Windows 7 Remote Desktop fix

CJRhoads-2988 asked Jul 15, '21 | CherylMora-4564 commented Sep 6, '21

Remote Desktop stopped working

I have been using Remote Desktop Connection from my laptop to my desktop [both Windows 10] without issue for the last year. For some reason, within the last week, I am getting an error message and I can't connect anymore. I've spent hours reading information from a variety of websites on how to fix this problem and checked all the settings I know how to check, and yet I can't get it to work. Can someone help me?

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CJRhoads-2988 · Jul 15 at 03:00 PM

Additional info
When I try the remote desktop connection icon I've always used, I get this:
1] Remote access to the server is not enabled
2] The remote computer is turned off
3] The remote computer is not available on the network

After installing the Remote Desktop Client from the Microsoft Store [recommended in another thread] I get this:
We couldn't find the remote PC. Make sure the PC name is correct, and try connecting again. If that doesn't work, you can try using the remote PC's IP address.

Error code: 0x260
Extended error code: 0x0
Activity ID: {93e2484f-558c-407d-8aa0-c43038c40000}

However, I see the remote PC under my Network in File Explorer. And I've checked and double-checked all the settings: Remote Connection is turned on, the firewall is completely off at this point [just until it gets working again and then I will try without it, because Remote Desktop Connection is already allowed through the firewall].

Furthermore, this is a private home network. It used to be called CJ-Office, but in trying to get this to work I switched to Private and used the default name [WORKGROUP]

Any help anyone could give would be most appreciated.

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JiaYou-MSFT CJRhoads-2988 · Jul 19 at 09:48 AM

HI CJRhoads-2988,

Is there any progress on your question?

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JiaYou-MSFT JiaYou-MSFT · Jul 23 at 02:55 PM

HI CJRhoads-2988,

Is there anything to help you?

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CherylMora-4564 · Sep 06 at 02:38 AM

My Windows 10 computer is now saying in the Settings that Remote Desktop is not supported for Windows 10 Home Edition. It now wants me to upgrade to Pro!!?? I've used it many times in the past. That's so wrong Microsoft!!!

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JiaYou-MSFT answered Jul 16, '21 | FuWong-8975 commented Aug 31, '21


0x260 means :There is insufficient account information to log you on

0.Are both win10 computer in the same network segment and in the same workgroup?

"For some reason, within the last week, I am getting an error message and I can't connect anymore. "
1.Could you please enter below powershell command to check if we installed update patches recently on both local win10 and remote win10?

2.Could you please enter winver in command prompt on win10 computer and look the os version and os version number ?[for example windows 10 enterprise 1809 [os build 17763.316]]

3.Which account do you use to remote access from local win10 to remote win10 by using Microsoft account or local administrator account?

4.Did you check remote desktop configuration services and remote desktop service are always running on both local win10 and remote win10?

5.when we run below command on both local computer and remote windows 10 locally, will the picture like below?
netstat -a -o -n |find "3389"

6.Please reproduce your issue again, then we can check the detail information log in below event logs on local win10 computer, can we find which phrase did we stop and why we stop at this phrase.
in general, there are 3 phrase:
[1]initiating remote connection
[2]securing remote connection
[3]configuring remote connection
client win10
event viewer\windows logs\
Event Viewer Applications and Services Logs -Microsoft-terminalservices-clientactivatexcore
microsoft-winodws-terminalservices-rdpclient/analytic enable
microsoft-winodws-terminalservices-rdpclient/debug enable
microsoft-winodws-terminalservices-rdpclient/operational enable
Event Viewer Applications and Services Logs -Microsoft-Windows-RemoteDesktopServices-SessionServices_Operational
Event Viewer Applications and Services Logs -RemoteApp and Desktop Connections_Operational
Event Viewer Applications and Services Logs -Microsoft-Windows-RemoteDesktopServices-RdpCoreTS_Admin
Event Viewer Applications and Services Logs -Microsoft-Windows-RemoteDesktopServices-RdpCoreTS_Operational
Event Viewer Applications and Services Logs -Microsoft-Windows-RemoteDesktopServices-sessionservices

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FuWong-8975 · Aug 31 at 03:06 PM


Running the netstat command for me also returns nothing.
It means that my RDP is not listening.

Please tell me how I can ensure it is enabled.

I already have "System" > "Remote Desktop" > "Enable Remote Desktop" toggled on.
I've followed some guides to toggle it off, reboot. Toggle it on, reboot.

It was all working before installing windows 10 feature update 21H1

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CJRhoads-2988 answered Jul 23, '21 | CJRhoads-2988 published Jul 23, '21

[I tried to put this in the comment of the post that you made, but it exceeds the number of characters allowed. I'm not sure this is correctly posted.]

I'm sorry, but I didn't see this earlier. I have a lot of trouble with Microsoft Community Support because I have two different accounts [personal and business] but it keeps getting logged in as one and I can't figure out how to get it to let go so I can log in as another. This time I messed around enough times that I got all the way in with my personal account.

