Which of the following statements is equivalent to the algorithm in the flowchart?

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5. “Desk-checking” refers to?[A] Testing an algorithm at the flowchart stage using several different kinds of data.[B] The continual problem programmers have with losing things.[C] Timing a program to see how fast it completes its tasks.[D] Having a fellow programmer read your pseudocode to be sure it is understandable.

6. Which of the following properties determines the words appearing in a form’s title bar?

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7. What effect will the following statement have?

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[B] It is not a valid Visual Basic statement[C] Make IbIOne invisible[D] Delete IbIOne8. the properties window plays an important role in the development of Visual Basic programs. It ismainly used?

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9. What would be a good name for a text box to hold a person’s first name?[A] txtFirstName[B] txt First Name[C] First Name[D] FirstName

10. When the user clicks a button,ـــــــــــــــــــــis raised.

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1. Which of the following is a valid name for a variable?

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2. Which of the numbers below is equivalent to 0.000017489?

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3. Which statement will display the words “Hello World” in a text box?

[A] txtBox.Text = “Hello” & World[B] txtBox.Text = “Hello” & “World”[C] txtBox.Text = “Hello” & World[D] txtBox.Text = “Hello” & “World”

4. Given the data assigned to the string variable str2 shown below, which of the following statementswill assign the value ALL to the string variable str1?

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5. What is the value of [“12/15/09”]. Substring [3,2]?

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6. Asc [“A”] is 65. What is displayed by txtBox.Text = Chr[65] & “BC”?

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7. Which of the following is true?[A] “Cat” = “cat”[B] Relational operators are only valid for numeric value[C] “Cat” < “cat”[D] “Cat”

8. Which of the following is a valid Visual Basic conditional statement?

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9. Which value for X would make the following condition true: Not [x >= 5]

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10. Suppose that the selector in a Select Case block is the string variable myVar. Which of thefollowing is NOT a valid Case clause?

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    - A procedure for solving a problem in terms of the actions to be executed, and the order in which these actions are to be executed, is called an algorithm.

    - Specifying the order in which statements are to be executed in a computer program is called program control.

    - Pseudocode is an artificial and informal language that helps programmers develop algorithms. It helps the programmer "think out" a program before attempting to write it in a programming language.

    - Usually statements in a program are executed one after another in the order in which they are written. This is called sequential execution. However, some C++ statements could be written that enable the programmer to specify that the next statement to be executed may be other than the next one in sequence. This is called transfer of control- reminds the notorious "goto" statements of the past.

    - All programs could be written in terms of only three control structures:
    Sequence structure, [DEFAULT in C++]
    Selection structure, [USE OF 'if', 'if/else', 'switch'] and
    Repetition structure. [USE OF 'while', 'do/while','for']

    - A flow chart is a graphical representation of an algorithm or of a portion of an algorithm. Flowcharts are drawn using certain special-purpose symbols such as rectangles, diamonds, ovals, and small circles connected by arrows called flowlines.

    Usual meaning of flowchart symbols:

    -OVAL - one containing the word "Begin" and the other containing the word "End"
    - These are the usual first and last symbols of a flowchart.

    -RECTANGLE - action symbol
    -indicates an action to be taken like a calculation etc.

    -DIAMOND - decision symbol
    -indicates a decision is to be made.

    - keywords are words reserved by the language to implement various features and are those that should not be used as identifiers such as for variable names.

    The following are C++ keywords:

    asm, auto, break, bool, case, char, catch, class, const, const_cast, continue, delete, default, do, double, dynamic_cast, else, enum, explicit, extern, false, float, for, friend, goto, if, inline, int, long, mutable, namespace, new, operator, private, protected, public, register, reinterpret_cast, return, short, signed, sizeof, static, static_cast, struct, switch, template, this, throw, true, try, typedef, typeid, typename, union, unsigned, using, virtual, void, volatile, wchar_t, while.


    - A selection structure is used to choose among alternative courses of action.


    If students's grade is greater than or equal to 60
    Print "Passed".

    C++ statement

    if [ grade >= 60]
    cout = 60 ? cout = 90 ]
    cout = 80 ]
    cout = 70 ]
    cout = 60 ]

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