objects and surfaces around them. When another person touches these surfaces, their hands can get contaminated with the virus. If they touch their nose or mouth with contaminated hands, they can get infected. It is therefore essential to make hand hygiene a priority and wash your hands regularly.

Droplet Transmission

happens when an infected person coughs, sneezes, or talks, and tiny drops from the infected person enter another person’s eyes, nose and mouth.

Airborne Transmission

occurs when small particles in the air [

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