Anyway - that's neither here nor there. Here are the answers to your questions:
0.Are both win10 computer in the same network segment and in the same workgroup?
CJ Answer: YES

"For some reason, within the last week, I am getting an error message and I can't connect anymore. "
1.Could you please enter below powershell command to check if we installed update patches recently on both local win10 and remote win10?
CJ Answer:
Source Description HotFixID InstalledBy InstalledOn

CJR-DELLDE... Update KB5003537 NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM 7/14/2021 12:00:00 AM
CJR-DELLDE... Update KB4559309 NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM 8/28/2020 12:00:00 AM
CJR-DELLDE... Security Update KB4561600 NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM 8/28/2020 12:00:00 AM
CJR-DELLDE... Security Update KB4570334 NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM 8/28/2020 12:00:00 AM
CJR-DELLDE... Security Update KB4577266 NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM 9/8/2020 12:00:00 AM
CJR-DELLDE... Security Update KB4580325 NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM 10/14/2020 12:00:00 AM
CJR-DELLDE... Security Update KB4586864 NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM 11/11/2020 12:00:00 AM
CJR-DELLDE... Security Update KB4593175 NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM 12/9/2020 12:00:00 AM
CJR-DELLDE... Security Update KB4598481 NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM 1/13/2021 12:00:00 AM
CJR-DELLDE... Update KB5000736 NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM 7/15/2021 12:00:00 AM
CJR-DELLDE... Security Update KB5004237 NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM 7/14/2021 12:00:00 AM
CJR-DELLDE... Security Update KB5003742 NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM 7/8/2021 12:00:00 AM

[While I didn't actually enter the info from the other computer, it also updated on July 14, 2021.

2.Could you please enter winver in command prompt on win10 computer and look the os version and os version number ?[for example windows 10 enterprise 1809 [os build 17763.316]]
Winver is
Windows 10 Pro, Version 21H1 [OS Build 19043.1110]

3.Which account do you use to remote access from local win10 to remote win10 by using Microsoft account or local administrator account?
CJ Answer: I tried both. The laptop appears on the network and can be connected from the desktop, but the desktop cannot be seen by the laptop. After rebooting, it appears under network for a short time, then disappears. Even when it is there, however, I get the same error message when trying to connect.

4.Did you check remote desktop configuration services and remote desktop service are always running on both local win10 and remote win10?
CJ Answer: YES

5.when we run below command on both local computer and remote windows 10 locally, will the picture like below?
netstat -a -o -n |find "3389"
CJ Answer: That command doesn't appear to work either on CMD or on Powershell. This is what I get on Powershell
find : FIND: Parameter format not correct
At line:1 char:19
+ netstat -a -o -n |find "3389"
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: [FIND: Parameter format not correct:String] [], RemoteException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : NativeCommandError

On CMD I don't get any response at all.

6.Please reproduce your issue again, then we can check the detail information log in below event logs on local win10 computer, can we find which phrase did we stop and why we stop at this phrase.
in general, there are 3 phrase:
[1]initiating remote connection
[2]securing remote connection
[3]configuring remote connection
client win10
event viewer\windows logs\
Event Viewer Applications and Services Logs -Microsoft-terminalservices-clientactivatexcore
microsoft-winodws-terminalservices-rdpclient/analytic enable
microsoft-winodws-terminalservices-rdpclient/debug enable
microsoft-winodws-terminalservices-rdpclient/operational enable
Event Viewer Applications and Services Logs -Microsoft-Windows-RemoteDesktopServices-SessionServices_Operational
Event Viewer Applications and Services Logs -RemoteApp and Desktop Connections_Operational
Event Viewer Applications and Services Logs -Microsoft-Windows-RemoteDesktopServices-RdpCoreTS_Admin
Event Viewer Applications and Services Logs -Microsoft-Windows-RemoteDesktopServices-RdpCoreTS_Operational
Event Viewer Applications and Services Logs -Microsoft-Windows-RemoteDesktopServices-sessionservices

CJ Responds: I don't understand what you are asking me to do. Can someone help me dynamically?

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JiaYou-MSFT answered Jul 26, '21


Please check if we enable remote desktop feature like below document mentioned.
How to Enable Remote Desktop [RDP] in Windows 10

We can enter command in CMD manually like above picture mentioned
netstat -a -o -n |find "3389"

I don't understand what you are asking me to do. Can someone help me dynamically?
When issue happen, we can enter eventvwr,.msc in CMD to open event viwer then check one item by one item.
we can check the detail information log in below each event logs on local win10 computer and remote PC.

6 Ways to Open Event Viewer in Windows 10

in general, there are 3 phrase:
[1]initiating remote connection
[2]securing remote connection
[3]configuring remote connection
client win10
event viewer\windows logs\
Event Viewer Applications and Services Logs -Microsoft-terminalservices-clientactivatexcore
microsoft-winodws-terminalservices-rdpclient/analytic enable
microsoft-winodws-terminalservices-rdpclient/debug enable
microsoft-winodws-terminalservices-rdpclient/operational enable
Event Viewer Applications and Services Logs -Microsoft-Windows-RemoteDesktopServices-SessionServices_Operational
Event Viewer Applications and Services Logs -RemoteApp and Desktop Connections_Operational
Event Viewer Applications and Services Logs -Microsoft-Windows-RemoteDesktopServices-RdpCoreTS_Admin
Event Viewer Applications and Services Logs -Microsoft-Windows-RemoteDesktopServices-RdpCoreTS_Operational
Event Viewer Applications and Services Logs -Microsoft-Windows-RemoteDesktopServices-sessionservices

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CJRhoads-2988 answered Jul 26, '21

I'm sorry but your instructions make no sense. I did already verify that remote connection was running on both computers, so I'm not sure why you are asking me to verify that.

As I said, when I run netstat -a -o -n |find "3389" on the command line [cmd] nothing at all happens. The prompt just comes back. I don't get any information like it shows in the picture.

Repeating the same steps that don't make sense [did you mean phase, not phrase? which computer do I open the event viewer on? Are these menu items I should find or commands I type in?] isn't very helpful. Could you please provide more explicit instructions?

Your six ways to open the viewer don't do me any good BECAUSE THE COMPUTER I WANT TO CONNECT WITH DOESN'T APPEAR and the error message says that it is not there, despite the fact that it is.

In any case - I'm out of time. I'm leaving now for the trip for which I needed remote access, so I won't be able to try any of this until I return August 17. I'll come back and try again with your help then.

Thanks for trying so far, and I'll chat further with you in August.


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